Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 136 Copy 2th Floor

Chapter 136 Second Floor of Copy
A few people came to the second floor again, and the stars seemed to cheer on these monsters, and the fight was super crazy.After seeing the monsters on the two floors, Feng Wu Feiyang almost had a general understanding of the monsters here. Here, the lowest level of ordinary monsters is level 63, patrol is level 64, and small bosses are level 65.The boss of Storm Key on the first floor is also a level 65 fighter.

The mobs on the second floor are level 64, the patrol is level 65, and the small boss is level 66.The key to the second floor has not yet been hit, but the small boss has hit several.

The second floor is almost twice as big as the first floor. The five people brushed one side from the place where they came up and had to go back. Because there is no passage at the end, they passed the nearest bridge and entered the opposite side. Finally, , I found a big boss in a room, it was in the middle of a room, there were guards on all sides, and there were four outside, all of which were level 65, but fortunately, there would be no response when hitting the outside and inside.

This boss is also a fighter, level 66, just the same level as Fengwu Feiyang, Fengwu Feiyang's lock is not easy to break free, from the beginning to the end, several people did not hurt a drop of blood, group locks and small locks are used in turn.

When the BOSS fell, there was really only one key left. Although the effect of Fengwufeiyang's lock has been known for a long time, but from this time, the difference between having and not having it is much bigger, because there are invisible monsters, Xiang Ling also lifted her spirits, and she didn't have time to complain that because of Feng Wu's flying locks, she had less opportunities to play.

The little BOSS here has contributed a lot of experience points. Although the second floor is only half of the level, it is not far from Fengwu Feiyang's upgrade. Behind the five of them is Xiangling's little bear Hanhan, whose level is already over 50. It's just that in There is still no help here, so we can only come out to get experience points, and the little guy Fengwu Feifei can't get experience points at all, his level is too low.There is a twenty level difference between pets and monsters, so there is no experience.

"Simply, let's fight the little bosses on this floor as well. Just brush the monsters, and it's just that Fengwu Feiyang can be upgraded. It will be easier to fight the bosses on the next floor." She said with a poetic smile. Not too many. At this stage, she doesn't have much need to make a move.

"Ah... oh!" Xing Xing memorized the thing on the fourth floor, and he couldn't wait to get the key. Now that he heard Shi Qinghuayi say this, although he was disappointed, he also knew that they might go up to the fourth floor like this. It's going to be tough.

"Hey, why is there a BOSS here?" When they brushed their heads against the direction of the wall on this side, they unexpectedly encountered a big BOSS, also at level 66. The five of them didn't understand what was going on, could it be , isn't there only one key on the second floor?How many are those?
There are three guards standing behind the BOSS, looking from their direction, there seems to be another room, which is also the direction the BOSS is looking at, but from here, only a small stone door can be seen.

"I don't know!" Xiangling replied very simply, this place is weird, other places the boss only comes out after hitting the head, but what about here?From the first floor to the fourth floor, I'm afraid it's at least ten!Doesn't the boss here need money?

"You'll know if you hit it!" There was so much nonsense, Binghan said the most practical words, and at the same time, the movements of his hands were not slow, and Feng Wu Feiyang joined him.

Feng Wu Feiyang kept moving his hands, but he wondered in his heart if this boss was the ultimate boss on the second floor?Although the two levels seem to be the same, but, first of all, this boss has a full third more HP than the previous one, and the wind dancing lock doesn't play a big role, Xiangling has already With it against K, Shiqinghuayi has already started to attack. Fortunately, the guards around him are relatively high-level, and their attack power is still normal. There is only one invisible one, otherwise, they may be in trouble.

"Is this guy a tortoise? His life is so long!" Under Xingxing's last arrow, the boss finally fell, and Xingde finally had time to speak out. It's not as good as Xiangling, and it's not as good as Fengwu Feiyang and icy cold in long-distance battles. It's even a little less poetic and picturesque, which is inconvenient to use. Every time such a big battle always makes her very breathless.

