Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 118 Gold Exchange

Chapter 118 Gold Exchange
The short thief picked up the dagger and played it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it, "Let's call it the Shadow Thorn!" Needless to say, it must have been changed. The NPC who brought the things up took the magic wand and left.

"Wow, the Shadow Thorn's attributes are so awesome, No.17 on the ranking list!"

"Of course, there are additional skills. I really don't know what it looks like when the Shadow Thorn is activated!"

"That staff doesn't look as good as it does!"

"Come on, man, what's useful is only good if it's in the hands of the person who uses it!"

"Who made that dagger, I really want to ask him to make one for us!"

"Dream! It must be a master blacksmith, can you please?"

"That's right, even if you ask me to move, I don't have the materials! I want meteorites, the price for the one just now is so high, let alone other materials! I have no money!"


In fact, when it comes to exchanging treasures, everyone feels very involved. During the auction, everyone is very competitive. I really admire Fatty’s mind.Feng Wu Feiyang looked at the excitement below, and she thought highly of Fatty in her heart.

"Then next, second place please!"

Khan, this kind of thing!What should we do next?Fengwu Feiyang was a little bit amused and waited to see what Fatty planned to do with it, just because the second one who was unfortunately selected to exchange for treasures actually got a meteorite, and it was more than three times bigger than the first one. Of course, the things to be replaced are not bad, and they are also gold items. However, this time the profession is a summoner, and this profession is also a very good one, belonging to the mage type.

"Hey, it's your family again!" Xing Xing was very interested in the summoner who rarely appeared in the game, and carefully looked at him from top to bottom. No less, he looks like an ordinary person, also a human race, age, his face is not old, but he is very mature, at least 60 or [-] years old, but the average life expectancy in this society is [-], it seems to be a young person pieces.The conclusion is: it turns out there’s nothing special about it!

"A mage can stand against a warrior!" A melee expert and a long-distance attack master!For fighters, there will be more people, but the division of mages is relatively small, just like the summoner I have seen now, the poison mage who is flying in the wind, the cold nature mage, and the poetic bard, and Priest of the flute.Strictly speaking, they all belong to the legal system.Of course, it is a relatively special profession, plus an orthodox mage, it is no less than a warrior.

Also, as one of the mainstream professions in the entire game, it will never be too bad! "However, is goldware now a commodity? Anyone wants goldware!"

"There are only seven or eight gold items on the ranking list now!" Just kidding. There must be tens of millions of players in the entire game. Just a few pieces, are they still popular?
"But, maybe there are people like us?" There are no rankings, but there are in Xiangling's backpack, not to mention more, there are still a dozen of them!Of course, some of them were made by Xiangling when he returned to Heitiecheng this time, and most of them were made. They were lucky enough to have Fengwu Feiyang and they only made a few pieces.

"Leave these things when we leave!" Feng Wu Feiyang looked at the chattering players below, thinking about it, it's about time, otherwise when the gold wares become a big commodity, those things in their bags will be gone What a big deal!
"In that case, I don't know how many people will feel sad and happy at the same time!" Thinking about the pile of gold coins that are going to be auctioned for gold, I am afraid that it will make countless people feel heartbroken!However, having a gold weapon means that you will have more fighting power than others in the game, you can upgrade faster, fight more monsters, and you seem to be very happy.

In the next three small auctions, the frenzied bidding in one big auction was only because of Xiang Ling's words, and there were really countless people who were heartbroken and happy at the same time!At that time, Feng Wu Fei Yang and the others were traveling outside!Uh, no, I made a mistake, it's a task!
"Meteorite, Feng Wu Fei Yang, how many blacksmith skills do you have?" Xing Xing looked at the big black stone below, maybe it didn't work much for others, or they couldn't do anything if they wanted to change it, but for them, These are not a problem, maybe because there are more legal systems in the team, or considering the needs of most players, at least one-third of the gold artifacts made by Xiangling are legal systems.

"Advanced 99/100!" Feng Wu Feiyang felt a little headache when he thought of this. The memory of the last time he practiced blacksmith skills is not good, especially in such a high temperature environment. But I can't stop practicing, and I'm stuck in this position where I can't get up or down.

"Advanced, you can practice it into a gold weapon, or how about exchanging that for you to practice your hands?" Halo, Xing Xing said it lightly, and only they can say it, and use it for practice?Oh my god, that's a meteorite, it's not an iron stone, and there aren't many in the whole game, so I used that to practice my hands!What a prodigal!

