Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 51 Depressed Night

Chapter 51 Depressed Night

After entering the game, she stayed in her den for a while before going out. There were really a lot fewer people on the street, especially the female players. She didn't see any of them.

Walked up to the Baiyan Building she was familiar with, ordered a dish or two at random, and started to eat slowly.Today's Baiyan Building is extremely deserted, and with her added, there are only two tables of people eating. Alas, celebrities, especially beautiful ones, have extraordinary charms. Maybe she really hits the mark. Being released as a pigeon!
Dizi didn't send a message, Feng Wu Feiyang dropped a message first, but he didn't reply for a long time, it seems that he hasn't been online yet, maybe he won't be online, he smiled self-deprecatingly, it seems that everyone is normal but he is not normal Bar!

However, it is really difficult to connect that cute boy with the big star.There is no difference whether I like it or not, it's just that I feel surprised.

I was walking randomly without a destination, and accidentally walked outside the city. The closest to the city was a plain with only a few sparse trees. From it, I could see some monsters moving in the woods. I was not in the mood to fight monsters, and some Lazily, he took a medicine given by Doctor Huang, and didn't plan to pick any herbs, just wanted to wander around.

It feels like there are really few people today. Feng Wu Feiyang lay on the grass alone, thinking about it with a little sigh, but she didn't think about where she wandered by herself.

In the case that the generality does not exceed level 55, the area where she is located has monsters above level [-], and few people can pick it up.

Perhaps because of Chu Yun, the number of players in Worry-free World will be much less today, but for the Worry-free World opened to the entire galaxy, the number of players is only a little bit, it's all due to her psychological factors!

Beep beep, you have new news, you have new news!The prompt sound of the system appeared at the right time, so Feng Wu Feiyang didn't react for a while, and it took a while to remember that when he sent a message to Dizi just now, he adjusted it to a voice reminder.

Uh, the voice is quite sweet!Open the player log, where are you?
Simple, or the lovely sound of the flute in her memory, the voice form passed into her ears. "what about you?"

"Uh, that, I'm sorry, because our school has some activities tonight, so..." Dizi looked embarrassed on the other side and didn't know what to say.Because of Chu Yun's arrival, the whole school is not very attentive in class, not only girls, but countless boys also like him, but it may be because he is still young, many boys have no other thoughts, just pure appreciation , will not have a comparative mentality or a jealous mentality like those older stars.

Although I guessed it a long time ago, it is quite satisfying to still remember to send a message to me when I am in ecstasy, but I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. It turns out that she is really the most abnormal, look, no It's not just their school, not just the people they saw on the way back from the car, even Dizi and the others are the same. It's really hard to find someone who has the same thoughts or a confidant as her!
"It's okay!" The faint voice made Dizi feel that she was a little unhappy. Although it seemed that nothing had changed, her keen ears could still hear that Feng Wu's voice was a little bit colder.Uh, although she never had an expression other than indifference, at least she didn't see it!

For a moment, she didn't know what to say, just when Feng Wu Feiyang thought she had gone offline, "Where is it now?"

Ah...she didn't think, alas, "It's okay, I'm going to go offline later, my friends are still waiting for me to watch Chu Yun together!"

She said almost subconsciously, she didn't know why she was lying, and then even she didn't know what she was talking about, and when she woke up from the daze, she had already said goodbye!
Standing up, patting the grass clippings on your body, lamenting the verisimilitude of the worry-free world, while idling around, not wanting to do anything for a while.

The discomfort in my heart still hasn't dissipated, but I don't understand why, Dizi and the others are letting the pigeons go, this has long been expected, and the friendship between them is not very deep, and it can even be said that they are just acquaintances It's just sewing, according to my own temperament, I won't be angry for such a small matter.

That's because of the behavior of Xing Xing and the others, it's okay, everyone has their favorite things, favorite characters, aren't idols just for people to worship?And except for Xingxing's exaggerated performance, the others are even much better than those students in school.

