Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 290 Affected Poetry

Chapter 290 Affected Poetry
Lingxin's rough nerves became sensitive at this time. She could see Xiangling's expression clearly. She opened her mouth to say something, but she saw Xiangling's irritable expression and stopped talking. She knew that , If we continue, Xiangling's irritable temper will probably explode.

Recently, I don't know if it's because of the bad luck. Anyway, they didn't encounter any good things. On the contrary, bad things happened one after another.

Even Ou Ya, the most tempered and gentle among them, was too busy with her own affairs and had no time to adjust her companion's emotions. Although it didn't happen to Xiang Ling, it was closely related to her. Naturally, she was full of anger , just waiting for someone to ignite it, so that I can have a good vent.

It's a pity that the spiritual heart, which has never known the truth in the past, has a radar-like feeling this time, and it escaped a catastrophe abruptly, which made Xiangling even more breathless. God bless, it is best not to Those who don't have a good eye are put on the building, otherwise, the consequences should be very beautiful.

The ultimate goal was not achieved, but fortunately, Lingxin didn't play his temper like the previous two days, which can be regarded as a gain.

Ou Ya's emotions also infected everyone, and everyone had some thoughts about the upcoming Soaring Wedding Banquet.

Poetry and Painting appeared in Youyouxiaozhu as soon as she entered the game. Of course, it was not because she was here when she played the game, but because she took advantage of the speed of the teleportation stone. Bing Han, as for Xing Xing, everyone knows her awkward mentality, so she doesn't force anything, as long as she doesn't show her face.

When they returned to their bamboo building, the first thing they did was of course to find Feng Wu Feiyang, which was the main reason they came back in a hurry.It is also because of this that I have seen the rare tacit understanding of several friends.

But I couldn't help muttering a few words in my heart, why is this like a firefighting field, rushing one after another?

When they came to the small bamboo building where the wind danced and flew, they found that there was no movement in it, er, yes, with Feng Wufeiyang's personality, some people couldn't utter a word for a long time, and they didn't speak unless necessary. What's more, she is the only one now!Suddenly, Daan had an idea at the same time, how long, but to live in the small nest in Rising Sun City for a while, the space there is not as big as here, and it is not as beautiful as here, but it also gathers together for a few people. Let it be like this, just walk in here, what comes to your face is a breath called loneliness.

I didn't see anyone, and I didn't even need to look for other places. I could easily find it by looking for her upward studio in turn.

Sure enough, several people heard the sound of ding ding dong dong on the second floor. Xiang Ling, who was very familiar with this sound, closed his eyes slightly, and enjoyed listening to this beautiful movement.

They didn't go up. Those who had been with her for a long time knew that if they went to Feng Wu Feiyang when she was working seriously, they would not get any response in all likelihood.So they don't bother themselves anymore. Anyway, now is their vacation time, and the most important thing is time. For them, although they are very interested in this game, they haven't reached the point where they must race against time to stand on the ranking list. On the contrary, for them, it is troublesome to always be on the top of the ranking list. If someone can squeeze them down, they are still very welcome.

It's just that they started at a higher level than others, and this wish is not easy to realize. In addition, the location of Youyouxiaozhu is simply the right time, place, people and everything. It is difficult to want to be lower than others.

In the past few days, Shiqinghuayi has become the third lonely talent, flat and full of depression, even if the smile on her face falls in their eyes, it seems reluctant.

As soon as the three of them entered the pavilion, their poetic mood returned to the habitual trance. The confused expression on their faces made people feel distressed. Their eyes had no focus and no expression. I am afraid they were not even thinking, they were completely in a daze.Staying next to her, there is always a feeling of death, which makes Xiang Ling's impression of Aoxiang extremely bad. I really can't believe that Aoxiang didn't know the poetic feelings at the beginning. Since he couldn't accept it, he ended up getting her into such a deep trap.

Xiangling couldn't stand the low pressure, so he had to say, "Poetry, are you okay? Why are you in a daze?" At the beginning, the patent belonging to Xingxing also appeared on her, and she was really affected unconsciously.

"It's okay." Although he said it was okay, he sighed naturally before he finished the sentence. Xiang Ling opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say. Among them, the gentle, poetic and picturesque spirit has always been responsible for enlightenment. And none of them are good at this.

Not to mention Xing Xing who is still worrying alone now, and Feng Wu Feiyang who is hiding and doing things, the two of them here, Bing Han has always been rare to speak, and although she doesn't like to say much, but she has a very straightforward temper, I'm afraid this When things fall into her eyes, she will only feel that poetry and painting are doing unnecessary troubles. It is rare to be willing to accompany her now. As for Xiangling herself, she still has self-knowledge. Regarding her own temperament, let her swear without using dirty words She may be able to make others cry, but if she is asked to persuade others, oh my god, it's a joke, I really think she doesn't know, Xing Xing has nothing good to say about her behind her back, how can she talk about this matter? Can do it.

"Why don't we go shopping today!" I don't know how to persuade, so I have to find a way elsewhere. Anyway, her persuasion is more like scolding. For example, when Xing Xing was angry last time, that was a living example.

"Forget it, I don't have anything to buy." Poetry was listless, her smile seemed like a flower without water, she just wanted to stay here by herself, to be here without moving, to clear her mind, to care about nothing, to think about nothing , Shopping, I don’t even want to.

"Let her stay for a while, let's go first." She doesn't need us now.As a bystander, Binghan can see it more clearly than Xiangling. She knows that people like poetry and painting are not used to sharing their thoughts. At this time, they want to be alone. She doesn't want to talk. I don't need company, I just want to be alone, don't think about anything, don't care about anything.

is this okay?Xiang Ling is a little unsure. It is really confusing if you have nothing to do with yourself. It cannot be said that Xiang Ling does not regard Xing Xing as one of her own, but treats her cousin like this. In Xiang Ling's mind, her cousin usually does not need to care too much. , which makes people feel reassured, but stars, on the other hand, must be looked at all the time, otherwise no one will know when she has caused harm to others.

