fall in love with the best

Chapter 92 I'm So Tired

Chapter 92 I'm So Tired

"Joe, listen to me, okay?" Xia Tian regained his composure, and looked at the man with a wounded face lightly, full of guilt.

Joe didn't speak, just raised his head, looked at her quietly, waiting for her to speak.

"Joe, before you, I loved a man. His name was Shangguan Ziyuan. He was a cold and decisive man, but he was extremely gentle to me. We have been in love since college, and we have been in love for more than five years. it's time,"

"I love him, I love him very much, even if we are separated, I still only love him alone,"

"Tian'er, it's his exclusive name. Only he can call this name, and no one else can,"

"So, Joe, please forgive me. Loving him has already exhausted all my energy. I don't have the energy to love anyone anymore. Now, I just want to live this life quietly by myself. I'm willing to leave the rest to you. destiny,"

Joe looked at her, he had loved too, so he could feel the powerless feeling of love.

"Can you tell me how you two broke up?" Joe asked after a little hesitation.


"Don't get me wrong, I think that since you love so deeply, why are you willing to separate? There must be a reason for this, right? Did he betray you, or what?" Joe hurriedly explained, not wanting Xia Tian to have any misunderstanding.

"Betrayal?" There was a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth, she really hoped that he betrayed her, so that she would not have such deep nostalgia when she left.

"He never betrayed me." Xia Tian said seriously, "He loves me as deeply as I love him."

"Then why."

"He is the murderer who killed my parents." Before Joe finished asking, Xia Tian continued.

"What? A murderer?" For the appearance of these four words, Joe was somewhat unexpected, with his mouth wide open, and he looked at the calm Xia Tian in shock.

Shangguan Ziyuan, his partner for many years, that indifferent but not cold-blooded man, would actually be a murderer, how could he never know.
"Yes." Xia Tian raised his head, in the dark eyes, there was a dazzling light, and the pink face was full of tranquility.

He looked at her and listened quietly to her telling the story, and there was no wave on Xia Tian's calm cheeks, just like what he was telling, it was a story that had nothing to do with him, her pretending to be strong made Joe feel distressed .

how can that be
Joe couldn't seem to believe the stories he had heard with his own ears.

He didn't believe that Shangguan Ziyuan would be the kind of man who would do anything for his career
He didn't believe that the chief successor of Tiansheng, who had cooperated with his Ximo company for so many years, would be such a terrible person.
he doesn't believe
"Yun Xiangxiang" heard this name from Xia Tian's mouth, Joe frowned slightly.

He vaguely remembered her, Yun Xiangxiang, the daughter of the Yun's consortium, she was a woman of all kinds, and every gesture of her hand revealed a charming aura that did not match her age.

"Shangguan Ziyuan shouldn't be that kind of person..." Joe said intuitively.

"What did you say." Surprised by Joe's words, Xia Tian raised his head.

What he said, it sounded like he knew Ziyuan
But, how could he know Ziyuan.
"I said, Shangguan Ziyuan won't be that kind of person." Joe repeated, the certainty in his tone became more obvious.

"Do you know Ziyuan?"

"Yes!!" After hesitating for a while, Joe felt that it was necessary to tell Xia Tian his identity.

"I am the current president of Ximo Group. Since my father, our company has cooperated with Tiansheng for many years. As for Shangguan Ziyuan, that genius boy, I have a lot of contact with him, so I can still be regarded as understanding Yes," Joe said flatly.

"What?" He really knew Ziyuan and could be regarded as a close friend.
what is happening.
Is all this a coincidence or premeditated
Xia Tian only felt that all this was too sudden. . .

"Then you save me." Xia Tian did not dare to continue.

She didn't want to hear that it was all a premeditated affair.
She didn't want to know, from beginning to end, she was the stupidest fool
"No, I didn't know that you had something to do with Shangguan Ziyuan, I saved you, it has nothing to do with him..." Joe explained hastily,
"I also heard Shangguan Ziyuan's name from your words before I knew your relationship with him. You...you must not misunderstand."

"is it?"

"Yes! Xia Tian, ​​you have to trust me." Joe stepped forward, pressed Xia Tian's shoulder, and forced her to look at him.

"Look into my eyes, my eyes will never lie."

Xia Tian raised his head, his clear sky blue eyes were full of determination and sincerity. . .

"I, I believe you." Xia Tian said softly, in fact, she was willing to believe him, she would rather believe him stubbornly. . .

"Thank you!" While speaking, Joe let go of his hands.

"Actually, I'm still willing to believe you." Xia Tian said softly.


"After so much, I don't have the courage to face Ziyuan anymore, so, I don't want all of this, and I'm under his control. I don't want him to have any news about me."

"I really don't believe that Shangguan Ziyuan is that kind of person. His ability in business is very good, but he will never be the kind of man who will do anything for his career." Joe said firmly.

"You trust him that much?" Xia Tian was a little surprised at Joe's 100% belief.

"Yes, Ximo has cooperated with Tiansheng for so many years, and I am sure of Shangguan Ziyuan. Moreover, my intuition tells me that this matter should have a lot to do with the Yun Xiangxiang you have been mentioning."

"Yun Xiangxiang" Xia Tian lightly frowned.

"Yes, I have seen that woman, and I have also witnessed her love for Shangguan Ziyuan."

"So what, she probably doesn't have the ability to destroy her father's company without authorization, and then buy it. The one with this ability can only be Ziyuan, isn't it? And there is Ziyuan's autograph on the contract," recalling that period , Xia Tian's heart is still aching.

"Yes, but, do you even want to know if there is any misunderstanding?"

God knows, how much he wanted to let this delicate and quiet woman in front of him stay by his side, but the unreasonable trust in Shangguan Ziyuan made him try to persuade her.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, and Xia Tian shook his head helplessly, "It's meaningless, so what if you misunderstand, what if you don't misunderstand, even if all this is not the mastermind of Zi Yuan, but I have promised my parents to leave him, even if not Maybe I hate him, and I won't go back to him again."

"We...we should be doomed to miss it in this life."

In the room, the warm air was on, but Xia Tian's heart had already fallen to the bottom, but she kept controlling herself, and she didn't even shed tears.

Seeing her pretending to be strong, Joe stepped forward and held her little hand. Her hand was cold, which made him feel even more distressed.

"Xia, if you want to cry, just cry, it will make you feel better."

"No, I won't cry anymore, I will live well and live happily." As she spoke, she looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with brilliance.

Joe only felt his heart tighten, stretched out his long arms, held Xia Tian tightly in his arms, and gently attached to her ear, "Xia Tian, ​​stay by my side, let me take good care of you, okay. "

His voice, gentle and full of magnetism, mixed with hot and humid breath, rushed over. . .

Xia Tian closed her eyes weakly, but let him hold her and did not push her away. At this moment, she really wanted to lean on his shoulder. . .

Is this a confession? . .

Could it be that I was a little bit lucky to meet such handsome guys who are considerate and rich.
However, all my love has been given to Shangguan Ziyuan.
Her heart is full of Shangguan Ziyuan
Let her still love others.
"I'm sorry, Joe, I'm really tired so... let me go, okay?"

He could feel Joe's hand suddenly froze there, knowing that she would refuse, but when she said it himself, he was still a little lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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