"A poor ghost!" Xing Xing ran over to open the corpse, but what he got was still a key, but it was a stone key with a slight difference, and it was super big, long, and overweight. fall.

"Such a big key, from the looks of it, should have a different function from what we have in our hands." Xiang Ling is a warrior, and his strength is several times greater than that of a star. In addition, he was prepared to hold this key Big guy, it's just a little heavier.

"Go in and have a look!" Pushing open the small stone door, after entering it, several people were even more puzzled, and put a big boss outside to look at the door, why is there nothing inside?Just like the countless rooms in this dungeon, it is empty.

"I played a key that I don't know how to use, and entered an empty room. Well, this is the gift from this boss!" Xing Xing nodded while talking, and rolled his eyes, which is really a difficult move!
"This thing actually appeared in this dungeon. It must be useful!" Xiang Ling raised her eyebrows and looked around again. There was really nothing worthy of her attention, so she turned and walked outside. There is no need to stay here. up.

Feng Wu Feiyang followed behind a few people, throwing magic in a mechanical way. For her, this kind of life is very boring, she likes to create, that's it, so although she is a full-time life skill, she is promoted very quickly , even improved faster than those who specialize in life skills, just because she never practiced according to the formula given by the system, and did whatever came to her mind.

And fighting monsters is too standard for her, whether it is facing bosses or small monsters, anyway, it is just throwing magic until they are killed. When one monster dies, the next one will follow. Do the same thing over and over again.Cyclical and boring.Sometimes, she even prefers to do missions like teleportation stones. When she was in Haiyun City, she experienced the vastness and mystery of the sea. In Dragon Palace, she saw its majesty and atmosphere. A funny ending, and when you see the little bear, it's so cute and violent.Everything is so beautiful, everything is so changing.

But now, what he has to face is almost the same monster, doing the same thing, at most, there are some changes in front of the boss.Sometimes she will face danger, and sometimes she will procrastinate, but it is not the life she likes.

The monsters here have not yet reached the stage where several people are tired of dealing with them. Xiangling also has time to observe Fengwu Feiyang. For a long time, among the five, only Xingxing likes to talk the most, and Shiqinghuayi always listens to them with a smile. She doesn't like to talk when she was born, and her cold temper has never opened her mouth. Only Fengwu Feiyang, she is not cold, but indifferent. She is indifferent to everything, as if she doesn't want to talk about it. There was no other expression on his face.

But after being together for such a long time, she can feel the slight sense of rejection emanating from her body. Does this... mean that she doesn't like it?
"Should we go straight up, or continue?" Xiang Ling asked Feng Wu Feiyang, everyone in the team except Xing Xing felt more or less, so he asked, to see if Feng Wu Feiyang wanted to end sooner.

"Go on!" Feng Wu Feiyang was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect them to be so sensitive, they also noticed a little change in her mood, she thought she was covering it up very well!In fact, it doesn't matter, on the one hand, since it's already here, whether you like it or not, there must be a perfect ending; on the other hand, it's rare to satisfy the stars once, why don't you just do it thoroughly!
"Are they twins?" Xing Xing looked at the boss in front of him with a strange face. They are now crossing another bridge. This bridge does not lead to the opposite side, but passes through it in a spider web-like stone room. After that, just from here you can see the passage on the lower floor.Of course, it wasn't the stone bridge that made the stars scream, but it was on the small place opposite the stone bridge.

There is only a small piece of land on the opposite side of the stone bridge. There is a small monster patrolling back and forth on the stone bridge, which has been dealt with by them long ago. There are two parts, one is by the stone bridge, there is a similar abandoned tool cart, which occupies a quarter of the place, and the other part has a big plant, that kind of plant is called Miao, which is a kind of special refining vitality pill. Plants, Feng Wu Fei Yang are more familiar, it is entirely because of the relationship between poetic and picturesque occupations.

And this plant only occupied one-third of the territory, and the other one-third was the cause of Xing Xing's screams.It looks exactly the same as the BOSS they met on the second floor who lost a big key, and even its position and angle are the same as those of its three major guard stations. Believe it or not, it's no wonder the stars suspect they're twins.