On the contrary, Xing Xing's personality is cheerful from the start, and anger is often only a momentary moment. She can quickly figure it out by herself, no matter what method she uses. It makes people worry, but poetry and painting are different. I am used to carrying everything by myself. I don’t talk about it when I’m tired, and I don’t scream when it hurts. As time goes by, there is a corner in my heart that no one can enter. , Not only can no one help, even the companions don't know what to do.

"Let's go!" Binghan's attitude is rare and resolute, which leaves no room for Xiangling's rare understanding, but Binghan, who usually seldom talks, is so resolute that Xiangling doesn't know how to say no. A little worried, she followed Binghan who had already turned around and left. Her attitude seemed to have said everything she should say, and she would not do her business if she didn't do it. Can't vent.

Poetic and picturesque, as if they didn't know that the two had left at all, the same posture, the same movement, the same watch, the blind can see that she is not well now.That empty expression was thicker than any sadness.

Perhaps, the three meals a day must be served because of Xiangling's temper, so she didn't become the first person to violate it.Perhaps, when Chu Yun left in the morning, it was hard for her to pull herself together because of Feng Wu Feiyang.But at the last moment, when watching Xing Xing vent his anger again, he thought of himself.

Xingxing's matter is really similar to her matter.The only difference is that Xingxing is more courageous than her, while Chu Yun is more determined than Soaring. She knows what she wants and has been working hard towards that direction. The most important thing is that Chu Yun's age He is small and has a kind heart. He knows that saying some things may cause a bad reaction, but he still chooses to do so. Even if people want to blame him, they can't.

Although there is a difference between day and night in the worry-free world, it is only the intensity of the light, and there is no sun or moon. When Feng Wu Fei Yang came out, she saw Poetic and Picturesque squatting there. When she entered her studio again After finishing her work, the result is still the same.

In fact, her attitude is similar to Binghan's, and without too many personal feelings, she knows that what poetry and painting want is not company, but getting along alone, but, seeing that the sky is getting dark, it seems that she can't be hungry in this game , unlike in real life, it is not a problem to starve it for a meal or two. Many girls who lose weight have done this kind of thing. In the worry-free world, if you are too hungry, you will have character status problems.I really don't know if it's good or bad.

"Why haven't the flowers bloomed yet?" Alas, if she guessed correctly, Xiang Ling and the others should have come to find her to accompany her. How could it be like this?

In fact, the system has already reminded her several times that her current game character is in a weak state, which coincides with her mood.

"Yeah, why don't the flowers bloom?" It turns out that there are really not many things that can be changed by her will, and there are too many things that can't be changed by her willingness or not. His eyes were full of regret.

"How about going to Baiyan Building." Suddenly, there was a feeling of nostalgia. When Feng Wu Feiyang watched Shi Qinghuayi struggle to stand up, he couldn't help laughing. Uh, do they look like starving ghosts?In fact, she herself, she is also similar to poetic and picturesque. She entered the bamboo building and never came out. The character status is also full of red, and even the last time given by the system is less than 10 minutes.Their statuses all have two big yellow Chinese characters on them, weak. If you do not eat within 10 minutes, two big red Chinese characters will appear, which means you will be dizzy.

She glanced at Fengwu Feiyang in a complicated way, probably even Shiqinghuayi herself couldn't figure out what she was thinking. The cheating device, the teleportation stone, can directly reach the teleportation array of Rising Sun City, so there is no need to go from the bamboo building to the teleportation array of the Youyouxiaozhu. This is the favorite of lazy people like them.

When the two appeared in the City of the Rising Sun, they attracted a lot of attention. Who made it so obvious that they were hungry!You know, except for careless players, it's really uncommon for people to be like this.

Moreover, the two of them are neat and tidy, and they don't look like they are fighting monsters and doing tasks. There is no way, the weak state of the worry-free world is so easy to recognize. Everyone can see it at a glance. Two people who usually don't want to be in the limelight are here. This time is very popular. Fortunately, there are not many people in the main city who know the two people at this time. It is daylight, those who do tasks do tasks, and those who fight monsters fight monsters. In the main city.

Although the two are not too famous, they have made their heads a few times, especially Fengwu Feiyang. Although the biggest secret has not been announced, there are a lot of accidents, from the monster siege of Yunmeng to the screenshot of Yaoyao , and then a big star Chu Yun suddenly appeared, and the news on her was one after another. It was good luck for the two of them not to be recognized by the players.

Arriving at the old seat of the Baiyan Building, the two of them sighed. Although the poetic and picturesque mood is still a little lacklustre, it is not as serious as the lack of spirit in the leisurely small building just now. To accompany her in the speech, perhaps, this is the reason why Shiqinghuayi agreed to follow Fengwu Feiyang. At this time, too much concern for her can't bear it.

Delicious food came up soon. The food in Baiyanlou is famous in the worry-free world. It is delicious in color and fragrance. There are many that you can't eat in the real world. Although they don't really exist, but here, 100% simulation tastes no different from reality.

Moreover, what Feng Wu Feiyang ordered were all the dishes that the two of them loved, so it was rare to waste one time, and only when the table was full did they stop.It's a pity that the poetic and picturesque taste tastes the face, but the movements are sent to the mouth mechanically, and nothing can be seen on the face. Alas, at this time, everything is probably the same in her mouth. It is a waste of her kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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