Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 148 The Accident of Appraisal Technique

Chapter 148 The Accident of Appraisal Technique
I don't know if her guess came true. Feng Wu Feiyang improved her tailoring skills really fast during her training outside, and she made some weird things. Of course, there are many backpacks that Xing Xing wants most, but , the best is still silver equipment, although the [-] grid spaces are the best in silver equipment!
But Feng Wu Feiyang was still dissatisfied, of course, she would not be satisfied even if she really gave it to Xingxing, beside Xiangling and Feng Wu Feiyang, Xingxing's vision is very high, so she can't look down on these things!
On the contrary, Fatty, I’m afraid he won’t be able to close his mouth when he gets Fengwu Feiyang. In the entire worry-free world, collecting skills account for the largest proportion of living occupations, followed by chefs, and then blacksmiths and pharmacies. Tailors are extremely rare. The two things that the auction house lacks most are skill books and backpacks.

However, there are quite a few backpack systems for sale, perhaps because of the low rate of damage. For example, in the case of collection techniques, the types of things collected are different, and backpacks are needed, so it is more generous in this respect, large-scale backpacks Of course, the price is also expensive. Of course, although the backpack made by Fengwu Feiyang is made of silver, it has a lot of spaces.

There are more things to do, and there are fewer ways to go out. Of course, there are not many materials that can be collected. Fortunately, Feng Wu Feiyang doesn't mind very much. Anyway, she came out with the purpose of relaxing.

Walking by the river, every time she stops to eat, Feng Wu Feiyang will take out her fishing rod, leisurely fish, and then she can eat delicious grilled fish or fish soup. For her, Simply enjoy.

It's already a habit of her to keep throwing appraisal skills all the way forward. Looking at flowers and throwing flowers, looking at grass and throwing grass, Fengwu Feiyang Pharmaceutical is also special. In her mind, the difference between herbs and herbs is not The level is the effect, which is useful to her, or irreplaceable, just like the purple heart grass in Xinshou Village, she is always ready, it is dispensable to her, or can be replaced, No matter how good it is, it doesn't matter without her. For example, Zhu Guo, although she cherishes it very much, but from the bottom of her heart, she doesn't like this kind of medicinal material very much, just because it is too difficult to find, and the effect is good. But it cannot be used for a long time. Pharmaceuticals are to make useful medicines, not medicines for collection.

Throwing an identification technique casually, it turned out to be a bush that is unique to a riverside. I laughed dumbfounded. Does this fruit still need identification?
Ding!The player Feng Wu Fei Yang has identified 5000 new varieties, and the identification technique has been upgraded to a master level.

Feng Wu Feiyang was still picking the fruits above while laughing secretly, but the boss was scared off by the system prompt, opened the player log and took a look, hey, the appraisal has really been upgraded!There are 5000 kinds of appraisals for new products. It’s scary to think about it. Since she learned the appraisal technique, she has used appraisal instead of medicine exploration, mine prospecting, etc., whenever she has it, she also throws down the appraisal technique. There is also this benefit.

As for the identification technique, she never knew how to upgrade it, and even used it habitually in the end, but she never thought about upgrading it. The purpose of coming out this time was not achieved, but it was a surprise.

Looking at the tailor above the character attributes, with an advanced level of 99/100 proficiency, Feng Wu Feiyang gave up and thought about other things, forget it, let's go to Xinshou Village to have a look first!Otherwise, how long would it take for her level to rise!
Although there is such a convenient thing as a teleportation stone, Fengwu Feiyang is still useless. Instead of walking by the river, he enters the grassland and decides to walk forward in one direction. Anyway, he doesn’t have to worry about getting lost. It’s really lost When you are on the way, you can use the teleportation stone, and you are not in a hurry. After so long, the only ones with the name of the level on the leaderboard are still at level [-], and there is no sign of changing jobs.

As for the time, Fengwu Feiyang really has no idea, especially when there is a time difference between the worry-free world and the real world, you have classes during the day and play games at night, when you go online, it is daytime, and when you go offline, it is night. The time in the game, and sometimes even the fact that the game is open during the day when they are in class, they forget, who makes every online and offline time so coincidental.

I don't know how many days, when I saw many people in the seventy-level strange area, Feng Wu Feiyang finally remembered a good business, and some didn't want to see other players. So, just click the teleportation stone, and people will appear in Rising Sun City!
Looking at the teleportation array under his feet, he really wanted to go directly to Novice Village, but, considering Fatty, if she didn't go to see him again, maybe he would have to search for someone all over the game!

When I first came to the auction, I didn't see Fatty at the door, so I guessed that someone was there in all likelihood, so I turned around and planned to see the auction appraiser, uh, has the rate of violence in Worry-free World increased now?Otherwise, why would there be so many people here waiting for identification?This is an auction house, and only things that are going to be auctioned are appraised here!
"I'm surprised there are so many people here!" Ming Yuexin looked at Feng Wu Feiyang standing there motionless, and guessed that she must have been frightened by this situation. The people who came to the Rising Sun City Auction House for the first time were almost the same. This kind, after a long time, you will get used to it!