"Maybe, that key was used on her!" Xiang Ling's words made Feng Wu Feiyang's heart skip a beat. If that's the case, it wouldn't be very interesting. Are these two big bosses the ultimate bosses on the second floor, or Are they relative existences?

The stone pillars did not completely separate the two sides, and there happened to be a passage on the other side of the wall that only allowed one person to pass through.If they remember correctly, there seems to be an invisible guard beside the boss, it will come out only after defeating the boss, and it is useless to use any other detection techniques.

Xiangling approached the gap carefully to see if they could sense it. Fengwu Feiyang followed closely. I can't stand it, I have a headache, this terrain is really troublesome.

Go to the missing item to make sure that there is no distance, Feng Wu Feiyang replaces it, first group locks, then small locks, and add them to the boss at the same time.Whether she succeeds or not is no longer in her concern, so she moves back and Xiangling makes up for it.

The god of luck seems to always favor Fengwu Feiyang, and the lock is successful. Except for the invisible one, the rest can be fixed. Xiangling led the one who was released from the invisible, and what greeted it was Fengwu Feiyang and thunder, the icy ice Water doubled the sky, Xiangling's melee attack, and Xingxing's arrow, it fell down at the fastest speed.

Xing Xing and Feng Wu Feiyang also didn't look at the result, and quickly came to the gap again, and now the cooling time of Feng Wu Feiyang's group lock has just expired, regardless of it, first add a group lock and then a small lock on the BOSS, maybe Because of the upgrade, it was still successful. The object was transferred, a small lightning struck a guard, backed up, and changed to a star.

As Xing Xing's attack intensified, the guard immediately released the lock. Xing Xing retreated and gestured to several people. Fengwu Feiyang first put a lock on it and then put a thunderbolt on it, and turned around and left regardless of whether it was unlocked or not, reaching the estimated position.

I don't know if Fengwu Feiyang's lock is too strong, but he still didn't take it off like this, giving a few people more time to get ready. When the time for Fengwu Feiyang's lock was up, the boss ran towards the gap with big strides , Fengwu Feiyang counted its steps, clicked on the group lock immediately after confirming that it was in the right position, and then issued the small lock. The distance of the group lock is far, and the effect of the small lock is good, and it is best to use it together.

The boss with fangs and claws was fixed in place. This time, Xiangling did not fight melee, but guarded the three of them. Last time, because Fengwu Feiyang's lock was quickly taken off, he had to fight melee, so as to reduce the danger of several people. It's different now, Fengwu Feiyang's lock is very strong, there is no need to do that at all, the four of them can do the main attack.

"Why is there nothing?" This time it was very smooth, and the boss didn't lose a drop of blood. I'm afraid they are the only ones in the whole game.Xing Xing turned the boss's body left and right, but still nothing, and even the four guards broke a piece of equipment, how could he be so poor as a boss?

Unlike the single tendon of the stars, the four of them immediately thought of something and filed in. In the place where the boss was originally, there was a large wooden box quietly with a huge stone lock falling from it. Looking at that head, it was finally I know that the twin bosses in Xingxing's mouth have a safekeeping key and a safekeeping box, and they are on both sides of the Chu River.

"I'll come, I'll come, I'll come..." Xing Xing, who was trying to turn over the corpse, saw that all four of them had entered through the gap, and she also took a look at it. Unexpectedly, what she saw was the opposite side of the fallen pillar. There is a treasure chest quietly placed, it's okay, take out the agility of the archer, and yelled before they opened their mouths.

Xiang Ling raised his eyebrows, and just in time, someone took out the key from his backpack and handed it to Xing Xing.

"Wait!" As a game veteran, Binghan knows that there are many times when the treasure chest is opened, and there are dangers in the same place. status.In fact, this kind of situation is usually caused by soldiers opening the box, but, just so happens, there is a MM in their team who loves money.

(End of this chapter)

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