Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 127 Little Guy's Difficult Upgrade Journey

Chapter 127 Little Guy's Difficult Upgrade Journey
"Yes... a little bigger!" It really is... a little bigger!Xiangling looked at the small guy speechlessly. It seemed that he was looking forward to it being able to protect Fengwu Feiyang. Maybe it would be more realistic to hope that Fengwu Feiyang would find a way to lift the curse!

"I don't know what's the use of this skill!" Finally found a little different change, but Fengwu Feiyang didn't know what it would do.

Pet name: little guy

Host: Flying Wind

Species: Unknown

Grade: tenth grade
Life: unknown

Spirit: unknown

Agility: unknown

Skill: Coercion Level [-]
Others, unknown

"Coercion! It's coercion!" Uh, she doesn't know, she has never heard of this skill, anyway, it doesn't look like a passive attack, and it doesn't look like an active attack, as if it has no effect.Maybe we can only discover its function in the future, maybe one day!
"However, is it just difficult to grow, or does it not grow up?" Xiang Ling turned the sleepy little guy over and over in his hands, and his movements were not gentle at all. Anyway, I know that Xiangling can't really hurt it or hurt it. On the contrary, Xingxing looks distressed and her hands are ready at any time. She is afraid that Xiangling will accidentally drop it, but unfortunately she didn't find it. The more she is like this , Xiangling played more vigorously.

Feng Wu Feiyang shrugged, this question, who knows?She didn't even know where that dark egg came from, let alone anything else!

Seeing Feng Wu Feiyang's appearance, Xing Xing reluctantly gave up asking, she forgot, for Feng Wu Feiyang, things that are not valued, it is difficult to leave an impression in her heart, and when the little guy was still an egg, unfortunately, it just happened to be It is one of those that are not valued. If you want to ask about its birth, I am afraid that you only know one that crawled out of an egg!
The speed this time was seriously affected by the little guy, and a few people simply let go on their way later. Looking at Fengying and Taobao along the way, Xing Xing came to the conclusion that Worry-free World is rich in products, and any place for All the players have prepared Yucaidibao, and they don't need to fight monsters, just pick it up, but most of them don't know the goods, which makes them cheaper.

You know, she herself is also an ignorant owner, and she just followed Feng Wufeiyang's identification technique, but how many people in the entire worry-free world know the identification technique?How many will identify and identify uncollected materials?If it weren't for following Feng Wu Fei Yang, a person with several life skills, how could Xing Xing be cheap!
"Fengwu Feiyang, I suddenly realized that it's not bad to walk with you like this!" Binghan's rare speech, in exchange for Xiangling's lip curling disapproval, if it wasn't for the recent promotion of the little guy, she, a violent girl, would have long been Be patient!Fortunately, there is a little guy, otherwise the follow-up mission of the teleportation stone would have killed her.

"Oh!" It was unexpected, Feng Wu Feiyang would have believed this sentence if it was poetic and picturesque, but when it came out of Bing Han's mouth, he was really satisfied.Binghan is one of my favorite sports!
"Traveling, you can do it too!" Binghan is the only earthling among the five who was born and bred. The earth is severely damaged in this era, and there is nowhere to do such things as going green.Maybe it really should be said that the most precious thing is always lost!Therefore, people on Earth have the most interest in outing activities.But the same, and the most difficult.

"Oh!" Nodding in understanding, although the two may not be from the same angle.Fengwu Feiyang also likes to go outing. What she likes most is to pick up her baby handbag and find a place with trees, flowers, wind and water, where she can sit quietly for a whole morning. Unfortunately, since she came to the earth, these Things are rarely experienced anymore.

"Over there, it seems that someone is fighting monsters!" Xing Xing looked at the brilliant magic in the distance, but he was not very sure. This is a monster area of ​​level [-], how could someone be fighting monsters?

"Are you sure?" Xiangling is annoyed now, the level of monsters here is too high, it is troublesome to fight, so she is reduced to pulling weeds with everyone, and now she is very enthusiastic after listening to Xingxing's talk about the excitement!
"Not very sure!" The magic flickered and went out, she only saw the light effect, but didn't hear the sound, so she wasn't too sure.

"Go and have a look!" Otherwise, when Xiang Ling's patience reaches its limit, someone will be unlucky!They are not good-hearted people, and it is better for others to be unlucky than themselves.

"So there are so many capable people and strange people in this world!" Looking at the fallen people in front of them, it seemed to remind a few people of the crown that made Feng Wu fly and was cursed. Could it be that there is one here, no, it should be It is a more fierce one, at least, the crown of Fire Island, when they went there, there were monsters and people who fell down, and now it is!It's strange that I didn't see it, it was full of people.