Or is it because I saw Chu Yun on TV?Unlike Xing Xing and the others, speaking of which, she still got along with that so-called big star, maybe because he was so ordinary at that time except for his appearance, the deepest impression was that beautiful face with a blush, not that kind of light at all Seeing it on TV now, do you feel that it is no longer the way you remember it?
A little discouraged, she threw away the blade of grass that she picked up casually in her hand, she... what's wrong, are you worried?How is it possible, since then, haven't you said to be a heartless and lungless person?It's not just the indifference on the outside but the bottom of the heart, the disappointing him and her!
It's a friend, a relative, or even a lover, but if you do this, don't you just give up at that time?It's none of her business to worry about or feel uncomfortable now!
Today's Fengwu Feiyang's face is not the usual indifference, but a kind of faint sadness, because the memory buried in the bottom of my heart, I want to escape, but I can't escape the things in the memory, it is too deep, so it is hard to forget!I can't forget it, and I'm so sad at the end, I can't... Those past events... I don't want to! ... Thinking back again, even if it once brought happiness, but, the last thing I can't forget is the loneliness when I hurt the most.

Take a deep breath, all the expressions on her face seem to be short-lived, and the rest is the familiar indifference, nothing to do, right, then leveling up, look at her level when she formed a team with Dizi and the others. A few percent of the experience has been upgraded, and now it is only level 49, which is quite a bit worse than the high level of Soaring Level 51, which ranks first in the rankings. The higher the level, the harder it is to level up. I only realized it when I was in a team.

Look at the monsters nearby, around level [-], uh, let's change the place, she can't move these things, maybe a dozen of them are all MISS, even the lock of BT is difficult to change!
Take a few random turns, although you decide to fight monsters, there is no purpose, just walk around, look at random, and fight monsters again when you see something suitable, it's not bad to upgrade!

If the level is too high, don’t fight, if it’s too ugly, don’t fight, uh, climbed a mountain, crossed a river, turned over a beam, the time to see the medicine is coming, look here, there are green trees and red flowers, of course, if the red flowers are It's better not to have a big millstone, let alone open your mouth when you walk next to it!

Piranha, according to the stars, is a normal monster. It is full of beauty. Of course, this means that when it is not moving, no matter how beautiful it is, it will not be too beautiful when it bites you with its big mouth.

Level 51 is still manageable for her, but is she really going to hit them?They bite very fiercely!
It's a pity that she was not given a time to choose. Piranha took the initiative to help her make a decision. This is not a novice village. There are no merciful monsters. The effect of the medicine has just worn off, and the few monsters nearby are like cats that have smelled fishy smell. The same rushed over here.

Uh, the instinctive reaction of Feng Wu Feiyang, who always remembers to save his life, is to throw a group lock first, but he didn't expect that there was one that was not locked, and then threw a small lock before leaving, although it cost more than 100 blood points!Look at the loss of one-fifth of the blood, and never dare to let them touch it again!

Burning, freezing, and the poison and lock that you will never forget, hey, you must know that the poison and lock are the most powerful of the poison mage!How can you be soft!

Looking at the beautiful flowers swaying in the wind, now Fengwu Feiyang has learned to ignore the big bloody mouth in the middle of the flower as much as possible, and it can also be seen as a scenery!

It consumes a lot of mana, but the red medicine is useless. Fortunately, Feng Wu Feiyang is rich and powerful!It's rare that she knows to take the initiative to level up today, and the speed is not slower than when she practiced with Xing Xing and the others!
The fallen flowers were all piece by piece, but the appearance was a bit ugly, after adding water and fire, and adding a little poison from time to time, no flower was complete when it fell, and all of them shook off. flower rain!
The anger is gone, let's look at the level again, damn, who is it, who said that the level is not easy to upgrade, why did this lady accidentally increase two levels, quickly open the leaderboard, fortunately Aoxiang is still at the top of the list, although He only went up one level!
It’s good that you didn’t steal someone else’s top spot!Feng Wufei Yang's energy was released, her level also rose, and she began to wander back!
(End of this chapter)

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