Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 144 Monster Siege (3)

Chapter 144 Monster Siege ([-])

Followed by the polar wolf is another monster that dominates the grassland!The prairie poisonous scorpion, with its long, stinging tail, is not slow at all.Feng Wu Feiyang looked terrified, so he stopped observing the ground and turned to look up to the sky, ah... isn't that the magic eagle?The kind of pet that Star wanted in the first place.

"Wrong, this is called a magic eagle, but it's not the magic eagle I want! What I want is a magic eagle!" All four of them looked at her with the same eyes. It's hard for Xing Xing to pretend not to know, but you have to have some common sense, okay? , this magic eagle is only level 55, she was almost level 65 then, how could she want it?Her eyesight is not that low!
"No wonder I can't find it!" They were all helping her pay attention to the monster named Magic Eagle!Xiang Ling rolled her eyes angrily
"Diao'er is not bad either!" Xing Xing laughed dryly.I hope they will watch it. Anyway, she often makes some oolongs, so they should get used to it.

"The BOSS is here!" Xing Xing's eyes were sharp, now that the offensive and defensive battles are exciting, he doesn't want to join in the fun, and follows everyone up and down to watch the fun.

At the same time, the prairie poisonous scorpion below also found the boss. This time, they also dispatched eight teams to divide their work and returned soon.

"Is this always the case in every siege battle? The sky and the earth come together?" Feng Wu Feiyang looked at the players on the city wall, each responsible for what he had to do, and the division of labor was detailed. It won't be too crowded for a lot of people.

"Not necessarily," Xiangling looked at the invisible monsters in the sky and on the ground, and then explained: "Generally speaking, all the gates of the entire city will accept monsters attacking the city at the same time, but the geographical environment chosen by Yunmeng is doomed. The strength of the siege will definitely increase a lot!"

"In the same way, they can also concentrate their manpower to guard a city gate. Moreover, they chose to stay in a valley, and it is a valley with a small mouth. With the command of Yunmu Tianhua and the cooperation of everyone in the Yunmeng, they have won the battle again, not to mention that there is a siege strength that has been reduced by 30.00%!" Binghan's words can be regarded as her sum for the next month, Looking at the stars, she was frightened by Binghan's so many words. As for what he said, she probably didn't listen to any of them.

"The whole game only costs 53 guild building orders, and the whole game has four main cities, and each main city has 24 districts. Except for some areas that are not suitable for resident, there are only a lot of places. Feel free to do whatever you want. There are piles of places with favorable geographical location like this." Xiangling looked at the attack that was about to finish below, this was the last attack of the third batch, and now, the mobile team of Yunmeng has followed The bosses are fighting together, and it seems that it will end soon!

Siege battles last three hours, and the first batch is half an hour. They have the most types, ranging from levels 35 to 32.The highest level is level 10, and only the last one has a BOSS.After half an hour passed, there was a quarter of an hour to breathe, which was of course used to clear the battlefield.The second batch has the largest level arc, from the lowest level [-] to nearly level [-]. There are many types and the attack speed is very fast.Likewise, only the last category has a BOSS.When all the monsters are successfully wiped out, there will be [-] minutes to clear the battlefield.

The third batch is monsters of level 25 to 65. There are only three types in the sky and three types in the ground, but each type has a BOSS.The limited time is also half an hour, but the time to clear the battlefield is [-] minutes, and the next is the last siege.Logically speaking, there should be two types, namely level [-] and level [-]. Of course, the sky also has two types, but one thing is that the last type has no time limit and will be the highest level of players in the game.

Fengwu Feiyang really admires Yunshen's unknown place. At this time, at least for those who are relatively sure about high-level monsters, there are quite a few players who are in the status of changing jobs. nor.

When the last BOSS falls, it means that this batch of siege is over, and at the same time the most tense moment has come!

Except for a few of them, there were only a handful of people who were on the city wall who were not replaced. At first glance, they were the high-level members of the Yunmeng, who were in charge of commanding the monster siege this time.

