Chapter 105
"Today is my birthday!" After a long silence, Chu Yun, who hadn't planned to say it at first, had an impulse to say it again, but she didn't have the feeling of fear when she came here. Now, it seems like saying It's as simple as what to have for dinner today.

An accident made Baiyun forget that he was driving, and stopped very suddenly. The car whistle sounded from behind, and the car started on the road again.

"Happy birthday!" After a longer silence, Bai Yun finally spoke. She is not an idiot, but a girl. She is naturally sensitive to certain things. Even if she doesn't explain it, she can still feel the difference in certain things slightly. It's just ah , She is very selfish, so she doesn't ask, doesn't say, and doesn't want him to say, birthday!Is Chu Yun's birthday today?I don't remember, although a lot of his information is public, and there is a soul around him who holds his information tightly, but she herself has never really paid attention to it.

"Thank you!" Today is his real birthday. The announced birthday passed ten days ago. However, this year he did not celebrate his birthday in front of the media, no matter whether it is real or fake.Every year on this day, he would be free to live with his relatives and friends. Only this year, he slipped out on impulse. Although his mother also helped, he still failed to live up to the good intentions of his friends.However, there were no previous birthday presents, no fine wine and feasts, and she didn't even look into his eyes when she said happy birthday, but it made him feel happy in his heart, as if he had been thinking about it for a few years since his father sent him to him when he was ten years old. The suspension car is happier.

In the Milky Way, it is possible to have a self-driving suspension car at the age of ten, with an intelligent system inside, which can be controlled by language and go on the road automatically.As for Chu Yun, since she was a child star since she was a child, people follow her wherever she goes, so she especially hopes that she can grow up to be ten years old earlier, and can have her own suspension car, so that she doesn't have to be picked up everywhere, and everyone follows her.

It is easy to see the person next to him smiling and showing his white teeth, pure joy, beautiful eyes slightly narrowed, two deep dimples, it seems that it is easy for others to feel his happiness.Just a word!Even that person wasn't as happy as he said happy birthday to himself.It was also the first time, knowing that someone else's birthday could only be an empty sentence of happy birthday, I thought he would think she was perfunctory, but on the contrary, he was very happy.No one has ever been like this, even though sometimes she will prepare for other people's birthdays for a long time, but her friends may be surprised and happy, but no one has ever acted as understanding as he does.

He arrived at home in a while, and just got out of the car, Chu Yun secretly looked at their living environment, Huanyu Mountain Villa, he had heard of it, this vast mountain villa is not only famous on the earth, but also occupies an important place in the Milky Way. Their location is not small, second only to Yinyue Mountain Villa on Alliance Star. It seems that they are not simple.

"This is from the Xiangling family, let's stay at her house!" Lingxin and the others, who had arrived early, saw Chu Yun observing Lingxin and said quickly: "How about it, it's not bad!" That proud look seemed to be hers It's the same as her family, uh, but based on the feelings of a few people, it seems like it's almost her family!At least for now.

"Well, it's not bad!" Chu Yun imitated Lingxin's tone, and several people could hear the relaxation and happiness in his tone. Hey, what happened to Ganqing on the Baiyun car that they didn't know about?Lingxin is usually stupid, but the matter about Chu Yun is like a radar installed. Those radar eyes quickly aimed at Baiyun, hoping to see something. Turned around and went into the house.

Baiyun didn't tell Lingxin about Chu Yun's birthday. It's been so long since we met at noon. Chu Yun chose to say it when she was sitting in her car. She probably didn't intend to tell everyone, especially Lingxin. The performance of Xiaoyou and Xiaoyou are clearly two ultimate fans. Although they are much better than those fanatical fans, it seems that in Chu Yun's heart, although they can be said to be a little familiar, they are not friends.

Although there were two more people than usual, they were quieter than usual. I don't know if it was because the two girls had finished talking in the afternoon, or because they realized that the idol in their hearts was also trying to maintain their image. People talk less than usual.

With them, under normal circumstances, it is Lingxin who speaks at the dinner table, sometimes Ou Ya will cooperate, but the other three seldom talk. Today, the spirit heart is quiet, and the whole table is silent. thorough.

After the meal, the two replenished their energy and muttered together again. Bai Yun sat in her old seat, and Chu Yun sat next to her naturally. No one greeted her, so naturally, Xiang Ling accepted Looking at the eyes of the two, she is not like Lingxin, she has no special hobby of peeking, but as a friend, she still has basic care.

Chu Yun casually flipped through the book in her hand. It was placed on the table between him and Bai Yun. He took it, but Bai Yun didn't say whether it was okay or not. Anyway, she was silent, so he took it as her acquiescence.Flipping casually, the smile on the corner of her mouth has never been put away. I don't know why, but I just feel happy. Even though there seems to be no conversation between the two, she still holds her notebook, as if there is no difference between him and him, but He could see that compared to the first time they met, she was much more natural, maybe because this is her place!

