Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 225 Returning to the Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 225 Returning to the Ancient Battlefield

Some boring people have been feeling a little flustered recently, and this map has of course become an excuse for them to inquire.Feng Wu Feiyang, the only person who has been there, can't run away no matter what, but Sinan, who just followed them all the way, did not follow, she wanted to settle the matter of the bunny here.

Baby Bunny has the things provided by Fengwu Feiyang and the others, so he doesn't have any opinion on whether Fengwu Feiyang and the others should go or stay, but he is very satisfied with the place Fengwu Feiyang provided.

However, after only half a day, Xing Xing has already started to cry. Compared with the road taken in Xinshou Village, the road they are walking now is almost a world away. Only now did Xing Xing realize that they were in Xinshou Village to find a robber's lair. At that time, they were so happy. Although the road was a little far away and difficult to walk, at least it was relatively normal. Ready to enter the swamp, oh my god, this...does anyone need to live?

"Didn't you say that Rising Sun City is surrounded by plains? What is this now?" The smell of putrid mud in the swamp can be smelled clearly here.

"Mostly, there are accidents, and here, it is considered a plain. Except for the small hill we climbed just now, how can the place be uneven?" Stupid, plain swamp is the name of this place.

"Is that still called a small hillside?" Xingxing immediately called out to Qu. It took her two hours to go up and down the mountain just now. If it's called a small hillside, then why is it called a big mountain?

"Of course it's called Xiaoshanpo, otherwise I'll take you to Heitiecheng to climb the mountain next time!" Xiangling's eyes lit up again, as if he had imagined the result of turning the stars over.

Xing Xing shook her head like a wave drum. She is a lazy person, and lazy people are not suitable for such difficult things. The mountains should be left to those who have energy to conquer, and she will forget it.

"Save some energy, this swamp is not so easy to navigate, and you will have to suffer afterwards!" Feng Wu Feiyang hesitated when thinking about the stinky body last time, but thinking about the group of chatterers, it seems that it is not possible She has the final say.

The swamp is really not easy to walk, let alone the monsters that pop up from time to time, and the poisonous gas that is fearless once entering the swamp, just finding the way gives several people a headache.Although Fengwu Feiyang had the experience of walking here, after all, she was not the one who explored the way back then, she just had to follow in the footsteps of others. Now when it was their turn, it was her who led the way, making it even more difficult to walk . ,
Swamp, if you ignore the bad smell, it is very deceptive to just look at the outside, so it makes it more difficult to find the way. This swamp is flowing, and there is no fixed route, so there are fewer predecessors. The situation of people who planted trees to enjoy the shade led to even fewer people coming here.They walked for a long time without seeing half a person, and the responsibility of finding the way changed from Feng Wu Feiyang to everyone taking turns.

"Xingxing, be careful, Xingxing...!" Xiangling in front and Shiqinghuayi in the back were the first to react, and subconsciously grabbed Xingxing's hands one after the other, and half of them were quickly swallowed up by the mud in the swamp The body of the stars was finally dragged back.

"Wow... wow... I almost got buried in the mud, I don't want to go in!" Xingxing was really frightened. From the moment she entered the worry-free world, everything went smoothly. She had never encountered such a situation. If it weren't for Zi Nan has sharp eyes and cannot imagine what is going on. The world in this swamp is far more dangerous than they imagined. They fell into it too fast. If they hadn't imagined how to deal with this situation when they entered the swamp, I'm afraid things are really unimaginable.

Poetic and picturesque is like a big sister. Regardless of the dirt on Xingxing's body, she gently hugs her, pats Ye's back and comforts her softly. After a while, Xingxing stands up and sheepishly wipes away the tears on her face. , but I didn’t expect that my hands were dirtier than my face, and I looked like a little cat.

"Can we still go on? How about... let's go back?" Feng Wu Feiyang looked at the stars with some worry. For them, going back was the easiest thing.