Looking at the equipment on their bodies, a small part of the newly replaced group of people has been replaced with gold equipment, and the other part is at least the good stuff in silver equipment in terms of luster.The archers have also become two coordination, one near and one far, one archer and one hunter.Magic is also protected by soldiers, obviously to prevent the monsters in the sky from rushing to the city wall, or the monsters below from rushing to the city wall.

Yunshen sent two soldiers over to protect everyone. After all, there are three mages among the five girls, and only one soldier. Xiangling did not refuse this time, but he did not accept it, but felt that he was in someone else's territory. , Give others a little face.On the surface, at least, they were called in to help.Although they haven't been of much help up to now, it's Xing Xing who went to make trouble for others.

The last batch of monsters attacked the city, and the four of them were ready to attack.

A red cloud appeared on the horizon, and smoke billowed. As it got closer, the people on the city wall frowned slightly. It seemed that the choice of the Yunmeng garrison here really made it more difficult to attack the city to a certain extent.

It turned out to be a flame lion, which is a monster with magic like the magic eagle in Xingxing's mouth, and it is a fire monster. In addition to the physical attack possessed by the lion itself, it can also spray fireballs to hurt people. Like a lion, but with a layer of flame on the outer layer of the fur, the warrior's melee combat is also limited.

As early as when he first saw its figure, Yunmu Tianhua replaced the team of magicians with those who are good at water.Seeing that the flames are almost burning to the edge of the city wall, the arrows of the archers are of little use to the flame lion, unless they attack weak points. , Level 65 monsters are no longer instant-killable!

Fengwu Feiyang and Binghan chanted spells softly at the same time. The moves of both of them are all group attacks, and the moves are all ice-type and water-type. Group poison, don't worry about them at all, they will fall down automatically while running, even if one or two of the rare ones do not fall in the three group attacks with duration, what will greet you will be the bow and arrow of the stars .

As a result, they were the fastest on the entire city wall. Because of their occupations, the ice spells cast by the two of them had twice the damage to fire monsters, while ordinary magicians only had damage bonuses.Moreover, few magicians here have their level, which causes the area in front of Bingfeng Wufei to be often empty, while other places are crowded.

"It would be great if I also had a group attack! Look at the situation like this, you can kill monsters with just a few throws!" Xingxing shot those guys with barely enough vitality in one direction and another, while Nan Nan complained, she Her profession is just not good. She can only fire three consecutive shots at most. Even the lowest-level monsters in the first batch of sieges can at most be shot together to kill them instantly. That would be great.

"Then how often do you commit suicide? Maybe you can choose a new career!" The death penalty in Worry-free World is severe, and maybe you will be thrown back to Novice Village. You can choose a new career when you reach level ten!
"Hey, I'm not that useless. I usually attract monsters, so you protect them?" Xing Xing immediately protested dissatisfied. Is there such a person?She was not happy, it was fine if she didn't comfort her, and she tried hard to beat her.

"I didn't say you were useless, you said it yourself. Fortunately, you still have some self-awareness, otherwise it would be so embarrassing for me to say it!" Xiang Ling didn't even look back. As a warrior, she I can't do my best here, so I have to make Xing Xing fight with her for a while, lest she get too bored and get mold!

"You...you mean to put it bluntly that I am useless!" Xing Xing was so angry that he stopped fighting, and he had to find a bad guy to explain it clearly.

"Hey, Xingxing, what are you doing? Come on, come on, that flaming lion is under the city wall!" Poetic Pictures was originally watching the battle above and below the city, but someone got distracted midway, and there was a flaming lion with only bloody skin left. He actually broke under the city wall. This was a big insult to them who were guarding this area!
"Ah, oh!" Xingxing casually shot an arrow. Anyway, there was only blood skin left. Ordinary arrows could solve it. Although he resumed killing monsters, his face was still unhappy.

