Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 227 The Unexpected Map

Chapter 227 The Unexpected Map

Another day later, both Fengwu Feiyang and Ziye were promoted to a level. Surprisingly, Zinan was also promoted to a level, and the help was much greater, and everyone went on the road again.There is also a lot of confidence.

There are two madmen, Xiang Ling and Zi Ye, who are the top monsters in front, and Feng Wu Feiyang is responsible for helping on the back. Knowing how to arrange flowers, this team may not be very large, nor is it very complete, but they almost sum up the highest-level players in the game. Now, they are in a panic. I don't care if it's a waste. They don't have priests, but fortunately, she has such good things as Feng Wu Fei Yang.

The place marked on the map turned out to be a large piece of flat land. After clearing all the monsters, there was nothing special about it.

"Are you sure it's here?" Xing Xing looked suspiciously at Feng Wu Feiyang. She couldn't understand that bad map, just those few lines that were unclear. expressed strong skepticism.

"Very sure!" Feng Wu Feiyang nodded firmly. What she didn't tell Xing Xing was that she could understand even the most complicated star map, the map of the universe, let alone this map!Although it was a bit simple and seemed a bit troublesome, she was very confident in her vision.

"But, why did the map mark this ghostly place on purpose? Why didn't I see anything?" In Xing Xing's mind, no matter if it was a dungeon, a mission, or a treasure, it was most unlikely to be such an empty place. After wasting so much of their time, especially when she thought about what she had experienced on the way, and those extremely disgusting carrion corpses, she felt that this trip, if it was really a fake map where nothing could be found , that would really make people angry, she must go to the forum to scold people.

"Please, can you stop talking so much nonsense, the idea of ​​treasure hunting is yours first, and you are most in favor of it, think about other possibilities, don't remember, where is this, what you imagine is unlikely to happen " Xiangling helplessly interrupted Xingxing's obvious questions.I don't even think about it, who thought it was a treasure map when they saw that picture, especially after knowing that Feng Wu Feiyang knew the place marked on the picture, they first said that they would come out to hunt for treasure, even though Feng Wu Feiyang said that there was a treasure map on the road. Difficulties and the presence of rotting corpses do not change minds either.

"Well...they didn't say not to look for it, it's just that you can see the head here at a glance, there are only these things, and there is not even a small hole in the ground, where can you find them!" Xing Xing lowered his head, rolled his eyes, and muttered softly. .

"The stars are right. There is nothing on this ground. You can see it at a glance. So, what does it represent on the map?" Poetic and picturesque, her right hand gently touched her nose. She had no doubt about the wind dancing in the air. , so he is trying hard to turn his thoughts.

"It's not on the ground, it's just underground... Wait, underground?" Xingxing's eyes lit up. Looking at this damn place, there were only monsters on the ground. The monsters had been cleared away a long time ago. There was nothing, so there was nothing on the ground?What about underground?
"Underground? Digging?... This is troublesome. Feng Wu Feiyang and the others are magicians. They don't have enough strength, and they didn't respond to digging for a long time. Zi Ye and I have to shoulder the responsibility of protecting you, so... the candidates for the digging Who is going to do it?" Xiang Ling sounded like she was asking, but she actually looked at Xing Xing without blinking, as if she was waiting for her to stand up.

"I... I'll do it!" Halo, if you want to say it, just say it, but it's this trick!Xing Xing secretly rolled his eyes, but he didn't dare to say it openly. In this team, apart from mages and warriors, only one person is an archer. Coupled with Xiang Ling's obvious eyes, the blind man knew that he was referring to her. .

"Oh, that's good. There are actually stars to help. Then Ziye and I will be there to protect you. You guys should also take a rest!" Xiang Ling smiled very happily, with an expression like a cat that had successfully cheated. .

Sigh... Xing Xing sighed speechlessly, she was the one who made it so obvious that she was in the early stage, but in the end, listening to her tone, it was all a cheap and obedient behavior.

Although Feng Wu Feiyang looked funny, he also understood the danger of this place. The monsters spawned quickly, and they really needed protection from warriors. Otherwise, with the defense of the mage, there might be no time to distance themselves from the monsters once they spawned. Then In this case, the mage's attack power cannot be used at all.Therefore, Xiang Ling said this not entirely because of playing with the stars.

There aren't many things on Xingxing, but Fengwu Feiyang and Xiangling have all sorts of miscellaneous things on them. Taking out a common tool for mining is very suitable for this situation.

Digging inch by inch, planing bit by bit, except for the unbelieving stars, everyone who watched was tired and turned their heads to see if there were any other differences. I believe in the joke of hiding treasures underground, but the stars are different. She just doesn't believe in that evil. Anyway, she was the one who dug it up. After the monsters were refreshed twice, everyone didn't even bother to talk about it.

Ding!The crisp sound of the ground, and the vibration from the hand, as if there is something?Xing Xing did not give too much hope and gently dug up the hard soil above. She was already very familiar with this sound. From the excitement of hearing the yelling for the first time, it was only a second of heartbeat at most now. , not for anything else, just because this is an ancient battlefield, and the most indispensable thing is the broken copper and iron equipment, which will make this sound when dug up.

I squatted half-crouched and spread the soil on my stomach. This time I dug out a strange thing, a token. There were some lines on the front of the token, and there was still dirt on it that I couldn't see clearly. On the other hand, I could clearly see a token. capital cross.I just don’t know what it means.

This is the third time that monsters have been spawned, and everyone has no time. Xing Xing put it in her backpack and continued her excavation. Some spectators saw that she was a star, and she was also very persistent. As long as it was something she really wanted to do, she would definitely finish it.

