Chapter 270 Exam
Tomorrow is the official exam time, and the entire leisurely building is a bit quiet. Some have already downloaded the game, and some are resting in the game. There are very few people out today, and they are still practicing leveling like the wind is flying. There are not many, but Feng Wu Feiyang does not admit that she is also practicing leveling. She is just practicing life skills. However, life skills also have experience, which can only be regarded as incidental.

Moreover, compared to those students who were nervous and excited, Feng Wu Feiyang didn't feel much in this focused situation, although she wouldn't feel much even if she wasn't in this situation, as if she still The poetic and picturesque feeling that stays in Sinan's house is self-confidence.

At the same time, in the world of worry-free, there are also a large group of young players who are in contact with the people of Youyouxiaozhu, because they are all students from various colleges and universities. There are actually eight on the leaderboard. After the exam this time, I'm afraid the leaderboard will break the record again.

It's another Monday, but this Monday is slightly different from previous Mondays. Walking on the campus of Sacred Heart College, there is a tense and intense atmosphere everywhere. This moment is the beginning of deciding the outcome. Whether the chief student will be replaced and whether the elite class will be replaced depends on this time.

The benefits brought by high technology, for the teacher, the test is still the magic weapon of the teacher, but for the students, it is not a trick that the students can use.

As the largest college for girls in the Milky Way, Sacred Heart College is incomparably huge, and only a few thousand students are enrolled each year. Apart from the countless buildings serving the life of the college's teachers and students, everything else is Special classrooms for schools.

And in the middle of the school, there is a five-story teaching building independent of any other buildings. It is the examination building that all Sacred Heart College loves and hates. Here, countless students belonging to Sacred Heart College have been created. Legend, it is also here that a group of heavenly girls tasted the taste of failure.

And this examination building, which has a special place in the minds of everyone in the school, is only open twice a year, that is, only the final lectures of each season can enter it, and other subject examinations cannot enter it at all.

The first to fourth floors of this building are classrooms for the students' exams, and the top floor is the invigilator room. With the development of technology, the invigilator has long used robotic eyes to replace it. From the moment candidates enter the exam admission room, there is no Anyone who enters it will not even think about cheating. Anyway, the electronic eyes will record at any time. Even many students only know that there are electronic eyes here. As for where the electronic eyes are, it is even more unclear. impossible things.

Once you are caught by the electronic eyes, then I am sorry, not only will you not get any points, but you will also have to go to the school bulletin board. I am afraid that in Sacred Heart College, few people have the guts to do such a thing.

There is no need to hand out test papers. There is no such thing in current examination rooms. As soon as you enter the examination room, the most obvious thing is the private computer placed on every table. In addition to the test papers to be tested on the spot and thousands of different There is nothing but the changed examination room discipline.

When the exam is over, the school host is connected to the dedicated machine in the exam room, and all the test papers are immediately archived. Of course, this host is also in the exam admission building and is not connected to any other host in the school. It all works on a single line.

If there are still people who can successfully cheat in such an examination room, I am afraid they can be regarded as talents among talents. It is said that the electronic eyes in the examination room of Sacred Heart College are installed in different positions and in different numbers for each exam. They are all installed by robots. Complete, the possibility of leaking the secret is less than [-]%.

The seats in the examination room are all divided into single rooms by transparent glass, and the sound insulation equipment is good. Once you enter the examination room, you will enter a completely quiet world.

"This is not an exam, it's almost like going to jail!" As a first-year freshman, it was the first time he had the opportunity to visit this famous place, but Xing Xing complained after only sitting for a whole morning.

"No, it's more terrifying than being in jail. There are not as many electronic eyes in the prison, and as soon as the exam time comes, all the electronic eyes will be watched by people. It's real people, not those robots. Once someone cheats outrageously, They'll find out right away."

"Well, no way, logically speaking, every classroom has more than one electronic eye. If one person looks at one electronic eye, there will be so many people in the school watching! My God, my privacy is all exposed in the electronic eye. Yet?"

"Hey, please stop being funny, okay? Privacy, is there still such a thing when you enter the examination admission room? As for the candidates for invigilation, it's fine that the school has to worry about this aspect. What you have to do is not to be People have squeezed out the position of chief student. It is said that since the special plan of establishing chief student at Sacred Heart College, no chief student has ever been squeezed out of the position of chief student while in school. Don't let this record be yours. Break it! You have already broken a record! You know, the school has never had four chief students before."

"Don't worry about you. It is said that the second grade also has a few lamps that are not fuel-efficient. They have been chasing after your ass. If you don't capsize in the gutter, that would be ridiculous."

Bai Yun looked at the two people who were almost arguing with a funny face, it was really dishonest, it was obviously caring, why did it sound so harsh when it came out of their mouths?She couldn't say this in front of the two of them, otherwise the two of them would definitely come out together.

"Oh, thank you in advance, but it doesn't matter if I capsize in the gutter now, at least, I have persisted for a year, if you fail this time, it will be miserable, isn't it the same as being in school? Did you get a slap in the face? It was already an unprecedented thing, but you still haven’t given the school up, tsk tsk, I don’t know if this kind of situation really happened, would you dig a hole and bury yourself?”

"Then just wait and see, who is going to bury me! I think it will definitely not be our great Miss Xiangling, she is so intelligent, even if she is a little lazy and not serious, If you like to play a little bit, it won't have any effect, she is Xiangling, everyone loves her, everyone will give her face, how can you be willing to pull her down?"

"It seems that being a gang leader is still beneficial. At least this mouth has grown a lot. Come on, I'll go to rest, and there is a big exam in the afternoon!" Obviously, Xiangling decided that there was no need to continue this meaningless bickering However, she was not at a disadvantage, she didn't say a single good word to Lingxin, and the rest of the words were completely directed at Baiyun and the others.