"Uh!" Feng Wufeiyang just nodded, turned around and looked at the girl next to him who had just explained to him. She was about the same height as her. It seemed that she could chat with strangers, so she should be an outgoing person.With a bright smile on her face, it's easy to ignore her appearance and only notice her enthusiasm.

"Because this is Rising Sun City, many people from the other three main cities also come here to auction, and there are many masters who are currently changing jobs!" Mingyue knew everything, and said endlessly: "Yes Yes, my name is Ming Yuexin!"

"Mingyuexin?" The first person to comprehend the training technique trained a rabbit?Fengwu Feiyang still has her in her memory, of course, it's because Xing Xing keeps nagging after hearing the news.

"Yeah, what about you? What's your name? Which main city? I'm from Rising Sun City!" Ming Yuexin said that she was from Rising Sun City and was full of pride, not the kind of oppressive pride, but purely for herself. Being proud to be a person from Rising Sun City, a kind of centripetal force and a sense of belonging.

"Fengwu Feiyang!" Feng Wu Feiyang nodded lightly, and didn't say anything else.

"Oh, hello!" Ming Yuexin is the kind of person who can chat with others no matter how cold they are.Although she is a bit familiar, she looks cute, and many people will like her after chatting with her.

"Hello!" Feng Wu Feiyang suddenly thought of Xing Xing, the two of them should be lively together, and Xiao You, if they get together, their ears may be hard to keep!

"Let's line up together, and I'm going to go for the appraisal!" Ming Yuexin saw that Feng Wu Feiyang was here, so she took it for granted that Feng Wu Feiyang also came here for the appraisal. After all, under normal circumstances, who would come to the auction house for nothing? Looking for an appraiser to play!
"Okay!" Anyway, I came here, and it's okay to leave after seeing the appraiser. After all, she can be regarded as the appraiser's apprentice. This time, she has to go to Xinshou Village. By the way, I will also ask the appraiser if he wants to bring a letter or something. Doctor Huang.

The team in front of Feng Wu Feiyang and the others is shortening, and the team behind them is growing. When it was Feng Wu Feiyang's turn, the appraiser saw Feng Wu Feiyang, smiled at Feng Wu Feiyang, and then signaled Ming Yuexin to take the things Take it out, although Ming Yuexin was puzzled, she took it out obediently, and there were five pieces in total. Uh, she didn't return to the city recently, so I don't know if there is no shortage of equipment now?

"Are you planning to go back to Xinshou Village?" The appraiser was Mingyuexin Appraisal Technique, and said calmly. He knew that if Feng Wu Feiyang hadn't returned to Xinshou Village, he wouldn't have come to line up when he saw how busy he was here.

"Yes!" Feng Wu Feiyang also picked up one, and threw it away with a master-level identification technique, a burst of golden light appeared, it turned out to be gold equipment.

"That's right! Greet Lao Huang for me! I haven't seen you for many years!" Seeing Feng Wu Feiyang's movements, the appraiser nodded in satisfaction, and sighed softly when he thought of his old friend!Yeah, haven't seen each other in years, they both have their jobs.

"Okay! We greeted you!" Feng Wu Feiyang was stunned by the tone in his tone, suddenly, it seemed that she was not facing an NPC but a real person!How many times has this feeling happened?Why do I feel this way every time I see him?Although my heart felt as if it was overwhelmed, the movements of my hands were not slow at all, helping the appraiser to appraise the other piece that Ming Yuexin gave me!
Ming Yuexin put away the five items that had been appraised. Although only one was gold equipment, it was enough to attract attention when this kind of gold equipment was not too popular. After paying the appraisal fee, Feng Wu flew to the appraisal The teacher bid farewell and left.

As soon as Ming Yuexin came out of the appraisal room, she looked at Feng Wu Feiyang with strange eyes. From the moment she talked to the appraiser, Ming Yue Xin never spoke. She could also tell that Feng Wu Feiyang should be very familiar with the appraiser, especially At the end when Feng Wufeiyang used the identification technique, was she a player or an NPC?
"Uh, that, you are..." How to ask?Players are fine, many NPCs are different from what players call everyone, Ming Yuexin thought with a headache.

"I'm a player! He's my tutor for learning appraisal skills!" This is the longest sentence Feng Wu Feiyang has said since meeting Ming Yuexin. Speaking out, Feng Wu Feiyang also knew what she was going to ask!
"Ah, oh! You learned the identification technique!" Ming Yuexin's eyes lit up when she heard that Feng Wu Feiyang learned the identification technique. Few people learn the identification technique.

(End of this chapter)

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