Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 158 Water Dream Realm (2)

Chapter 158 Water Dream Realm ([-])

But now Fengwu Feiyang discovered another direction.Looking at the three ice sculptures blocking the way, they are also humanoid monsters, a bit similar to lizard people, but the skin on their bodies is formed after freezing, so I went to Ice City with them to do the teleportation stone task and saw them. The Snow Demon is kind of like that.

Although their speed has dropped a lot because of their frozen bodies, Feng Wu Feiyang actually wants to see how fast they are. This place doesn't look too bad, maybe you can bring Xiang Ling and the others, but, thinking of her Forget about the frustrating speed!
People are always afraid of invisible things, the level of monsters has not dropped, but because of the appearance, although Feng Wu Feiyang played very slowly and suffered a lot of injuries, but he always has a bottom in his heart, and he is no longer like the first monster. , a little confused, and a little confused, I don't know how to start.

But now, it seems that the same attack just now has a greater effect. Feng Wufei Yang feels more at ease, and his frown is relieved a lot.Maybe this is the so-called psychological factor!
There are about [-] steps of stairs, but there are four groups of monsters, and there are no less than four water monsters in each group. If it weren't for Fengwu Feiyang and the lock, she might really be trapped here, and it would be difficult for her to move an inch.

Only when you fight monsters alone do you know that although Poison Mage is infinitely more convenient than other players because of the lock, but also, compared to others, his attack power is much weaker and his attack methods are much less. She didn't notice it when she was attacking, anyway, she is usually not the main attacker, but now, when she is alone, she realizes that the speed is really slow.No wonder, Xingxing once said that the most indispensable thing to play games is to form a team.

Above the stairs is an endless plain, which is also like a glazed ground. It is empty, but you can’t see the end. It seems to be foggy, and it looks like the sea and sky are the same color. Connected to the stairs is a road. The ground is obviously different from the plain, and the color is different. A little deeper, as if imagining the streamer.

Here, it looks calm and beautiful, but Feng Wu's nerves are jumping tightly, always guarding against invisible monsters that appear suddenly, looking at the glazed avenue that seems to be covered in fog, not knowing where it leads.But it was the way Fengwufeiyang was going to go next.The dungeon this time is this bright avenue, and what you see in other places is the light-colored glazed plain. Feng Wu Feiyang, who has suffered enough on the river embankment, will never believe that the plain will be safe.

Testing the law with one's own body is the stupidest behavior, but it is also the most helpless thing that Feng Wufei Yang can do now. Although she now has a way to make the water monster that attacks her appear, there is a prerequisite for that, that is, it is already attacking. Under such circumstances, she still couldn't see the water monster that didn't attack her. The initiative was always in the hands of the monster. It was the first time that Feng Wu Feiyang suffered like this, because of her lock and also because she entered the game. The reason for her original point is also the reason for her chosen profession. All along, everyone has tried their best to protect her, and she has never been as embarrassed as this time.

Since coming here, as long as you fight against monsters, you will definitely be injured, and even a few times you have only blood left, and your life is recovered. You must tense your nerves tightly all the time, or you may be killed in the next moment. You will see the familiar scenery of Rising Sun City again.

The level of the monsters on the plain seems to be about the same level as the monsters on the river embankment, but the monsters on the river embankment are isolated one by one, but on this glazed plain, they are in groups.Maybe it's because of Fengwu Feiyang's profession, poison mage, I'm afraid it's really more suitable for chaotic warfare. After coming up, Fengwu Feiyang's speed is much faster. Of course, the other part must be the reason of the blame itself. Regardless of any place, any type of monsters, at the same level, the individual in the group will be weaker, and the individual will be stronger, but the overall strength of the group will be stronger.

But for Fengwu Feiyang, it is cheaper for her. She has a lock skill that no one else has in the game. Fighting groups of monsters is like fighting one by one, so even though groups are in groups, the speed is actually faster. a lot of.

The Liuli Avenue seems to have no end, Feng Wu Feiyang is tired and rests, and after resting, she will continue to work hard. Up to now, even she doesn't know how far she has traveled, all she knows is that no matter whether you look at it from the front or the back, it is the same scenery. Any change, even she herself will doubt whether this road has an end, but here, only this one is an obvious road, and the other places are the same scenery, maybe once you go deeper, even this road Can't find it either.

This illusion seems to be empty, except for Fengwu Feiyang, everywhere is empty, especially from a distance, Fengwu Feiyang is more like performing alone, only she can freeze those water monsters It's a little bit different when it comes out.But it will disappear soon.

