Chapter 150
Ming Yuexin happily put it away, and she planned to take it back and give it to her two friends to let them know that the kind of food they usually eat is not food at all. Of course, the most important thing is to let a certain Only comrades who make coke can experience it. This kind of technology is called cooking, not just the data of chef skills.Let's see if she will be ashamed, or if she is so thick-skinned that she doesn't even know how to be ashamed!
Cleaning up again, Feng Wu Feiyang went around the bamboo forest again. Binghan likes to eat these mushrooms in Xinshou Village very much. They are types that are not available outside, so she will collect some every time she comes here.

Mingyue Xin also followed to collect. She who had eaten this kind of mushroom just now knew that it was delicious, but no one around her could make it, so she still gave it all to Feng Wu Feiyang.

Less than a day before and after, the two returned to Rising Sun City, Ming Yuexin received a message in Xinshou Village, and left Feng Wu Feiyang very reluctantly as soon as she returned to the city, Feng Wu Feiyang returned to her nest alone, a little distressed , her mentor who loves to run and eat, doesn't know where she is now.

I remember that when Rising Sun City was upgraded, they put tasks on the exchange. Today, Feng Wu Feiyang came again, and the things she received were much more than she imagined. Fortunately, she had the blessing of the gods, otherwise she would move a few times. not finished.

When she had the right materials in her hands, Feng Wu Feiyang felt itchy, and she, who had just come out of the nest, walked back again.

"Good apprentice, good apprentice, wait for me!" On the street of Rising Sun City, a white-haired and white-browed old man was chasing the girl in front of him, and he kept shouting, his voice full of anger made people follow him. His full hair can't connect.These two should be NPCs, right?Performing this show in Rising Sun City, I don’t know if there is any task to do!Players who saw the two along the way were a little moved, to see if they wanted to come up and talk.

"If you still want to eat later, don't let me hear a word!" Feng Wu Feiyang was delighted to hear his voice for a while, but she was a little angry when she thought that he would ask her to look for him every time. It was his blind yelling that attracted countless eyes, making Feng Wufei Yang want to seal his mouth.

As soon as the old man heard what Feng Wu Feiyang said, he immediately covered his mouth with his hands like a child, without saying a word, and followed Feng Wu Feiyang obediently.Feng Wufei raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, and sealed his mouth. The simplest thing is just one word, eat!

Feng Wu Feiyang sat opposite the old man and watched him eat. Although the old man looked like a reincarnated starved ghost, he ate very quickly, but his movements were not rude. On the contrary, it could be seen that he enjoyed it very much, making people feel like making things for him Eating is also a kind of enjoyment.

After an unknown amount of time, the old man finally put down his food and said that he had finished eating!Feng Wu Feiyang didn't touch a drop of water, just watched him eat, and if he didn't have enough, he would do it again, and he would do whatever he wanted.

When the old man raised his head, seeing Feng Wu's expression, he laughed dryly, waved his hand casually, and immediately dodged away.

Fengwu Feiyang is now on a small island in the main city of Haiyun, looking at the so-called south with great depression. The job transfer task her master gave her is to find and bring back ice bamboo flowers, and then there is a general direction.

Ice Bamboo, a plant that looks like bamboo and lives in cold places close to water. It is different from bamboo in that it is covered in white and cold, but its flowers are on the contrary, similar in shape to snowflakes. , but without the ice of snowflakes, it has a cool fragrance. Although it is the flower of ice bamboo, it is not as fragile as a plant, and can be worn directly as an ornament. Fire resistance is generally an excellent preparation for doing missions in places like Fire Island.

Of course, Fengwu Feiyang is also very interested in it. She has long been very dissatisfied with the high temperature she had to endure when practicing blacksmithing. This time, I will see if I can pick two more flowers. In addition to handing in the task, it is best to prepare one for myself and Xiangling. .Uh, it seems a little greedy.

However, although the idea is good, she really has no clue about the mission now, this island is already the last place that can be reached, and Feng Wu Feiyang has to go on by herself in the future.

After choosing a direction, go directly into the water. In the four main cities, only within the area of ​​Haiyun City, you can move about underwater as usual. If you are in the other three main cities, you must swim when you enter the water, otherwise you will drown possible.

The little guy who is flying in the wind is only at level 22 now. At level [-], it grew again, except for the body becoming longer, but nothing changed. Even the four small feet like bamboo sticks are still the same thickness. This is still the credit for the monster siege in Yunmeng.Although Fengwu Feiyang is not like the stars, he has been speechless to the little guy for a long time, and he is not willing to even bring it to level up. Whoever let it eat too much experience, but did not see any changes in the level, growing super slow, Fengwu Feiyang himself She was also very speechless, but with her personality, she didn't really care too much about it. However, it has already come out, so let's help it upgrade a level by the way.