"Don't go back, let's go again!" Xing Xing was just frightened just now, and nothing happened after crying. This situation aroused her unwillingness to admit defeat, how could she give up lightly!
"Okay, let's go then!" Feng Wu Feiyang nodded. In fact, when he asked, he knew that with Xingxing's personality, he would never go back now. Maybe, she wouldn't agree to go back before she encountered danger, let alone What now.

The next journey can only be said to be more difficult, but with Xingxing as a lesson, everyone has been a little more careful. Even Xingxing has learned a lesson to some extent, and he is no longer the same as he was at the beginning. concentrate.

Crossing the mountains, wading across the river, taking a bath in the swamp, and then playing extreme sports - rock climbing, although Fengwufeiyang is no stranger to these, but it is still extremely thrilling, if it is not for helping each other along the way, I'm afraid it's really hard to come here. Look at the road you have traveled, and think about the last time when Zhong Dizi and the others did the mission together. Although it was quite difficult, it was not so thrilling. It's like risking your life.

It's not that the dangers on the road have increased, but that people with good levels like them have had a smooth journey, and they rarely set foot in these truly dangerous places. Today can be regarded as literacy for everyone, otherwise people will ask in the future Well, maybe everyone really thinks that there are only those wide plains near Rising Sun City in this worry-free world, which are harmful to others and themselves.

Even though I have experienced it once, the smell of the things on my body along the way is still unbearable, and this time it is a little more serious than the last time. For this team, which is mostly girls, it is even more unbearable. unbearable.

But things have come to this point, no matter how unbearable it is, you have to endure until the system is refreshed, the taste will go away, the road will continue, and then there is a line of sky, a line of sky is very characteristic in Fengwu Feiyang's memory, The first is narrow, the second is long, and the third is curved.Because there is nothing to blame, these can simply be ignored.

Based on being cautious, the soldier Xiangling will open the way through the first line of sky.Sometimes, it is precisely because of this cautious behavior that some dangers that could have been avoided have been avoided, and they are the same this time.Yi Yitian, who was originally confirmed by Feng Wu Feiyang to be innocent, encountered a monster shortly after Xiang Ling took the lead to enter.

The monster's level was not high, but it surprised Feng Wu Feiyang. At that time, when she came with Dizi and the others, even those monsters in the ancient battlefield didn't have this level!Why are there so many high-level monsters suddenly appearing in the sky that can only be seen as the portal now?
Feng Wufeiyang had already talked about their last mission in detail on the road, so everyone was alert to this unexpected situation. Everyone would be a little more cautious about unknown situations, although according to Feng Wufeiyang, she understood The situation is the boundary of the land before the sky.

The sky is narrow, and the level of the monsters is not high, so the monsters here can't cause them trouble, and the speed of progress is not much slower because of their obstacles.

When all of them rushed out of the sky, looking at the scenery in front of them, if Feng Wufeiyang hadn't told her about her experience, I'm afraid even they would have been confused.

The ancient battlefield reached by walking through the sky is still as beautiful as the wind dancing in my memory. The undulating terrain and the verdant green grass extend into the distance like a fine carpet. The blossoming wild flowers are the best. decorative pattern.Sometimes there are shrubs full of flowers of various colors, and there are patches of small woods, some filled with all kinds of wild fruits. The nose is full of floral, fruity, and even grassy and earthy scents, fresh and tangy. From time to time, there are birds chirping in the distance, butterflies and bees flying up and down, and little rabbits running out of the grass, etc. This... is clearly a paradise!
But everyone knows that hidden under this paradise is a world completely opposite to it.Fengwu Feiyang sighed secretly in his heart, was it possible that this place was so beautiful before the ancient war?But it became another world because of a war.

Good times don't last forever, and they probably know the way to touch this place from Feng Wu Fei Yang, but the few of them honestly don't want to be the ones who destroy the beautiful scenery.

The only man in the team naturally became the target of the attack. Fortunately, Zi Ye happened to be a soldier, otherwise Xiang Ling would have been the only one to attack.

