Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 245 God Is Helping Her?

Chapter 245 God is helping her
Since seeing Feng Wu Fei Yang’s cooking skills, everyone has more or less prepared some of their favorite ingredients in their backpacks. Today’s kitchen feng shui seems not to be her, Feng Wu Fei Yang has no plans to cook, everyone is They took out their usual food to fill their stomachs and prepared for the next night's mission. The stars had arrived, and it would not be too long before they left the real city. This they believed.

None of them had any intention of looking for the stars. Anyway, they had wandered around the real city a few times in the past two days. There was nothing dangerous about it. It was just that there were more alleys and it was easier to get lost. The stars were not shy. , the outside just looks like a dead city at night. They should be kind and pick it up if they accidentally encounter it. If no one encounters it, then let the NPC do her task.

The night passed in a flash, and it was time for them to play the game. Unfortunately, a certain person who went out to buy soup has not come back, and a certain guy who has no soup and can't swallow has finished the task beautifully, and is now preparing Let's play the game.

The four of them played games together, so they came to the living room at about the same time after washing up. Unexpectedly, someone who had not been seen for two days was sitting at the dining table with a sad look on his face, his eyes like an abandoned puppy.

"Well, you can actually make noodle soup!" Bai Yun sat down and took a few bites before finally speaking calmly.Lingxin blinked for a long time without realizing what she was saying. After a while, she finally realized that it was what happened in the game last night, and that was the reason why she was sitting here complaining.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Lingxin looked at Baiyun with a tearless look on her face. She knew this earlier, why didn't you tell her earlier and let her run out? Now she doesn't know where she is, and even wants to There was no way to ask them to come to her.The Real City looks like a ghost town at night. If you want to ask someone, you don’t know where to look.

Bai Yun glanced at Lingxin indifferently and stopped talking. Lingxin knew the fun but didn't say anything. She also knew that she ran out like the wind last night, as if she didn't leave a word. No wonder, they didn't know What is she going to do.But later, if I go to the kitchen and take a look, combined with Xiang Ling's words, I will definitely know the reason immediately.

"I live in Zuoqi. Remember to find someone to bring you back today!" Bai Yun had already finished breakfast and added by the way when he left. If I remember correctly, Lingxin should have taken the same class as her. , now it seems that the time for class is not very far away, I don’t know how long she will need to complain.

Hearing Bai Yun's words, Lingxin's eyes lit up. She could solve it with a purpose. This trivial matter was not difficult for her. She picked up the small bowl and took a sip before she realized that the porridge was already cold. "Shadow Steward, warm me up."

Ou Ya was thinking about things while eating. It seemed as if she had overlooked something just now, but she couldn't remember it for a moment. When she heard Lingxin's words, an idea flashed, "Lingxin, why are you still here?"

"Eat breakfast!" Nonsense, Lingxin rolled her eyes at Ou Ya.

"Isn't your first class taught by Professor An?" Professor An, who is also known as an old-fashioned person in the whole school, is also a loyal follower of the chief student. In his mind, the chief student is a role model and no mistakes are tolerated.

"Yeah, you must be careful and careful when taking his class!" Lingxin flattened her mouth, and regretted it a little when she thought of Professor An. Why did she choose this major in the first place? With the most difficult Professor An in the school, if If he had known earlier, he would have been beaten to death and not reported to the medical school.It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, Lingxin has long learned to accept fate.

"Then what are you still doing here? It's less than 2 minutes before class starts, and our home is still eight or nine minutes away from school, so it's still going crazy!" Xiang Ling looked curiously at the antique big picture on the wall. Zhong, waiting for the reaction of the soul.

Lingxin looked at Ou Ya in disbelief. After Ou Ya nodded sympathetically, she quickly turned her head. The hour hand was pointing close to nine, the minute hand was pointing close to twelve, and the second hand was exactly one. It moved from frame to frame. At that moment, Xingxing felt that every time the second hand chimed, her temples would beat and her heart would shrink tightly.

"You...won't leave?" Aren't you stunned?Ou Ya carefully stretched out her fingers and pulled Ling Xin's clothes.

"Ah... it's over, it's over, it's dead, it's dead, why are you late?" Lingxin's small figure seemed to bring out all the flexibility in her game, and she flashed here and there without knowing what she was doing. They were dazzled by what she was doing and had no idea what she was doing.

"Shadow Steward, what is Miss Lingxin doing?" Finally, Ou Ya called the Shadow Steward to ask, the minute hand was no longer visible from twelve.