The two people who were doing magic looked at each other and smiled. It has been a long time since I heard Xingxing's angry voice. It has been a long time since I saw the scene where Xiangling lazily uttered a few words and made Xingxing extremely depressed. It turns out that I always watch this every day. Several times, I always think, why are these two people not tired of it?It's obviously just a small thing, is it worth it?After we separated, I felt that the noise was gone and the surroundings felt too quiet.

""Team [-], prepare!The Flame Lion BOSS appears! "Yunmu Tianhua's expression was a bit grim. He looked at the BOSS which was far away from the city wall. Among the flame lions, plus the level, it might be more difficult to deal with. "Second Team, Third Team, Fourth Team , the fifth team, prepare to cover!Out of town!Sprint with all your might. "

This time, the five teams came out together without wasting any time. As the five teams left the city, there were also some players who volunteered to help. Generally speaking, they formed a team. Once they went out, they slowly dispersed around the city gate. Open it, but don’t go too far, so as not to get caught in the monster group. There are also some teams that follow several small groups. They are not looking for the BOSS, but when a small group fights the BOSS, they also follow several other groups. A small team helped them clear monsters on the outside. After all, because the Yunmeng was built at the entrance of the valley, the space at the city gate was limited.

They said they were here to help, and they also wanted to earn experience points. When the special operations team of the Yunmeng fought the BOSS, they had to go deep into the monsters. If they could fight monsters and help out on the side, why not?Moreover, the other teams following Yunmeng are also safer.

Xing Xing looked very hot from above, and wished to go down to fight in chaos immediately, but seeing that the militant Xiang Ling was still standing here, she couldn't say anything.

"When the last weird thing happens, let's go down!" How could she not understand Xingxing? In a certain aspect, she is actually very similar to Xingxing.

This time, it took more than ten minutes for the first team to kill the boss, because they went deep into the monster group, Feng Wu Feiyang and the others were also busy fighting monsters, they didn't have the heart to watch the fun, and they didn't know how long they had been out The other five teams returned immediately after, only then did they remember that there were monsters in the sky, but they were too busy to forget about it.

Prairie bears, the last kind of strange appearance is very shocking, they are infinitely powerful and extremely tall, and a large group of them walks over, as if there is an illusion that the ground is moving!
From a distance, seeing the type of monster, Yunmu Tianhua immediately made arrangements, "Melee team, leave the city!"

"Let's go too!" As soon as Yunmu Tianhua's voice fell, the city gate opened, and countless players were organized to leave the city together. Xing Xing immediately told the Yunmeng elders beside him that although he was helpless, he could only follow the Yunmeng faction. The two warriors who came went out of the city together.

Level 70, the highest level of players, no matter it is magic or hunter's bows and arrows, they cannot be easily killed. So, if they still stay on the city wall and do not fight, I am afraid that the city wall that has already been attacked by three groups of monsters will definitely not be able to stop them. It is time to go out of the city, it is better to go out of the city now.

But the people on the city wall did not leave completely, even except for the stars and others. At level 70, apart from the ground, there is also the sky. Monsters, and others are used for maneuvering. If a monster breaks into the soldiers' defense line, then they can kill it outside the city. It is worth paying a little price. At that time, hunters and magicians can completely kill them.

There are eight people in a group, and five people are used to cooperating. It is not very convenient to have three more people. However, it is still not very convenient to use the lock skill in a place with so many people here. It is good to have someone to help.

While on the city wall, Feng Wufei Yang was wondering, with so many monsters, are they in groups?Or one by one?Only when we came out did we realize that they were both in groups and one by one.Just because, if there are a few of them around, and one is attacked, the others will swarm up, but unlike the group of monsters encountered when fighting monsters outside, they will not cooperate with each other.

Once the poetic harp is played, many people cast curious eyes on them. The profession of bard has been heard by countless people, but very few people practice it. It's just that it can't be played once it is activated before level [-]. There are a bunch of people who dare not try it lightly, so, bard, this is not a hidden profession, on the contrary, there are fewer people than some hidden professions.

(End of this chapter)

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