"Xingxing, do you think I can't even find two broken stones?" Xiang Ling had a big smile on his face, but Feng Wufei Yang seemed to hear her grinding her teeth!The ore that Fengwu Feiyang used to practice blacksmith skills was all provided by Xiangling, and she always had more ore, so let her waste it.

"Just pretend I didn't say it!" Broken stone?Xingxing flattened his mouth, shrunk his head knowingly!That's right, how could it be possible that Xiangling made such a golden goldware without meteorites, one of the necessary materials?Uh, she's really an idiot, she's really good, and she's probably going to be stared at!Amen, brothers outside, it’s not that I won’t help you, but that there’s nothing I can do to help you. You can’t exchange gold for the broken stones in your hands, right?Go ahead, there must be tens of thousands of people out there, there is always someone who can catch your eye.

The 5 minutes for the summoner was up, but he still didn't get what he wanted. Although he was disappointed, he had no choice but to leave.

Next, the people who were selected to exchange had all sorts of strange things, but no one said they wanted to exchange for gold, and the value was different, but they were more or less happy.

Feng Wu Feiyang also made a move, but it was a bit funny. The participants were only at level [-]. The things they brought up were all kinds of herbs, not high in grade, with many types and different quantities. There were very few valuable ones. For copperware, copperware is really good for level [-], and his things should be exchangeable. After all, when most people here have good levels, there are always some things that have been replaced, but if they are bad, they can be exchanged. The bad thing is that he opened his mouth wide and didn't want one thing.

Fengwu Feiyang began to practice the skills of a doctor, and most of the time he did not follow the prescriptions given by the system, which is why the red medicine and the blue medicine were born.Those medicinal materials are not very useful to others, but they can be said to be the best auxiliary medicine for Feng Wufeiyang who is planning to refine new medicines, especially one of the many flaming herbs with relatively low value, which happens to be Fengwu Feiyang Seeing the girl who was at a loss on stage, Feng Wu Feiyang let Xing Xing take action.

Fortunately, her backpack has a lot of space, and there are five or six pieces of copperware that I don’t know where I got it. I gave it to Xingxing to exchange, and she gave it all to the girl, which surprised the girl. Originally, I exchanged two pieces. , It made her feel a little ashamed. They returned five or six pieces. Most of the people present did not think that the people in the No. 1 bag needed these grasses. They were all gold, and these things that could not be put on the table must be No, in their hearts, it must be that the person in the No. 1 bag is pleasing to the eye, so they just help the novice!

Even the girl who came up to change thought so, so she was stunned for a while after getting the item, and then bowed in the direction of the No. 1 bag to express her gratitude before going down. As the one who took out the item with the lowest value in this auction, I originally planned to face ridicule from others, but because of Xingxing's behavior, no one felt like laughing.The people in the No. 1 bag box can help novices in this way, and if they still come to laugh, it may really be looked down upon!

The auction continued, and the price of the next few items was not low. Although only one of the five pieces of equipment was gold, each piece was sold for tens of millions of dollars, which made the stars stunned. There is nothing that catches her eye, that is, the stars. There are two masters around her.

"The auction has been going on so far, so many regular guests should have guessed what will appear next!" When the fat man was talking, he also looked at Feng Wu Feiyang and their bags intentionally or unintentionally. , all five of them saw it, needless to say, it should be the authentic red medicine and blue medicine produced by Fengwu Feiyang.Follow Fengwu Feiyang and they had the same response, basically more than 80.00% of the audience.

Even if there are a few ignorant people, there are still a lot of people behind and around him trying to wipe him out.

"First of all, I want to explain that due to special reasons, the people who entrusted our auction house to auction this time did not bring a large number." The fat man paused after speaking, and looked at the wrinkled faces of some people with satisfaction. Eyebrow, obviously, these people came for the red medicine and blue medicine produced by Fengwu Feiyang. "So, we decided that the original order of five auctions for a single group will remain unchanged, the number of auctions for ten groups will be reduced by three times, and there will only be one auction for the last fifty groups! This is the total amount that the customer entrusted us to auction this time!"

"Hey, Feng Wu Feiyang, don't you have too much? How can the fat man take out so much?" Xing Xing raised his eyebrows in confusion. If I remember correctly, Feng Wu Feiyang didn't give so much!

"That's the inventory from Fatty!" Idiot!Xiang Ling was almost speechless. Although she didn't come to the auction often, at least she knew that no matter how much Feng Wu Feiyang gave to Fatty, Fatty would be auctioned a fixed amount every time, so sometimes it was inevitable that there would be more.

(End of this chapter)

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