But at this time, when she got the token just now, she had an idea, which was enough to make them speechless. When she thought of this, Xing Xing's face was full of smiles.

I don't know if it was her crow's mouth or they were really looking in the wrong direction. Anyway, during the subsequent excavation of Xingxing, although there were one or two tinkling sounds from time to time, the things dug out were all messy things. None of it was remotely useful, much to Star's dismay.

"How about it, have you taken it? You know it's a waste of time!" Xiangling and the others are sitting and eating. The monsters here have just been refreshed, and there will be no monsters for a while, and Xiangling saw the stars with faces all over their faces. Looking disappointed, he looked at her with a yelling smile.

"Of course, very good, maybe I really found the treasure!" Xingde immediately put away the disappointed expression on his face, took out the token from his backpack, and waved it in his hand, it was also her After working so hard on this land for so long, the only complete thing she got, even though she didn't think in her heart that this old and dark token would be what they were looking for, it didn't stop her from taking it out to deceive her. people.

"Really? What is it?" Xiang Ling looked at Xing Xing suspiciously, wouldn't she really meet a dead mouse for a blind cat? "Are you sure it's this thing? Or is it because there is only one mark on Feng Wu Fei Yang's map, so you just use something to lie to us?"

Uh, Xing Xing has nothing to say, although she is really like this, but why does this person guess right, even [-]% accurate?She is a fairy? "Hey...not really, I just said I found a strange thing for you to see."

Now Xiang Ling was in a daze. Originally, she was just talking casually and hitting the stars with her words. Who knew that she really planned to do that? Uh... Is this person a little too simple, so there is no need to guess seriously. Can you guess right?

Fengwu Feiyang and Shi Qinghuayi looked at each other in a funny way. If they guessed correctly, Xiangling should have just said it casually, but he didn't expect that he really guessed Xingxing's plan. However, Xingxing said that this place is just a piece of crap. , presumably that map really might refer to the broken token!

"How is it?" Xing Xing was a little impatient. In her heart, she certainly didn't want them to come here this time for nothing, so almost all her hopes were placed on the broken token that she began to despise. up.

"It's nothing special, it's just... Strange, why did it appear here?" Xiangling didn't know whether she was answering the stars or talking to herself, she had carefully wiped off the dirt on the broken token, but it was I can't see anything special about it.

"It's special to appear in this place!" Feng Wu Feiyang said casually, and took the token in Xiangling's hand. She really thought so. The things that appear in this place are all broken and rotten, which is rare. There must be something special about a complete thing, but they haven't discovered it yet, or they are not the corresponding people, because many things are only special to those who need it.

"Then you should do some research first. If there are no results, we might as well leave early. We see mummies all day long. I'm afraid that when I go back, people will think they are mummies when I see them!" Xiang Ling raised an eyebrow. , looking helplessly at the mummy still hanging around not far away, she was telling the truth. Recently, for this map, apart from attending class, they spent almost all their time in the game. Except for a few of them, they were all Mummy.

Front, back, left, right, up and down, Feng Wu Feiyang looked at it no less than ten times, and the cross at the back didn't know what it was, but he felt that the lines on this side were somewhat familiar, but he couldn't tell what it was, which made Feng Wu Feiyang I couldn't find a clue for a while, the monsters respawned again, and Xiangling and the others joined the battle again. After these few days of spawning monsters, they can also deal with these monsters without Feng Wu Feiyang's help at all, so Feng Wu Feiyang only cares Minding her own business, she trusts her friends not to give her a chance to get hurt.

The monsters returned to the arms of their great system god again, but Feng Wu Feiyang's research still had no results, a little disappointed, a little disbelieving, Feng Wu Feiyang took the token in his left hand, took out the map from his backpack with his right hand, looked carefully, especially It is for the side with the pattern on the token, and it seems to want to see if the map and the token are the same.

Alas... Sighing lightly, Feng Wu Feiyang intends to put this matter aside first, and talk about it later, handing over the token in his left hand to his right, intending to put it in his backpack.

"Feng Wu Feiyang, wait... what's going on?" Feng Wu Feiyang looked in the direction Zi Nan pointed, and this...isn't it her hand?Why did a group of lights suddenly appear?She herself felt nothing.

I didn't know what to do for a while, anyway, I just don't plan to put it in the backpack anymore. The light ball is very soft and not dazzling, but I can't see what is inside, although Feng Wu Feiyang knows that it should actually be the broken piece. A token, and a map to bring them here.

The light cluster was strange when it came, and even more strange when it disappeared. Everyone's eyes were on it, but it disappeared suddenly, and it was the same when it appeared, and it appeared extremely suddenly.

But now, Feng Wu Feiyang no longer has a map or the so-called broken token in his hand, a blue and black sign, one side is still a big ten, except for a new point, there is no change, but the picture on the other side is clear Wake up, Feng Wufeiyang has a solution for the simplest map, but after looking at it for a while, he is not sure.Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she handed it to Xiang Ling to let her see if it was the same as what she saw.

"It seems to be a city, a modern city." Xiangling looked at it for a while before reaching a conclusion. No wonder he couldn't believe it. Wherever it is, there is a worry-free world. All kinds of cities are possible, the most impossible But it is a real city similar to the outside, so Feng Wu Feiyang is not sure.

"Modern city?" Xingxing almost snatched it from Xiang Ling, "What a modern city? This thing doesn't look like anything at all!" He threw it away poetically, with a look of reluctance. It looked like someone had lied to her.

"It is indeed a city, but why does this kind of thing appear here? None of the four major cities looks like this, no! It is because none of the four major cities has a modern atmosphere! But, how could it appear here? What about this kind of thing?" A map brings everyone a big mystery.

(End of this chapter)

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