Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 286 Star Restoration

Chapter 286 Star Restoration
Thinking about it the other way around, if Xing Xing is really allowed to take on the responsibility of being the leader of Youyou Xiaozhu, I'm afraid it's not just her, Sinan, even Xiangling and the others won't be at ease. Youyouxiaozhu went on willfully together. At that time, they couldn't clean up the mess behind them. As for the matter of changing Xingxing, after this incident, they more or less gave up.

The atmosphere seemed to have recovered, only Chu Yun was not used to it, it seemed that just now, someone was still furious, why everyone has become nonchalant now, I really wonder if my memory is wrong.

"Isn't this very good?" Knowing that Chu Yun must not have the rough nerves that they have been honed by the stars, Feng Wu Feiyang said a word, but is this persuasion?Or unravel?Or nothing, everything?
Uh... It seems to be the case. As long as the result is good, why bother about how it goes. The most important thing is that Xingxing's temperament seems to be that the more she tries to persuade her, the more enthusiastic she becomes. She likes to screw with others and no one tries to persuade her. She I'm fine myself.

Looking at Feng Wufei Yang who was walking in front of him, Chu Yun suddenly had the urge to sigh. The stars he didn't want to know were like a piece of blank paper. Even he, who had known her for a short time, could guess a few things about her. Fengwu Feiyang's personality, which he wants to understand, seems simple, but it is often difficult for him to see through it.

Call her indifferent, but sometimes she reveals that is not the case, as if it is just an appearance she made to confuse the world, call him indifferent, but you can often see how much she cares about her friends, but To outsiders, she always has a seemingly non-existent attitude, which makes him feel that she is actually a contradictory person, and she is the kind of person who hides herself.Even he didn't seem to really enter her world.

"What's wrong?" Feng Wu Feiyang was walking and found that Chu Yun was much slower, so she stopped and waited for him to come forward before asking. "Don't think about Xingxing anymore. That's how out of control she is."

Chu Yun's face turned red again, she let out a sigh of relief, and nodded quickly. Fortunately, Feng Wu Feiyang mistakenly thought that he was still troubled by this matter. It's even more impossible to know that he is thinking about her at all, but when he hears Feng Wu's voice, he still feels guilty.

Seeing Chu Yun nodding, Feng Wu Feiyang didn't say anything more, Chu Yun took two quick steps to catch up with Feng Wu Feiyang's pace, the two people walking side by side didn't notice, and the few people in the front seemed to turn around Staring at the two of them, the bright eyes of the subject of their topic dimmed, but recovered in an instant, talking and laughing with everyone in a louder voice.

Xing Xing had a convulsion a few days ago. Although everyone didn't really show it too much on the surface, in fact everyone still had some worries in their hearts. Now, seeing that the soul has recovered by itself, of course I am happy, so no one left. Let's go together I went to the gazebo over the lotus pond to chat.

"By the way, Chu Yun, aren't you a big star very busy? Why do you have time to come here?" Feng Wu Feiyang also asked this question before, but Xing Xing didn't know, and Xing Xing is also a fierce woman , nothing else can be seen on her body, it seems to be the same as before, making people feel that her trouble was just a dream, and she is even more concerned about Meng Yun's affairs as usual, making people confused for a while.

"Our school is on holiday too!" Chu Yun was a little depressed. Why did everyone think he shouldn't show up now? Why was it natural for them, as students, to have a holiday, but it was unacceptable for him, who was also a student? , this is common sense, okay? Which school’s students don’t have a holiday now? It’s the New Year. This is a custom that has been passed down for thousands of years. How can it be easily changed? It will not be different just because of the students.

"Then aren't you very busy? Shouldn't famous stars be very busy? There are endless announcements all day long." Xingxing blinked her eyes wide, pretending that she didn't see Chu Yun's depression, and didn't let him go easily Thinking that her star is also a young and beautiful girl, she actually tasted the taste of a secret love, and the worst thing is that she was rejected without even giving her a chance to confess.How can this make the breath in her stomach calm.