"Then shall we go to see it?" Xing Xing also shrank his head. The memory of that time is not very good. Moreover, there are few of them, and they don't want to take advantage of it, and they can't afford the next loss.

"Wait a minute, it's still a lively fight!" As they got closer, they could hear the sound, and it was no wonder that there was no magic effect anymore. The place where they stepped down was full of magician's costumes.

"However, these people are really admirable!" Courage is amazing!It's a pity that no one listened to Xing Xing's praise, but after Wuyou World died, he would be thrown back to the place where he was punished!It doesn't matter whether it's Xinshou Village or the main city, it's the same.

"Admiration?" What do you admire?Are they stupid?This site is at least level 68, and the person with the highest level in the game is unfortunately Feng Wu Feiyang, and she is now level 64.They are only one level lower than her, and Hiao Xiang, who is ranked sixth on the leaderboard besides them, is now level 61.Even Hover and the others in the front are a bunch of idiots, with so much difference in level, they all look like MISS, what is there to admire.

"Isn't it admirable to do it even though you know it's impossible?" Sometimes it takes courage to be stupid!Xing Xing's brows and eyes are full of smiles, which are naked irony.

"That's right!" It was admirable, Xiang Ling finally nodded to acknowledge Xing Xing's point of view. "It seems that there is no sound?"

After a while, it was confirmed that there was no sound, and the few people walked forward carelessly. What are they afraid of? That courageous person, so, there is no need to worry.

The place where they landed just now is a magician, and then it will be a little more complicated, but there is no shortage of all kinds of occupations, and finally they are all fighters. It seems that the destination is coming soon. Who will let the fighters always be on the front line of fighting monsters? .

"This worry-free world is also strange. Obviously, the player is kicked to the place where he should go when he dies. Why don't the corpses be wiped away? It's disgusting to see!" The blood staining the ground is enough to prove the fierceness of this battle. Coupled with a large number of fallen corpses, it is indeed disgusting to see.

Who knows!The place they are in now is a forest with dense trees. If you want to see what is happening in front of you, you have to get closer. I don’t know if these trees can survive the war because they have been refreshed or for other reasons. down.

Going forward in the direction where the faint sound came from, turned around the unknown N trees, finally, came to an open space, looked at the fallen trees around, and finally realized that those trees were refreshed at all. People who can move are not immune, let alone trees that cannot move?

"What a big eagle!" In the open space after the war, there was a big black-brown bird crawling in the middle.Just the perfect pet look a star has always wanted.

"It's a vulture!" Feng Wu Feiyang's favorite is the book, that big bird: it has a large body, its whole body is dark brown, and its body color is the darkest among vultures and eagles.The head and neck are rare golden yellow, the wings are long and wide, and the tail is slightly rounded, and now it is hanging weakly by the side.

"Vulture?" Isn't it an eagle?Xing Xing looked at it carefully and it seems that there is still no difference!

"The eagle's tail is wedge-shaped, while the eagle's tail is slightly round! It's a rare golden eagle, you can tell by looking at the head and neck!" Following Feng Wufeiyang's guidance, Xing Xing carefully paid attention to these places. It looks like a sculpture, but it's not bad, she likes it.

"Its eyes are very strange!" When Xing Xing and Feng Wu Feiyang were discussing its type, Shi Qinghua noticed the eyes of this eagle. She didn't know if it was because of the illusion that she had been with the little guy for a long time, but she actually saw this eagle. The sadness and resignation in the eyes.

"Eyes?" Not bad!The stars are always careless, and they can't see anything else.

"Intelligence should not be low. What would happen if Xing Xing saved it now?" Although Xiang Ling was lazy, he waited and looked at Xing Xing to see how his eyes were shining, and couldn't help teasing her.

"It's not cheap Xingxing!" Feng Wu Feiyang also cooperated to help Xiangling, but unfortunately Xing Xing didn't know what he was thinking and didn't respond, it was not fun.

"Are we going to be a fish man?" I didn't see it, but this golden eagle turned out to be a BOSS, 70 levels higher than they imagined, no wonder the people fell one by one, those people really have courage!

"Hey, Xing Xing, what are you doing?" The first thing that came to her mind was the poetic feeling closest to Xing Xing, but unfortunately, she underestimated Xing Xing's agility, Xing Xing is an archer!

Xing Xing had already run in front of the injured golden eagle. Just because there was a person in front of him, the golden eagle tried to stand up, but with only blood left, it had no such ability at all.However, those who beat it were really unlucky, and let it kill them all with only blood left.

"Xing Xing, remember to come back if you want to do it!" Several people reacted and were not too worried. They who took Yindan would not do it even if they robbed the monster's nest. , then even if you are out of luck!Xiang Ling did not change her nature, her concern was hidden under cynicism.

(End of this chapter)

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