"It seems to be looking for something!" The shadow butler replied out of nowhere.He also just saw Miss Lingxin looking around, but she didn't take anything, so he judged that she was looking for something.

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't know if there was something in Lingxin that they had to look for at this time. The three of them had no class, and they would come to have breakfast together. It's not like going to school together every morning.

"I'm leaving first, Baiyun didn't call me when he left!" Lingxin seemed to have found what he was looking for, and it rolled down from upstairs like the wind, complaining as he walked.

"You haven't been with us these two days!" Xiang Ling definitely didn't mean to help Baiyun, he was just talking about the matter.And the soul seems to wake up before any of them.

The soul blew into Sacred Heart College like the wind. Many teachers and classmates knew her and paid her attention. Professor An has always believed that learning should be combined with practice, so Professor An’s professional classroom covers a large area and is unique. Building, some distance away from other buildings. She used to like the tranquility of this environment, but now, for the first time, Lingxin hates why Professor An has so many strange habits and does not build the professional room in the professional building, so that now she can have less A little bit of running.

She has stayed in Sacred Heart College for almost a semester, and she only knows the road here. She runs in the soul leading to the professional classroom, and swears in her heart that she must check the learning samples as quickly as possible. Those short cuts are best used at this time.

Just as she was about to arrive at the professional classroom, someone suddenly kicked her out. Lingxin looked at the pile of information in her hands with a confused expression, which almost blocked her eyes.

When Lingxin carried the materials back to the classroom like an old woman, what greeted her was not Professor An's anger, but a satisfied nod. Even Professor An saw the difficulty of the little girl and took it in person. Baiyun stood up. Get up and send out one by one for everyone.

Before her confused mind could react for a moment, she was kicked to her seat by Bai Yun. She was a little distracted for the rest of the class. It took a long time for her to suddenly realize, oh, it was her good luck. God The reward given to her, if she had ignored the information that the girl who appeared out of nowhere put in her hands, she might have faced Professor An's wrath.

At noon, the five of them gathered together for dinner again. Lingxin hummed a song and happily brought the meals they wanted to eat. In fact, the chief student had a special window for meal preparation, so he did not have to queue up with other students and held his student card. , you can get your meals as quickly as possible.

"Aren't you late this morning?" It's weird, isn't it that you are so anxious to go to the room at home, why are you in such a good mood now, can't you be scolded for being stupid? "That... are you sure you are normal now?"

"Of course, I'm just God's help!" Lingxin smiled openly, and even Xiangling turned around and said that her mind was abnormal and she had no common sense, which made several people think that they had misunderstood the person.

"God? How long did it take for you to start believing in God?" Ou Ya looked at Lingxin funnyly, didn't she just believe in anyone who gave her benefits?How long did it take for me to start believing in those things that are there but are not?

"Today, you don't know how lucky I am today. I was ready to be stripped of my skin by Professor An, but on the way to Dihuo, I met a guy who wanted to The lazy classmate threw me the information about her hugs and ran away. She was afraid that I would catch up and give her back, and she didn’t think that I, a good person like me, would at least help her with a little hug!" Although Lingxin said she was complaining, The expression on his face was so exciting. "Oh, you know? It turns out that good deeds are rewarded!"

"There are so many things about that girl, so tall, so tall, and so heavy. I almost couldn't move them. However, I still didn't give up. I worked hard and moved them back to the classroom step by step. Hehe, that's it. Coincidentally, the information turned out to be from our class. In this way, the professor not only didn’t scold me, but also smiled at me and took the information. Just like that, I passed the test!" Lingxin said and compared. , that expression was so proud that he didn't pay attention to the idiotic expressions of a few people.

"The most important thing is that when the girl gave it to me, I actually planned to throw the information on the ground and run away. Unexpectedly, I was kind-hearted and formed a good relationship."

"Porphyry..." Before Lingxin could reach a conclusion triumphantly, Baiyun suddenly spat out the soup in his mouth. Fortunately, he turned his face away at the critical moment, otherwise Zhongqian would have to fight for food again.

"Hey, what's wrong, Baiyun, are you surprised too? Oh, I didn't get scolded anyway. Remember to call me next time, and I will forgive you this time."

Bai Yun looked at Lingxin's smug expression carefully, and couldn't tell that she was being sarcastic. That meant that she really thought what happened this morning was a coincidence, or in other words, she thought God was really helping her. So naive and idiotic.Looking up, he saw that the other three people had vague smiles in their eyes. Feng Wufei shook his head and stopped listening to Lingxin's nonsense, lest he be pissed to death by this weak-minded guy.

(End of this chapter)

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