If a person is used to seeing one kind of scenery, then the sudden change of scenery can be exciting even if it is ordinary, let alone it is not ordinary at all!

Feng Wu Feiyang blinked, and blinked again, to make sure that he was not dazzled, and really saw the end of this colored glaze avenue. Its end was completely different from the grandeur of the colored glaze avenue that Feng Wu Feiyang had worked hard for so long. The most common colored glaze here is just the same color as the avenue, darker than the plain, forming a circular area, which is about the same size as the small lake in the supply station she saw outside. The difference is that the only one in the supply station The building, the tall tower, has also become all made of dark colored glaze here.

The high tower looks exactly the same from a distance, but there is no lake or NPC here, it seems a bit more bleak compared to the supply station, but Feng Wu Feiyang believes that this high tower will never be lonely, in this open space, I don’t know How many transparent monsters filled it in it.

Looking at the high tower, Feng Wu Feiyang finally understood why she didn't see a monster when she came out of the supply station. , and she was bored. If she had known this would happen, she would have teleported the stone a little and ran back to Rising Sun City, so she would not have come to this ghost place!The beautiful scenery of Meilun and Huan has the deadliest danger that is completely out of proportion to it. I really don't know how many people who can come to this illusion can not return to the city for free.

Although a little bit excited, Feng Wu Feiyang would not really think that there is really nothing on the seemingly empty glazed land, she has always been willing to live a long life, and she has seen too much of this kind of situation along the way, Gao The level itself is difficult to upgrade, but Fengwu Feiyang has risen to three levels here. From the initial difficulty, to the later habit, it is basically not considered in the bottom of my eyes, especially when the little guy comes out to cooperate with her , definitely not much worse than a perfect match between a mage and a warrior.

Sit down, first of all, you need to recover blood and mana, and do things to replenish your strength. The most important thing is to wait for her little guy to wake up. Fortunately, in the past few days, I already know about the time when the little guy wakes up from sleep, I don’t know It is because of its rising level or other reasons. Now the little guy no longer wakes up every few days as before. It will have a certain amount of time to wake up. Wag its tail a few more times, but it will definitely be unhappy when it wakes up, and unfortunately it will still be flying in the wind.

After everything was ready, Feng Wu Feiyang asked the little guy to act as the task of attracting monsters again. At the same time, she also prepared the group lock and instructed the little guy not to read the battle. As long as Feng Wu Feiyang locked her group lock, the little guy Back immediately, its speed is much higher than Feng Wu Fei Yang.

With one Frost, all the chained monsters were revealed, and there were actually five of them. This was the most she encountered since she came here. You must know that the most on the avenue was four, and the five were only encountered by Miao Miao. Just a few times.

I didn't have time to think about it, so I just aimed a lightning strike at one of them, and then gave a forced attack. The time for the group lock was almost up. After adding the lock, and finally a small lightning, this monster was basically scrapped.This is the fastest attack that Fengwu Feiyang summed up along the way, and it is also the most suitable attack, no matter in terms of time or skill.

Feng Wu Feiyang first cleared the monsters along the edge of the circular ground formed by the glass, fearing that there might be patrolling among them, there is no way, now she is blind with her eyes open, she has eyes as if she has no eyes, transparent Strange and can not see.

Advance cautiously, fortunately, the blame here is that its refresh is relatively slow, maybe it is because it is transparent!Fengwu Feiyang doesn't have to worry too much about retreating,
In this open space, the group of five water monsters is not the most, the most is seven, which is near the hut, seven. It turns out that group locks are not omnipotent. There are too many special ones, and its time is not very reliable. No, not to mention 30 bills, not even 15 seconds, seven unlocked at the same time, not only made Feng Wu Feiyang flustered, but also made the little guy very troublesome, fortunately there was the little guy, several times, Feng Wufei was almost in danger The blood was gone, it was the little guy who used his lightning-like speed to help Feng Wu Feiyang block it, but at the same time, he got wounds one after another for his body.

The monsters are scattered too widely, and the locks of the wind dance are useless. Of the seven monsters, only three are locked, and there are four more. It was too dense, and its only function was to attract monsters by relying on speed, but now, it was already scarred.

There is another worst thing about legal system players, that is, not only has no self-protection ability when making moves, but is also easily interrupted, and this is the case with Fengwu Feiyang now, the invisible monsters make her dare not do whatever she wants Avoid it, fearing that it will get angry over there before it is solved. My own defense is low and my health is low, and my life is even cheaper, so I cannot easily confront it head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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