"I also need some private time, I'm not as good as a robot." What does it mean for a famous star to catch up on announcements all day long? It means that he is not famous enough, so he has time to hang out.Huh, you know, he spent so much time in the first place. If it weren't for An Ge not being one of those vampire-like managers in the entertainment industry, he would be just like what Xingxing said, he would have a lot of money every day. There are endless announcements, and even a good night's sleep is a luxury.

"Oh, it turns out that you also have time to rest. Watching the reports on you on TV seems to never stop. I thought you needed to work every day." Xing Xing suddenly realized, but the strong interest The eyes make it hard to believe it.

"There are still things that can be recorded in this world." Chu Yun is now almost sure that Xing Xing is simply trying to trouble him, and it seems that she is planning to vent her anger on him.He knew that he knew, but he had nothing to say, there was no way, no matter what, he hurt the self-esteem of the little beauty.Chu Yun's emotional intelligence is a little low, and it's only experienced in Feng Wu Feiyang.As for IQ, how could it be so bad to be successful in the entertainment industry at the age of 16?

"Oh, yes, it's because I don't know much." Xing Xing didn't seem to be embarrassed at all, and the expression on her face really showed that she understood.

Chu Yun had no intention of answering, and he also knew that Feng Wu Feiyang would definitely not help him.Just when everyone was waiting for what Xingxing would do next, Xingxing stopped fighting and didn't say anything else. Her bright smile showed her good mood, and no one could understand what was going on.

When they returned to the lotus pond, there was already someone waiting for them in the pavilion.Several people were a little surprised to see the baby rabbit who hadn't appeared in the pavilion for a long time.

"What have you been busy with lately, and I haven't seen you coming over." The emotional star has really recovered. As the bunny closest to the few people, although he doesn't know the details, he still knows a little bit.Seeing Xing Xing like this, she also knew that their conflict had finally been resolved, and Baby Bunny breathed a sigh of relief. She wouldn't have come here at this time if something happened, and what would happen if the typhoon accidentally swept to the tail.

"Upgrading life skills." Baby Bunny smiled from the bottom of her heart. She was very glad that the stars had recovered, so she didn't have to worry about the stars getting angry.There is no way, who makes Xing Xing look like a good personality, but in fact she is a bit domineering, once she gets angry, don't show up in front of her, she will 100% get angry.It is precisely because of this that the Tubao adjective has never been relieved to come here.

"Why, the upgrade has been successful? Is it advanced? Otherwise, you won't have time to come here today, right?"

"Well, it's advanced. It happened to be a successful upgrade today, but that's not why I came here."

"Oh...what's the matter?" Hearing what Baby Bunny said really aroused everyone's interest. There was no way, given Baby Bunny's temperament, it shouldn't be some gossip. "If there is anything you need our help with, just ask. Whether it's materials or something else, as long as we can help you, we will definitely help you."

"No, no!" Upon hearing Xing Xing's words, Baby Rabbit shook his hands anxiously, his face flushed red.For a while, everyone can't figure it out. If it's not helping, then... what could it be?

"Baby bunny, drink water first. It's okay. Don't worry. Take your time. If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't worry." Xiangling gave Xingxing a hard look. Really, knowing the baby bunny's temper, she still It was so scary, why did she suddenly feel that she was not as cute as when she was angry.

Xingxing laughed dryly, and had no choice but to shut up and stop talking. Well, she was so excited that she forgot about it, although she didn't think it could scare people.

"Yes... I have something to tell you." Baby Fang took a few deep breaths, hesitated for a long time before choosing his words carefully: "Well, I want to ask for advice, I don't know what to do."

"Ask? Please tell me!" Seeing that the baby bunny's cheeks were blushing before he even started talking, Xiangling raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help guessing in his heart, could it be that spring has come recently, and the baby bunny will also ask for advice on this matter? aspects of things.Thinking about it, she even took a strange look at Chu Yun, but she didn't know what was going on in her heart.

