reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 99 His Toughness

Chapter 99 His Toughness
Shen Chenyuan didn't have the heart to listen to her words, and walked forward slowly, only to hear what she said intermittently, which seemed to be about Qian Xiaoduo, so he turned around and asked, "What did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything, I just felt that people have changed a lot. People who used to be careless are now so sensible. It doesn't matter if this family is poor, as long as it is this girl. Xiaoduo seems to be a different person now. He wants to study. To work part-time, according to her mother, she seems to have worked three or four temporary jobs, and now she has lost a lot of weight. To be honest, she is also doing it for her family, otherwise, would Xiaoduo work so hard? Hey, things are unpredictable. "Leaving while sighing and talking to himself.

I drove back quickly all the way, went straight to Qian Xiaoduo's school, waited at the door for a long time, but still didn't see her coming out, when I reached out to open the car door, I saw her coming out talking and laughing with a girl, take a closer look, There is a thick and indelible sadness in her eyebrows.

Seeing her like this, I felt very distressed, why didn't I tell him these things at all?

"Yueyue, don't tell me, I'm going to teach the children, let's go first, goodbye," said and walked in the opposite direction with a book in his hand, but before he took a few steps, he was blocked by a car. I was taken aback, but when I saw the people inside, the smile on my face disappeared without a trace.

Shen Chenyuan rolled down the car window, "Get in the car," he said in a commanding tone.

Qian Xiaoduo raised his hand and looked at his watch, feeling that there was still some time. If he didn't go up now, Shen Chenyuan would probably spend a few hours here with her. He turned his head and asked, "What can I do for you?"

Did not return to her question, and turned the car around, leaving the school, Qian Xiaoduo saw him getting farther and farther away, worried that he would go to class, "Where are you taking me? I will be a tutor later, don't take I've gone too far."

"I really can't think of it. People who used to need others to teach them are now teaching others. It's really funny."

Qian Xiaoduo could hear the sarcasm in his words, but that job is easier than other jobs, at least you don't have to sell your physical strength, and the remuneration for that job is also very generous, she absolutely can't do without it Working, because that job is gone, so her tuition fee for the next semester will not be paid.

I saw that he was driving faster and faster, and he was already far away from the school. I didn't know where he was going. Qian Xiaoduo thought that he couldn't go today, so he thought about finding a public phone to call the parent later. Give me a call.

Finally, he stopped in a remote place, and Qian Xiaoduo anxiously looked left and right, not to mention the public phone, but there was no one there, except the two of them.

"What are you looking for, tell me quickly, I have to rush back."

Shen Chenyuan approached her slowly, but she kept stepping back, stretched out her hand to wrap around her waist, and pulled it towards him with all her strength, afraid to look at him at a close distance, she put her head aside and put her hands on his chest, he Her height and physical strength are beyond her control. If this continues, she is afraid that she will really sink again.

"Just say what you have to say, don't do this."

"Didn't you like to be close to me before? Why do you look at me with fear and nostalgia now? What are your difficulties? Why can't you tell me, tell me," shouted at her loudly, hoping that she could Leaning in his arms, she slowly told about the pain she had suffered in these years, but she just refused. Could it be true that she had let go of that feeling as her father said, and never wanted to care about it again?At that time, she thought she was just being angry, because when she went back, she still came back every time, and she didn't realize until today that what she said in the infirmary that day was true.

Qian Xiaoduo has been chasing him for a long time, and he accepts it as a matter of course, but when she let go first, he feels extremely scared. He worked hard at school, and at the same time, he was confident that Qian Xiaoduo would return to him, but Now it seems that it has changed unconsciously.

"Shen Chenyuan, I beg you, don't be like this, okay? Let go of your hand first, I really have something to do," struggling a few times, but the more he struggled, the tighter his grip became.

(End of this chapter)

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