Chapter 235 Mission?

After leaving the community, Feng Wu Feiyang looked at the city outside which was as bright as day, and still couldn't understand why the people in Dutou Village couldn't see it at night.With such a big lamp, mosquitoes can see their feet when they fly below. What else can't be seen?

Finding someone is not so simple, the person looking for is afraid to go out, and the person being found is also hiding. With the physical strength of a five or six-year-old girl, of course, she can't go too far, but the wind dance flying around them I searched around the house, but still didn't find anyone.

Feng Wu Feiyang frowned, seeing that the sky was about to dawn. According to the understanding of the mission, this mission should have a time limit. As soon as the sky dawns, according to Mo Yunrou, they should be able to come out and look for it by themselves, or Even if the child can go home by herself, her task will not be completed.

She mobilized her brain to think, only to realize that she seems to have remembered the most important thing, if no one here will come out in the dark, then she must find a place to hide, that is to say, go to those places where people can hide The place for people is right, and the distance shouldn’t be too far. Children, with limited physical strength, really can’t go far.

After the goal is determined, of course it is action, but the foot stepping out does not know which direction to go, so what if the goal is determined?She, who has been searching everywhere these days, is not familiar with this Dutou village at all, let alone those dark corners!Now that Liu Chaoyang, the automatic guide, is not around, he has no choice but to find it in the old way.Alas... it's a race against time.

The god of luck is really on Feng Wu Feiyang's side, although the sky is already turning white at this time.Feng Wu Feiyang finally found the little girl under the riverside bridge.

Along the river, a road was built, with cars passing on it, and the low places were supported by bridges. Under the bridges, no light could penetrate at night.Darker than the house.When Feng Wu Feiyang walked around their residence for a few times, he found the riverside, and when he saw the bridge, he instinctively ran over.

The pink princess dress can be seen clearly from a distance, the lights flickered, Feng Wu Feiyang once again scolded herself for being an idiot, why didn't she think of coming here!Isn't the riverside one of her favorite places since she lived in Dutou Village?At the critical moment, she ignored it.

It would be useless to think about these things at this time. Looking at the white sky, Feng Wu Feiyang hurried back as fast as possible. Fortunately, this place is really not far from their residence.

The doorbell rang for the first time, and Mo Yunrou opened the door. Obviously, she had been waiting. Seeing the little figure behind Feng Wu Feiyang, she hurriedly picked it up. The little girl just hummed softly twice. , found a comfortable position and continued to sleep.Mo Yunrou hugged the little girl tightly, tears flowed down her face naturally, but Feng Wu Feiyang felt a little strange and awkward looking at it.

Regardless of Mo Yunrou's moving alone, in order to get rid of this feeling, Feng Wu Feiyang didn't even confirm whether this was a task, and left after completing it.

After a busy night, it didn't have a big impact on Feng Wu Feiyang. Anyway, it doesn't matter if they sleep or not. It's just that Feng Wu Feiyang, who was smart for a lifetime, discovered that she also has the talent of being a road idiot when there is no car and no one around. , had to enter the country to do as the Romans do, live a nine-to-five life, and be a good girl who has never done it in reality.

I made an appointment yesterday, and Liu Chaoyang came to call for someone within a few minutes of Fengwu Feiyang's return. Liu Chaoyang's college has not officially started yet, and he has plenty of time to accompany Fengwu Feiyang to run around. He has been curious about Fengwu Feiyang leaving so So many places, what are they doing?Or what are you looking for?He doesn't believe that he is simply drawing a map. Maps are only useful in unfamiliar places. As long as you are familiar with those places, the map seems a bit redundant, just like Liu Chaoyang himself. He can find a way at will with his eyes closed. Go home, what else is the map thing used for?

Every time, Liu Chaoyang was in charge of leading the way, Feng Wu Feiyang was in charge of finding things, and they cooperated seamlessly. Even though Feng Wu Feiyang could see the increasingly obvious curiosity in Liu Chaoyang's eyes, he didn't have the habit of explaining, or he didn't know where to start. Speaking of which, even she herself didn't know what the so-called mission was.