Stopping and stopping along the way, Feng Wu Feiyang did not use Yin Dan again, it all depends on his strength, but he found no less than a hundred islands, found a lot of strange things, and found a lot of places with mines, or It's too bad, she will take the time to record it at the beginning. With the increase of the number, she no longer likes that kind of mine, and there are better mines. Unfortunately, she is alone and doesn't want to keep doing special land. This kind of thing is not those special types of ores. She just got a little enough for herself and Xiangling.

Many of these islands scattered on the sea are rarely visited by players. I don't know if it's because of Worry-free World's special preference for life players, or other reasons. Along the way, she always encounters all kinds of good things.Of course, it may be because of her identification technique that she took such a big deal.

Passing by all kinds of seas, I saw a lot of magical plants, because this time I was looking for ice bamboo, in order to avoid the oolong of the so-called magic eagle that Xing Xing said last time, Feng Wu Feiyang took the value. Appraisal techniques are used in almost every kind, but, Bingzhu, why didn't she even see a shadow?
The abundance of seabed species is not below the land at all, and it doesn't matter where Fengwu Feiyang is, but the seven-day long search and battle made her extremely depressed, although her current life is actually similar to her usual life, at most it is When I usually go out, I usually take Yindan in order to collect materials better and faster, and there are fewer battles, but now I have to use Yindan to help the little guy upgrade. The battle is non-stop all day long, and I have faced life and death several times. Try it out, especially since she had already entered the monster area around level [-] three days ago.

Here, no matter whether it is in the sky, on the island or in the sea, they are all level [-] monsters, and Fengwu Feiyang didn't go deep into it too much. Before she changed jobs, she couldn't level up no matter how much experience she had, and her combat power didn't improve. Coupled with her extremely poor physique and agility, she might not have a chance to escape.

south?Uh, this place is really a bit big, Feng Wu Feiyang stood helplessly on a small island, ready to continue looking, can you not look for it?However, she is now in a monster area around level 62, and she has to be careful with every step. In particular, many monsters in the sea are swimming around, and the area is relatively wide. Although the opposite density is relatively small, but, It was also very difficult to walk.

Today is already the ninth day, Feng Wu Feiyang frowned slightly and looked at the sea in front of him, for some reason, the closer to the island on the map in front, the colder it was, and Feng Wu Feiyang, who had been to the Ice and Snow City, found that Well, the monsters swimming in the sea here are actually some monsters that are unique to the ice and snow city of Ice and Snow City.

Just like the level 72 ice fish she just killed, this weird smell is now in her ring. The five of them were attracted by its taste, so they deliberately killed more, but they didn't expect it. See it here too.

Among the four major cities in the world of worry-free, the temperature of Ice and Snow City is lower than that of the other three major cities, followed by Haiyun, with humid air and sea breeze, its temperature is slightly better than Ice and Snow City, and Rising Sun City has The four major plains are like spring all year round, and the Black Iron City is the hottest, and there are even many craters.Worry-free world is to create a second world, and the simulation is very high. Although these temperatures will not cause too much burden to the players, they can still be easily distinguished.

When Feng Wu Feiyang climbed onto the island, he was surprised, just like the difference between the inside and outside of the house, the low temperature that he could feel in the water just now, but now he felt nothing, the oncoming breeze blowing gently That said, even the smell of sea water that the sea breeze often brings, green trees and red flowers on the island, many plants are common in Rising Sun City, and they are rarely seen on these small islands in Haiyun.

As we moved forward, we actually saw a level 5 bunny. How could it be possible? Did she come to Novice Village?Otherwise, how could there be such a low-level bunny?

Looking around, the island is lush with plants, the trees block the view, and the exact size of the island cannot be seen. The only place I can see is the cute little white rabbit walking back and forth among the bushes, and there is nothing else .

Shuttle in the woods, as she went deeper, the level of the monsters gradually increased. When she saw monsters above level [-], Feng Wu Feiyang finally became convinced that she did not come to Xinshou Village, because the highest level in Xinshou Village The monster is level [-]. If you don’t leave Xinshou Village to change jobs in the main city at level [-], you won’t be able to level up. And the highest player in Xinshou Village is level [-] players. Level [-] monsters are the limit. exist.

Here, Feng Wu Feiyang picked several strange medicinal materials, ice orchid, ice fragrant grass, and finally confirmed that she found the right direction.However, there is no difference in their appearance. It seems that they are only different in name, and even their appearance is the same.

(End of this chapter)

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