Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 115 Luck is really hard to explain!

Chapter 115 Luck is really hard to explain!

After he talked about it carefully, Xiang Ling originally wanted to send it to ask Feng Wu Feiyang if he would go there, and help her take a look so that she could go there to practice next time. Unexpectedly, Feng Wu Feiyang heard from him. I heard something useful to me.

For example, one of the targets in his mouth, Yu Wu, has a jade-like tree trunk and jade-like flowers. In the wind, you can even hear the crisp sound of leaves colliding, like two jade stones hitting each other.If Fengwu Feiyang remembers correctly, it is a plant with a tranquilizing effect, of course it is the role in reality. In the game, it should be aimed at spiritual power, it should be to restore blue, this kind of plant is very rare, it only blooms in its life One flower, a total of two months, no matter whether someone picks it or not, it will turn into an ordinary plane tree in the end. If her guess is correct, she may gain a lot from making medicine this time!
Fengwu Feiyang simply began to wonder if that person was lying. She entered the second floor of the Qinglian Mountains and had passed two mountains. It was almost dark, but she still didn't see the so-called A jade-like stem, a tree with jade-like flowers.

"Fengwu Feiyang, when you left, didn't you say you would come back yesterday? Why didn't you come back now, the auction will be tomorrow night, can you make it back?" Although I guessed that the guy Xing Xing would send a message, but But he didn't expect it to be Xiangling. Hearing Xiangling's extremely impatient voice inside, Feng Wu Feiyang was very helpless, but also very fortunate.

"I didn't find it. I should come back tomorrow night. We used the teleportation stone to get there before the auction started!" Feng Wu Feiyang was still not reconciled. One day was enough for her to find two more mountains. The person said it was from They entered the Qingyang Plain, and there are only two or three mountains in the Qinglian Mountains in the direction of the Qingyang Plain. If you speed up a little tomorrow, you should be able to find them all.Although Fengwu Feiyang had already passed the two mountains, he only looked for the side towards Qingyang Plain, and did not look elsewhere.

In the afternoon of the next day, Feng Wu Feiyang had already searched for the two mountains as she expected, but unfortunately she still couldn't find them. Seeing that time was running out and the stars had been spotted several times, she had no choice but to walk towards the foot of the mountain with her last hope .

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Feng Wu Feiyang feels like she is talking about her current situation. She climbed a few mountains in the past two days, but she got nothing. The time is too tight, and her physical fitness is not good. , Of course, he was just looking at the flowers, not even picking a single grass, holding a huge disappointment, Feng Wu Feiyang took out the teleportation stone, and planned to launch it.

Wait, there seems to be some voice coming over just now?The perfect simulation of the worry-free world, a breeze comes oncoming, as if it smells of earth and grass. Feng Wu Feiyang, who is used to walking outside these days, is basically used to this smell. The only difference is that, There seemed to be a sound coming from the ear.

However, Feng Wu Feiyang is not too sure, this is outside, and there are a lot of strange things in the worry-free world. It is not too unexpected to hear any sounds, but, the sound is different from usual, Feng Wu Feiyang looks at the teleportation in his hand Shi, listen carefully again, the sound is no longer there, could it be that you heard it wrong?And there is still half an hour until the auction starts!

Gritting his teeth, Feng Wu Feiyang took back the teleportation stone. He was unwilling to waste two days in vain, and the sound from the wind just now was very small, but very crisp, completely different from the sound that he often heard on the mountain these two days. Although it was not as described by the man, at least there was hope.

Rao the foot of the mountain, and ran in the direction where the voice came from. I was running out of time, and I didn't want to miss the appointment with Xing Xing and the others.Uh, a dirt bag!This is what Feng Wu Feiyang saw. Compared with the mountains that Feng Wu Feiyang climbed in the past two days, they are really just dirt bags, not even half of the mountain. half an hour.

I was a little disappointed in my heart. I was basically sure that Yuwu could not be there, but still holding on to [-]% hope, Feng Wu Feiyang decided to walk around the foot of Xiaotubao. See the head!
Luck is something that is really unpredictable sometimes. Feng Wu Feiyang sighed and scolded the person who gave her the news in his heart. What kind of mountain is it? It is the least mountain-like place in the Qinglian Mountains. I didn't expect that Yuwu tree really existed.I don’t want to think about anything anymore, Fengwu Feiyang ran to the Yuwu tree in less than 5 minutes, it was really the same as described in the book, a tree like a jade carving, not like life, but like a tree The most exquisite work of art.

The beautiful sycamore flowers slapped each other lightly in the wind, making crisp sounds, uh, he was right about this!Alas, low agility is not good. The wind is flying and sitting on the jade tree without any form. I climbed the tree just now and climbed it N times before I climbed up. I picked a jade flower and it looked like it was carved from jade. When I touched it, It's also the slippery and cool feeling of jade. I swipe it with my fingertips, but it immediately opens, and there are bursts of fragrance. It really is Yuwu flower.