At noon, Liu Chaoyang was casually dealing with it outside. Liu Chaoyang originally came to see a small and medium-sized restaurant, but Feng Wu Feiyang took Liu Chaoyang to a place that is also famous in the real city, Baiyanlou, because he found an old acquaintance.

And Feng Wu Feiyang’s so-called acquaintances are Baiyanlou itself. From the beginning of the game, as long as they go out to eat, they are almost always spent in Baiyanlou. Now seeing Baiyanlou again, it’s really a bit like visiting a hometown. Feel.

"I didn't expect you still have money!" Liu Chaoyang's words were flying in the wind. There is no one in the real city who has not heard of Baiyan Tower, which is known as the first floor of the real city. But very few people have gone in. "And he has status and vision!"

Feng Wu Feiyang only raised her eyebrows to express her doubts, anyway, Liu Chaoyang, who had been with her for a long time, could understand everything.

"Baiyanlou is not for ordinary people to enter. Money is second, and status is the most important. Therefore, Baiyanlou is not the largest restaurant in Rising Sun City, but it is the best. Of course, it is not ordinary people who greet it. The good name of the first floor." Liu Chaoyang couldn't help laughing, it seemed that Fengwu Feiyang really didn't know the tricks in it.

This time Fengwu Feiyang was really a little surprised, it seems that the Baiyan Building in the four main cities does not have this regulation?How come it's completely different here?Looking back at the Baiyan Building here, it looks much more modern than the four main cities. Even if it uses the way of small bridges and flowing water, there are two small bamboo buildings surrounded by courtyards. Those are the high-end luggage boxes they were in just now. .But now, the place they are in is an ordinary restaurant, a place that is also a two-story bamboo building, but it is much bigger and taller.

The furnishings here are all about nature, whether it is all the flowers and plants, paintings or antiques, they are placed there so naturally, as if they were born to be placed in that corner.

Looking at the people coming in and out, Feng Wu Feiyang finally figured out why this place is different, because all the people who come in and out here are NPCs, and she is the only player. Maybe all Baiyan Buildings have that regulation, but the target group It's an NPC, not a player, so she, a regular visitor of Baiyanlou, never knew about it.

"Maybe it's because I'm a foreigner, so I'm not included in this regulation!" Feng Wu Feiyang said something that was an explanation, and whether Liu Chaoyang believed it or not had nothing to do with her.

Liu Chaoyang was really surprised when he heard Feng Wu Feiyang's words. As for whether he believed it or not, he looked at Feng Wu Feiyang who had taken the lead to leave after speaking, and shook his head amusingly. Is it worth worrying about this problem?No matter whether it's because she's a foreigner, or because she really has status and status, isn't she all his friend?Wouldn't that be good?

"Hey, I'll lead the way, why are you going ahead!" Liu Chaoyang, who had figured it out, quickly followed Feng Wu Feiyang's pace. Thinking, how did Fengwu Feiyang survive until now, and dare to come to live in the real city alone.

But they don't know that in the real society where Fengwu Feiyang lives, there are countless navigators, large and small, and it is impossible for people to guide the way. Even the map belongs to them, and people don't even look at it. The navigator will automatically find Find the nearest and most convenient route.

In this place, Feng Wu Feiyang has no choice but to accept his fate. Think about it, Liu Chaoyang is also an NPC, an intelligent life, a technological product, and letting him lead the way is not much different from a navigator leading the way. Thinking about it this way, Feng Wu Feiyang felt really good, and stood there waiting for her 'navigator'.

I went back very early in the afternoon. Of course, this was Feng Wu Feiyang's suggestion. Normally, if Feng Wu Feiyang didn't open her mouth to go back, Liu Chaoyang would obediently accompany her. Normally, Feng Wu Feiyang would pay attention by herself. After all, she knew her navigator It's not a machine that works around the clock. When it's time to go back, it will automatically return to their home in Dutou Village.

When Feng Wu Feiyang entered the small building where she lived alone, she saw the woman who came to ask for help last night standing at the concierge of her house, and she was looking forward to it. With a beautiful smile, she must be a gentle woman, and so is the smile.