Seeing Xiangling leave, Ou Ya and the others also planned to recharge their batteries. When they left, everyone patted Lingxin on the shoulder and cast encouraging eyes, which comforted Lingxin, but she didn't know , These bad people simply think that Xiangling people have that self-confidence and don't need to be comforted at all. Spiritual heart, you have to be careful, so they help cheer up, otherwise if Xiangling's words are really fulfilled, you still have to worry about it. Maybe she just dug a hole and buried herself.

The tense final exam has a different meaning for Sacred Heart College. Of course, every college will not lack the kind of people who make a living. Even the famous Sacred Heart College in the Milky Way is inevitable. For some women For children, they don't need to be very capable, because they have a good birth, and here, it's just for icing on the cake. They will never be infected with this unique competitive atmosphere.

Lingxin is not without envy for these people, but he does not agree with their attitude towards life. Cramming is also a phenomenon that will never disappear. Now Lingxin has also joined this team, and the more he gets to the end of the test , her heart was more and more ups and downs. The students who walked out of the examination room were all full of confidence on their faces, or they were the kind of people who wanted to mess around, and their faces were full of indifference. Only she was not here at all. Among the two kinds of people, and she finally entered the tense atmosphere of the final exam, although it seemed a bit late.

In order not to be ridiculed by Xiangling, she didn't go back home, so she found a place in school and started flipping through the books, but under the tense atmosphere, Lingxin seemed to be doing all the useless work, which made her look at Baiyun and read books seriously every night I just feel it's unfair, why can she see it, but I can't see anything?

"Baiyun, please stop looking! I can't even look in!" Tomorrow is the last day of the exam, and Lingxin really felt that the nervous hands and feet he was feeling were not his own.As a result, the other people were still doing their own things, and no one felt even the slightest bit nervous.

"Mm!" Bai Yun hummed casually, without even raising her head, she continued to read her book, and the others ignored her moaning.

Looking around, the ice was gone, she went to the exercise room to exercise, this is her habit that has not changed for a hundred years, Xiang Ling was playing a handheld game, and one person occupied the positions of three people, how to lie comfortably and how to lie down, Ou Ya was doing Facial mask, reading a clothing magazine with relish in his hand, not to mention Baiyun, there are only two things that never leave his hands, one is a computer and the other is a book, sometimes he taps and sometimes flips through it casually.

"Baiyun, don't read it, okay!" Lingxin was almost too annoyed by herself, and directly pulled out the book that Baiyun was holding in his hand: "What else are you reading... Eh, the theory of relativity?"

"This... We didn't learn this thing, aren't you looking at the subject that will be tested tomorrow?" Lingxin looked at Baiyun incredulously, but met Xiangling's mocking eyes.

"You treat everyone like you, so you have to hold your feet!" Xiang Ling, who was in a bad mood after failing to pass the level, happened to meet Ling Xin's idiot face, and naturally became her best target to vent her anger on.

"Can you give it to me first? I'm useful now." Bai Yun ended the action with some helplessness. He didn't understand the troubles of the soul, but he also knew that they couldn't help. Self-confidence was built by oneself. The separation of the two words means that she believes in herself, and now, her anxiety shows that she doesn't even believe in herself, who can help her?The encouragement and confidence they want to give have already been given.

" you are!" Lingxin pouted, handed the book over, biting her lips lightly, her heart was very complicated, she and Baiyun were a professional, so she had an attitude towards Baiyun's usual learning style She understands the most, and because of this, in her mind, Baiyun has always been a serious person, even a bit bookish, whenever she has nothing to do, she will conjure up a book or her portable notebook from nowhere. However, she never thought that what Baiyun learned and read was not just their professional books. This was the first time she discovered this, but she knew that it was definitely not the first time Baiyun did this. On the book she snatched, the front part was full of annotations, which were written in Baiyun's font she was familiar with.

"Don't you have confidence in yourself?" Baiyun, who was holding the book, did not know what was on his mind, but he said rarely, "If you really don't have confidence, then you don't have to take the exam tomorrow. Find a reason, so you won't lose." It's too ugly!"

There was no sarcasm in her words, as if she was really giving her opinion seriously. She was a little suspicious in her heart, but not moved. No matter what character they showed on the outside, they could not change their pride in their bones.Be proud to be a Sacred Heart student.

"Of course it's impossible! I won't fight and flee!" Lingxin's eyes were fixed, without any hesitation. This is her pride, engraved into her bones, even if she lacks confidence, it will not affect her this firmness.

"Then, there's nothing to worry about. Whatever the result is, it can't change anything!" It doesn't matter anything else. Lingxin is too utilitarian. Maybe it's because she was stimulated by Xiangling. She lost her sense of normalcy. , and may even affect her performance.It was barely the first two days, but it got worse in the end, even like today.

"What is the result, can't you change anything?" It seems that she understands and doesn't seem to understand. It's rare that the anxiety in her heart has miraculously calmed down. Maybe she still lacks confidence in herself, but not enough. Let her be as anxious as before, she can afford to lose, but even if she loses, she will get back the glory that originally belonged to her one day.

When Lingxin was thinking wildly, she didn't see the knowing smiles of the other three people. This was a tacit understanding that the three of them had long ago. They even chose the person who persuaded her. Thinking of her taking the initiative to approach Bai Yun, it's okay, Bai Yun and Han Bing actually have something in common. Although the words they say are different, the results they can get are exactly the same.

It depends on tomorrow. Anyway, with the help of high technology, you can see the results after the exam tomorrow. At that time, you will know if you are going to bury yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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