"Uh, that's... that..." Baby Bunny talked for a long time, hesitating, and sneaking glances at the direction of Chu Yun and Zi Ye from time to time, his face became more and more red, which made Xiang Ling's guess about himself again. Affirmed a bit, just listened for a long time but did not hear the specific content.

"Tell me, don't just say that, you have to tell us so we can help you find a way, first tell me, who is the other party?" Xing Xing has long forgotten about being stared at just now, and now her gossip cells are all gone. It was dispatched, and she pricked up her ears for a long time but didn't hear anything specific. Before Xiangling could speak, she couldn't help but screamed.

"I...I..." The baby bunny still hasn't grown up in courage, and when called by Xing Xing, he doesn't know what to say to replace his talents, and his red apple-like face is even more bloody.

"Don't worry, don't worry about her." Xiang Ling glared at Xing Xing again, and her piercing eyes were telling Xing Xing that if she had the guts to interrupt again, then she could go out.After Xing Xing made such a fuss, she forgot to ask the boys who caused the inconvenience to the bunny to get out of the way first.

"It's just... a member of the Tianxia League asked me to attend the wedding of their leader. I don't really want to go, what should I do?" Although I was very timid, I even knew that it would be bad to bother them with such a trivial matter, However, Baby Bunny really didn't know what to do. She neither wanted to agree nor refused, so she came to ask the only person she trusted here. She wanted to find her cousin, but her cousin went home.All of a sudden, she really couldn't find anyone, and she had to bother everyone with such a trivial matter, which made Baby Bunny really embarrassed.

"On this matter, if you don't want to go, just tell that person." Xingxing's forgetfulness is really great, and he rushed to speak in front of Xiangling again, but he didn't realize that the few people present, except for a few Except for the boy, everyone's expressions suddenly became strange.

They all looked at Shiqing with worry, and Shiqing still had a smile on her face, but the few people who had been with her for such a long time saw bitterness in their smiles.Maybe time is a good medicine, but, even if time can take away part of some things, the remaining part is also hurtful.

"I just don't know what to say." Baby Bunny's voice seemed to come from outside the sky. The distressed voice made Feng Wu Feiyang frown slightly, and wanted to tell her to stop talking for a while. He opened his mouth, but It's hard to tell, Baby Bunny has managed to be like this, and she has just learned to trust them. She can't say that at all now, and Baby Bunny will shrink back into her protective layer again.

"Who is that person, who actually annoys you so much?" Xing Xing focused on Baby Bunny, not only didn't notice the strangeness of a few people, but even ignored the key people who Baby Bunny is in charge of. Anyway, it's enough for her to know. Baby Bunny is going to the wedding, and Baby Bunny doesn’t have the guts to go, wants to refuse but doesn’t have the guts to say so, so he comes to ask for help.

"My cousin." Baby Bunny pouted, and she was upset when she mentioned that cousin. She always only said what she wanted to say, and only listened to what she wanted to hear. She never gave her a chance to say it. What she said was him. He won't listen, anyway, he has the final say.

But, she really doesn't want to go this time. Her cousin once said that the Tianxiameng is the earliest gang in the game. Although it doesn't have a gang establishment order like the Yunmeng, it has a gang resident, but it is in the minds of the players. Not only will the status not be lower than that of Yunmeng, but in a certain respect, it is even higher than that of Yunmeng.

This time, the leader of the Tianxia Alliance is getting married, and it is the first couple of players in the game to get married, which means that there will be many, many people she does not know, and it will be very lively.But when she said no, her cousin didn't even know whether to listen or not. He just told her the time and place, so she wanted to find someone to help her express what she meant.

"Didn't you say you don't want to go?" Xing Xing rolled his eyes, thinking that there would be some story that had to be told, but it turned out like this?What a waste of her enthusiasm!Although she felt a little disapproving, Xing Xing still acted as if she wanted to help solve it, and didn't leave the bunny alone just because it wasn't what she thought.

(End of this chapter)

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