"I'm here to thank you!" Mo Yunrou was also a little hasty, especially when she looked at Feng Wu Feiyang's indifferent face, it seemed that Feng Wu Feiyang wouldn't open her mouth unless she said something. Relatively wordless, so she speaks as soon as she can.

"You're welcome!" Feng Wu Feiyang still had a calm expression on his face, and the three words came out of his mouth lightly, but there was no more to say.For a moment, there was only silence between the two.It doesn't matter to Feng Wu Feiyang, because the two are unfamiliar, she doesn't care if Mo Yun is embarrassed, the most important thing is, in Feng Wu Feiyang's mind, they are still separated from the players, they are NPCs , and they are players, purely different worlds.

"Well, these things are given to you on behalf of my gratitude. There are no good things, they are just ordinary items. I hope you can accept them!" Afraid that Feng Wu would refuse, Mo Yunrou hurriedly explained the contents of the basket Just the most mundane supplies.

Feng Wu Feiyang nodded, but did not speak. Mo Yunrou saw her nodding, knowing that she was willing to accept it, smiled slightly, nodded to Feng Wu Feiyang to say goodbye, and went upstairs.

Feng Wu Feiyang twisted up the basket and was about to enter the room, but she didn't expect that the basket was heavier than she imagined, so she didn't lift it up without noticing it, and after adding more force, she could barely lift it.

In fact, Mo Yunrou was completely unnecessary to worry that Feng Wu Feiyang would not accept him. In Feng Wu Feiyang's mind, finding a child was always a task. Although it was a bit strange, in the four main cities, the task was to find it by himself. If you want to combine tasks, you have to hand in them yourself, but here it is completely opposite. Not only are the tasks delivered to your door, but the rewards after the task is completed are also directly delivered to your door.However, this doesn't affect anything. For players like them, it is basically a matter of course to get rewards for completing missions, and those who refuse are fools.

After entering the room, I opened the basket and it became heavy. It turned out to be a wine urn. No wonder she couldn’t pick it up when she first picked it up. It’s just that the wine didn’t have any name or description. It was Aunt Mo’s simple and clear introduction. Let Feng Wu Feiyang be uncertain for a while, is it a mission item?Or ordinary items.Anyway, her backpack is big, so just throw it in. It’s a mission item that will be needed one day, and it’s an ordinary item. Let’s sing it away one day, and see how the self-brewed wine in the game compares in reality.

In the following time, as soon as the time came, Fengwu Feiyang began to get busy. If it wasn't for some family throwing cats and dogs, it was some other family that didn't take back anything, and these people were no longer like the original Mo. Yunrou also came to the door in person, but sent it through the NPC friend panel. Unfortunately, Liu Chaoyang naturally became the middleman.

At the beginning, Liu Chaoyang was worried about whether Feng Wu Feiyang would be tired from walking around during the day and doing things at night like this, but every time he saw her, there was no difference. The strangest thing was that Feng Wu Feiyang always She would only appear outside every other day, and no matter how hard I searched for her that day, I couldn't find her. Everyone thought that she was busy day and night, so she was busy all day and took one day off.

Of course, Feng Wu Feiyang herself doesn't know about this. Her second day is not because of anything else, but because of this worry-free world, which happens to be half a day in the real world, that is, twelve hours. At this time, she basically Everyone is at school, and if exceptions appear in the game, it's because school Sunday is here.It's a pity that the school year of Sacred Heart College has arrived recently, and these chief students are also members of the student union, so of course they have to be busy.

Sacred Heart Academy wants to cultivate talented women in all aspects, and the chief students are the first to bear the brunt, and of course social interaction is one of them. Other students only use theory, and they will talk about it after the internship, but these chief students start from the first year. , the end of each semester is their internship time.The external communication of Sacred Heart Academy belongs to them.This is the tradition of the Sacred Heart Academy, where the upper grade arranges the next grade. Anyway, it was what they did last year, and they happened to be teachers this year.

With the busy social practice and the end of the first semester of the first grade, even those who are proud of their peers like the Sacred Heart Academy will inevitably enter into a busy study life.

They may not feel much in the real city. They are surrounded by NPCs, and there is no change. However, there have been great changes in the four main cities. There are at least three to four fewer players. As a result, these are all made up of students.

(End of this chapter)

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