Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 103 The person I want to meet

Chapter 103 The person I want to meet
"Academics?" This...what does it have to do with studies?The soul can't react for a while, studies, heavy?Still not heavy?This, they don't feel anything!A little confused, how come here?
"It's for shopping!" Xiang Ling sneered, it's not because of some idiot, schoolwork is not a problem for them, but for Bai Yun, who is seriously lacking in exercise, shopping is the real physical work.
"Shopping?" Chu Yun felt that she was not only stupid in front of Bai Yun, but also in front of them. It seemed that she could understand every word they said, but she just couldn't understand. Would shopping make Bai Yun feel so exhausted now?Is it really possible? Bai Yun clearly looks exhausted!
Lingxin has long forgotten the joy of seeing Chu Yun. When talking about friends, she couldn't help but laugh awkwardly. It's quite surprising that Baiyun went shopping for the first time and let others go shopping like this. What's the matter, it's just that Baiyun nestled up as soon as she arrived here, although she didn't think it was because of shopping with her, but under Chu Yun's slightly suspicious eyes, she just couldn't help but feel a little guilty.
He seems to have an unusual relationship with Bai Yun!Ou Ya still had an elegant smile on her face, but her eyes flickered slightly, and there was a slight doubt in her heart. Bai Yun didn't want to say it, so she didn't want to say it. It should be related.
In fact, Bai Yun just didn't want to move, but it seemed that Chu Yun's gaze had no intention of moving away. She didn't open her eyes, and moved her body to one side, giving way to a not too small position.
Well, it seems that they are a bit self-righteous, Bai Yun seems to be just closing his eyes and concentrating!
Chu Yun was stunned for a moment, she...so she was awake all the time!Just don't want to open your eyes?why?Thinking about it in his head, his feet were not slow, and he naturally walked to Bai Yun's position and sat down, but his eyes still did not move.Seeing her, I was a little moved, only to realize that I was really impulsive!Today is my birthday, plus the last concert held here with two other planets, the company specially gave him a holiday to celebrate his birthday, but just this morning, he who was originally with Luo and the others, Because of the scene I saw unexpectedly on the street, I suddenly thought, I really wanted to have her with him on this birthday!
Once I have such impulsive thoughts, I am always absent-minded, and in the end I still can't control my impulsiveness, and even leave a bunch of relatives and friends under the instigation of my mother.Fortunately, this time the birthday is planned to be low-key, there are no outsiders, otherwise I don't know what kind of sensation I will cause by running out like this.

Thinking about it now, even he himself can't believe that he would be so impulsive. Although he is not very old, he can survive in that cannibalistic place in the entertainment industry. How could he not even have a little self-control.It's just that this time, there really isn't one. I want to let her know about my birthday, and I also want to know if she will help me celebrate my birthday.

When I came to the earth, I realized that I was really too impulsive. I didn't even know where she was, so I came in such a hurry. What if she wasn't there?Or is she not even Earthling?No... no, they met here again and again, as if this was already their blessed land.Subconsciously, I came to the garden coffee house, and when I approached, I heard the voice inside, and suddenly I was so grateful that she was here!Because of the voice of the little girl named Lingxin.

"Chu Yun, why are you here?" Lingxin is a person who can't be idle, not to mention that the opposite is a person she is very interested in. Of course, she will never let the atmosphere remain silent for long. "The entertainment news says you're on vacation, is that true?"

Like those gossip reporters!Chu Yun froze for a moment, although she really shouldn't talk about her friends like this, but it really seems like it! "Yes, I am on vacation."

Xiangling pouted, really wanted to pretend that he didn't know Lingxin, why was he in such a hurry, if Bai Yun asked, he must have made it clear, seeing how you want to eat him, don't you see Chu Is the smile on Yun's face very cute?When I heard someone talking about vacation, I don't know what thoughts are going through my mind, my eyes are shining, and my saliva is about to flow out.Fortunately, Chu Yun was sitting opposite her, otherwise, with her temperament, she would have already slapped her on him!
"Then, did you come here on purpose? Or are you just passing by, or visiting relatives and friends? Are you going to leave soon? Or do you want to stay for a while?" Hearing Chu Yun's affirmative response, Lingxin's eyes lit up ,take a vacation!Hey, can't we stay longer?Ask whatever comes to mind, like pouring beans, crackling for a while, regardless of whether the person opposite has time to answer, I'm afraid they didn't even hear the question clearly!
Khan, what a fierce little girl, doesn't she ask too many questions?Which one should he answer?Still have to answer?Even the reporters who managed to interview him with great difficulty did not have the momentum for her to ask questions!Chu Yun subconsciously looked at the person beside her, seeing that she didn't even open her eyes, it seemed that she had to help herself!