"I'll go back tomorrow!" It was a soft voice that only the two could hear. Bai Yun didn't seem to respond, but he seemed to know that she heard it.

The next day, early in the morning, Chu Yun's guest room was on the first floor, and he got up early. The spaceship early this morning, his family, and friends should still be waiting for him, so he had to rush back and come down on impulse. When I got here, I don’t regret it, but I’m still a little embarrassed for my relatives and friends. Because of his work, they only see him now for a year, but they didn’t expect that they would be very disappointed yesterday because of his impulsiveness. When they go back, they probably haven't left yet, because they understand him and are waiting for him and an explanation.

He glanced at the second floor where Bai Yun lived, turned around and left.

"Master Chu Yun!" The shadow butler came to Chu Yun's side silently and made a gesture of invitation.

Chu Yun was taken aback for a moment, a nice smile appeared on her face, she turned her head to look at the silent villa again, then turned and got into the car.

Early in the morning, someone who couldn't sleep woke up, as long as she thought that her favorite little heavenly king Chu Yun was at her house, she couldn't fall asleep, woke up first, and was embarrassed to wake up like last time Everyone, Xiangling's poisonous mouth has always been unforgiving. Today, Chu Yun is here. If she said something, it would be bad for Chu Yun to have a bad impression of her.

"Good morning!" Bai Yun came downstairs. She was not surprised when she saw several people already seated. Basically, she was the last one to come every day except for Xiang Ling. Well, of course, it doesn't count if the spirit heart sometimes goes into trouble. Inside.

"Morning!" Ling Xin's voice was like a lark, soft and crisp, and very energetic. It was completely different from the usual morning appearance where he always looked like he didn't wake up.Bai Yun wasn't surprised either. This wasn't the first time anyway.

After a lot of anticipation and anticipation, finally Xiangling appeared, and Lingxin's warm greeting was exchanged for Xiangling's raised eyebrows and a sneer.The reason is definitely not because of her!
"Shadow Butler, why hasn't Chu Yun gotten up yet?" He waited and waited, but the person he wanted to wait for hadn't come yet. The four of them had finished eating, and Xingxing's breakfast hadn't been eaten yet. It was really helpless, and he would be late if he was later. , Lingxin finally asked.

"Miss Lingxin, Master Chu Yun left two hours ago!" The Shadow Steward came out of nowhere and replied respectfully.But the reaction of the soul...

"Lingxin, we're leaving!" The still kind Ou Ya called Lingxin back from his trance.Although they had finished their meal, they did not get up and leave as before. Instead, they sat in their seats and casually took a morning newspaper and read it. As for whether it was true or not, only the person concerned would know.

Today's breakfast is porridge. After the shadow butler left, Lingxin absent-mindedly scooped it up in the bowl. Not much went into his mouth, but a lot fell on the table. The three guys who read the newspaper frowned unanimously, Xiang Ling raised her watch and glanced at it. She had a professional class in the first period, and she seemed to be late!

"Lingxin, are you full?" Ou Ya still had the same smile. Does Lingxin really only regard Chu Yun as an idol?The relationship between Chu Yun and Bai Yun should not be simple.Alas, it seems that they are too precocious. According to their age, they are still close to ten years away from adulthood!It seems too early for this kind of thing!

"Ah... oh! I'm full!" Lingxin smiled a little far-fetched. Although she had been talking to Xiaoyou yesterday, she also saw how Chu Yun and Baiyun got along with each other, and they didn't say anything. , It seems that each sees its own thing, but it is so harmonious!Even she couldn't figure out what it was like at that time. Xiaoyou said she was envious, but she was only envious. She also smiled and said that she would not be jealous or jealous. It seems that she didn't like it deeply enough. Idols will always be idols. It will not be mixed with real life, even if the idol appears in real life.What about her?Is it the same?

Is the little girl going to grow up too?Xiang Ling looked at Ling Xin, who was still struggling with herself, and hoped that she would understand earlier and not get into trouble. The friendship between girls can be easy, but it is also very fragile.There is a price to pay for growing up. They are actually still children now. There is no need to think about what is there and what is not. It is simply asking for trouble.

Baiyun and Lingxin took most of the same professional courses. Lingxin was absent-minded throughout the day. Baiyun didn't say anything, but just took her with her in class and reminded her after class. There are many things that you have to figure out by yourself.

"It seems that we can go to Worry-free World tonight!" When the two returned to the classroom, they found that there was an extra person in their special seat who shouldn't be there. Seeing her lazily leaning on the sofa, it was really a bit of an eyesore!

(End of this chapter)

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