Put it away carefully, pick it up again, thank you again for her god's blessing ring, otherwise you can't take it even if you see a good thing, who let this Yuwu flower occupy a space in the backpack, oh my god, if you change a backpack The younger one is about to cry but has no tears!
Satisfied, I slid down the tree and watched the Yuwu tree slowly turn into a blue color from the main part. This tree will be just the most common Qingwutong in the future!The excited Feng Wu Feiyang seemed to have forgotten that she still had an auction to attend, but instead of using the teleportation stone, she walked down the mountain on foot.

There were bursts of fragrance in her nose, and Fengwu Feifei sniffed it with satisfaction. She thought it was the smell left by the jade flower that she had just cut open.After walking a few steps, the fragrance not only did not fade, but became stronger and stronger. Uh, no, it seems that the fragrance of Yuwu will only become weaker and weaker!Could it be...

Looking for the scent, Feng Wu flew around the foot of the mountain, passed through the woods, and unknowingly came to the foot of a mountain on the third floor of the Qinglian Mountains. The scent was stronger. It seemed that what he was looking for should not be too far away. A bend is a valley, there is Yindan, Fengwu Feiyang doesn't worry too much, the entrance of the valley is small, but it is not too difficult to walk, after entering, the first thing you see is a big lake, the whole valley It seems that except for the mouth of the valley, it is all water, and the scented thing is on the ground near the water, less than two meters away from Fengwu Feiyang.

But even so, Feng Wu Feiyang swallowed her saliva. Fortunately, she took the Yin Dan, otherwise she would have finished playing with just one of those two big guys!I don't know what the strange eyes of the people who have taken Yindan feel, the two big guys just took a look at Fengwu Feiyang before turning around and confronting each other again.

Feng Wu Fei Yang didn't look at them, but just looked at the smelly things, er, my God, the designer of this worry-free world is really top-notch, what is that?Zhu Guo?
I remember it was recorded in a book like this: The vermilion fruit, the small one is as big as a plum, the big one is as big as an apple, the leaves are green, and even the branches are green.

But now what Feng Wufei Yang saw was a small sapling about the size of a fist and half a person tall. It was cute and green, with five branches and only three fruits. The green tree had red fruits, and it looked very attractive.On the contrary, it looked a bit scary. A snake as thick as a bucket was coiled in the water, with arms as thick as its stamens. A large eagle of at least two meters was hovering above it.

"The wind is flying, the auction is about to start, you have only one minute to get over here!" Xiang Ling's voice, of course, was not as persuasive as the stars. When he looked at the time, uh, the auction was about to start in 1 minutes. At first, it seemed like she was really going a little too far.

As if she didn't see the two big things at all, Feng Wufei Yang walked over, and the three fruits immediately went into her backpack. The two guys who were originally confronting did not react for a long time. When they reacted, the bold one The big little thing is gone!All they saw were doubts in each other's eyes.What about people?
Rising Sun City teleportation array, this time back is completely different from last time, there are only two or three kittens around the entire teleportation array, Rising Sun City, can be said to be the most prosperous main city among the four main cities, and it will appear like this The deserted situation in Xinshou Village is not because of anything else, but because it happens to be the once-a-month large auction in Rising Sun City.

The auction house in Rising Sun City is divided into two kinds of auctions, one is a small auction once a week, the exception is a large auction that only happens once a month, signed in the Worry-free World, there are few treasures dropped, generally speaking once a week Most of them are material auctions, and the equipment is limited to three pieces, while the red medicine and blue medicine that are personally refined by the talented pharmacist in the game are limited to ten groups. The monthly large-scale auction does not have this limitation. No matter what kind of auction it is, there are countless people participating in it, and every time the equipment and those blood-replenishing potions named red medicine and blue medicine will also cause a sensation.

How many people participated in the auction, and how many people in the whole game needed these things, but how many of the auction sites were put up for auction?Therefore, even though there are many extreme red medicines and blue medicines that are most effective for people around level [-], once they pass this level, they will have more energy than energy, but no one in the game can refine a medicine that is comparable to that of a genius pharmacist. Medicine, everyone is looking forward to it, the next time, or the next time, will the genius pharmacist develop a new medicine?

There weren't many people walking on the street, but I saw one or two people walking towards the auction, they were almost running, only the wind danced, swaying slowly against the constant urging of the stars.

Just as she walked to the door of the auction, a person hurriedly walked up to her: "Wind Wu Feiyang? Please!"

Feng Wu Feiyang followed the NPC in front with a smile, really admired Fatty's exquisite thoughtfulness, no wonder the auction in Rising Sun City was so prosperous.

(End of this chapter)

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