"Ignore her, just pretend you didn't hear her!" Although Bai Yun didn't open her eyes, her ears were not idle. She could hear clearly the bursts of fatigue bombarding her soul. To put it bluntly, she was a nymphomaniac. That's all, just ignore her now, just let her get excited, otherwise, the more you talk to her, the more excited she will be.

"Ah, oh!" It was a complete accident. I was already prepared to face her curious friend alone, but I didn't expect that the idle-eyed woman would actually be clear about it.

"Hey!" Lingxin's ass was like a spring, and immediately jumped up when he heard Baiyun's words. How could it be like this? After finally meeting Chu Yun face to face, he actually told him to ignore her. How could it be possible? "Well……"

Khan, I was so focused on shouting, why did I forget that Chu Yun was here, my God, help me!My perfect image, all gone!
Xiangling turned his head to the side, pretending to study the buckwheat in the room, trying not to make his smile too obvious, it's too funny for someone to dare to be angry, hehe, pretending to be in front of his idol , It's a pity that I was so dangerous just now, I don't know if she saw the flash of surprise in Chu Yun's eyes?She's probably regretting it now!White-eyed guy!
Chu Yun randomly picked up a book and read it. The little tension just now was gone, and suddenly she felt very flat, as if it should be like this, even though, she didn’t know what today meant to him, even though he appeared here To her, it might not even be an accident, but so what!That's enough, even when his mother asked him why he wanted her to accompany him, he couldn't tell, it was just an impulse.

In fact, they didn't know each other very well. He knew very little about her. He didn't know how old she was, where she went to school, where her family was, and... He didn't know too much, but he knew very little. But he knew that there was a faint sense of happiness around her, and seeing her made him feel happy.

Every time he went to a place, left the crowd, or he saw good or bad, he would think, what would happen if she saw it?Sometimes I also think that compared to the women around him, she is actually really hard to compare. In terms of appearance, uh, she is really special. In this era, she is very ordinary!Talent...well, it seems he hasn't seen her show it before!In terms of personality, I have seen clever, proud, passionate, loving, gentle... all kinds of things, but she is ordinary and plain, especially when she sees her friends every few days Now, that soul is lively and lovely, Ou Ya is gentle and generous, icy cold like frost, Xiang Ling is lazy, even the girl who gave her things twice is like sunshine, she is the most easily overlooked when they are put together Yes, but it made him feel as if she also belonged to the smile, as if her smile would be the most special.I want to see what she thinks, even if it's just a faint smile on the corner of my mouth, I want to see it.

Thoughts turned a thousand times, and I didn't read a single word. Is it love at first sight?Doesn't this thing seem to exist?Is it because she didn't act like those fans the first time she saw him?No, he is not so superficial, why is that?Maybe it's just like what my mother said, there are some things, there is no reason, sometimes, I can't help myself!

"Is your home on Earth?" I didn't turn a page for a long time, with a faint smile on the corner of my mouth, there was something called happiness on that perfect face, Ou Ya completely treated him like an ordinary friend asked.

"Not here!" This girl seemed to always be so gentle and generous. Chu Yun put down the book and chatted with her like a friend, although the degree of unfamiliarity between them could be seen from the topics they talked about.Although Chu Yun is seen a lot in the entertainment industry, his personal information is rarely made public. No matter how powerful the media is, it seems that there is no way to find out everything about him. It seems that behind him, there is an unknown force helping him hide. everything about him.

"So, do you want to see friends?" She answered with surprise. Chu Yun is not that old. Countless people know this. Especially in this era, when the average life expectancy has reached 16, [-] years old is too young. , most of them are still acting coquettishly in their parents’ arms!As for him, anyone who has paid attention to him will know that in the entertainment industry, he does not have much time to rest, especially as the little king of the Milky Way, he has a full schedule. It is rare to take a vacation without It is rare to return to my parents.

"That's right!" Chu Yun smiled slightly, of course she knew why she asked that question, my friend!This place where he rarely set foot, probably because there are many people who know him, but he knows few people!

(End of this chapter)

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