Rolling his eyes, in fact, Zi Ye has long been impatient for waiting, but it seems that admiring beautiful things is a common problem for all girls, Zi Ye doesn't want to make trouble, disturbing their interest when they haven't appreciated enough, maybe What will happen to them afterwards!

According to their calculations, it is not necessary to pick or touch the fruit trees, the ancient battlefield will be activated, maybe just a certain range of rotation or a certain time on the lawn will have the same result.

So Zi Ye's speed was not fast. The moment they stepped onto the lawn, several people had already calculated silently in their hearts. At the same time, they were all ready to fight. Even if Feng Wu Feiyang came here once, they still didn't know anything about this place.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds, five seconds, the sky and the ground seemed to change completely in an instant. The beautiful scenery that was originally cloudless turned into a bloody battlefield in an instant. The body is not complete, and there are tattered rags hanging on the body. I don’t know how many years have passed.

As these rotting corpses moved, bursts of rancid smells replaced the original floral and fruity scents, and even the smell of the soil was stinky.Subconsciously, several people held their breath.

"The level is eighty!" Although I had already guessed that there might be changes inside when I was in the sky, it was still very surprising to see it in front of me. Why was there such a big difference in the same map twice? ?

"Be careful, there is something weird everywhere here!" If Feng Wufei Yang hadn't been here once before, maybe they wouldn't have doubts, "By the way, Feng Wu Fei Yang, where is the mark on the map?"

"This ancient battlefield is very large, and the map is the map of the ancient battlefield, and only a few lines were used outside!" That map is probably the purpose of the mission in Novice Village.

"Can the map be shared now?" Xiang Ling frowned slightly. They had never been to this place. She had also seen the map. It was too simple and difficult to understand.

"No!" Feng Wu Feiyang shook his head, "However, I can see the approximate location, it should be in the north."

Although there is only a general direction, it is like a bright light for those who are now blind.They really don't want to stay in this place much longer.Although everyone has long known that this is a world of dark creatures, and people with the priest profession may have a smoother journey. Unfortunately, a few people may be too powerful and never need the priest. Currently, There was only one man who practiced priest skills, but he hadn't even passed the first job transfer. He didn't have priest skills, so he couldn't help him.

With their level, it is not difficult to open a path in the pile of corpses. The difficulty is how to prevent those rotten and disgusting things from getting on the body. After seeing this thing, I realized that bathing in the swamp can actually be called bathing. Enjoy, as long as you don't get stuck in the stuff.

Although the rotting corpses are not a threat to them due to their level, it is troublesome to have them in pieces. This is a sea of ​​rotting corpses, especially as they enter the ancient battlefield, the number of rotting corpses inside does not decrease. However, the level But it has risen, and those rotting corpses are no longer so tattered, and they finally have some weapons in their hands, instead of using their severed hands as weapons like before.

Level 81 monsters with this density can already cause them a lot of trouble. Even so, it may be natural for girls to like to be clean. The movements of Xiangling's hands in the front are not reduced, but the flexibility of his feet The speed is comparable to that of a star, just to avoid the liquid brought up by these carrion corpses when they attack or when they are attacked.But even so, there are still a few times when it can't be avoided, and the glowing equipment is also covered with stains, and there are bursts of stench on the body.

As more and more things got on his body, Xiangling simply gave up dodging, and the attack in his hand became even more powerful. A fighter is destined to need a close attack, even if there is a wind dance, it is not her Xiang Ling never evaded the monsters that he couldn't defeat.

The effect of poison here is much smaller. This is the first time Fengwu Feiyang has encountered such a situation. Fortunately, although her lock and poison are the best used, but for other group attacks , she is also good at using it. Cooperating with the ice-cold Ice and Fire Dual Heaven, the effect is good, which just makes up for the effect of the poison. Qun Suo used to be a group, and sometimes they cooperated with Bing Han, and the effect they received was even greater than that of Xiang Ling, the slasher.

(End of this chapter)

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