Chapter 680 Reckless
Yu Junxian slowly put the phone to his ear, "It's me, what's the matter?"

Bai Wenjing listened to Junxian's change, every time he answered his phone, his tone would not be so cold, could it be?Thinking of the time when he scolded Bai Wenxin just now, he was calling him, but he didn't connect at that time, so he didn't pay attention, so he heard all the words that scolded Bai Wenxin just now.

Can't help but squeeze the phone tightly, stared at Bai Wenxin with hatred, then walked away a few steps, sobbed a few times, and said in a pitiful voice, "Junxian, my family is gone."

After finishing speaking, the person on the opposite side didn't immediately comfort him, but just listened quietly. A trace of panic appeared in Bai Wenjing's heart. Could it be that Yu Junxian had to draw a clear line with himself at this time? If so, the rest of his life would be difficult. Dare to imagine.

"Junxian, do you dislike me? My family is gone, woohoo..." As he spoke, he sobbed softly, "I have nothing now, only you. Do you want to leave me too?"

Yu Junxian's heart softened when he heard that, after all, he is the woman he likes in his heart, so he can't let her go like this, "Don't worry, where are you now, I'll go pick you up."

"Yeah, okay, we've been driven out, near my villa, we'll wait for you." After hanging up the phone, I breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Yu Junxian will not let himself go now, although Yu Junman's company It's not very big, but as long as you follow Yu Junxian, at least you don't have to worry about it in the future, it's just that the scenery before is missing.

Thinking of this, he turned around and returned to Father Bai, and glanced at Bai Wenxin with disgust. Yu Junxian heard what he scolded her just now, and now he can't drive her away, otherwise Yu Junxian will think of himself as a vicious woman .

"Dad, don't worry, Junxian will come and pick us up later," he said, patting the dirt on his body. When I was in Bai's house, I changed a few sets of clothes and took a shower every day. When would there be dirt on my body? up.

Bai Wenxin stood aside, hearing her words, Bai Wenjing was able to rely on her, but what about herself?Who should I rely on?In this huge H city, who else is willing to help me? Once my former friends and classmates know my situation, it’s too late to hide. is based on interests.

There is no place to go, only being with them, at least Yu Junxian is here, and he can give them a place to live, but if he separates from them, he will really have to beg.

After Yu Junxian hung up the phone, took the car keys, and was about to go out, he saw Yu Junman blocking his way, looking at his sister puzzled.

"Sister, what is this for?"

"Junxian, are you sure you want to do this? In City H, who doesn't hide from the Bai family, you are lucky that Bai Wenjing will go to her if you call her. Do you know that this will kill the hard-earned establishment of me?" Company, you insisted on being with Bai Wenjing at the beginning, and I agreed, but I lost a partner who was of great help to me. Now that the Bai family has collapsed, today is different, and the most powerful people in H City are against Bai Wenjing Guys, if you stand up now, you will undoubtedly put the company in a dangerous situation." After these incidents, I have seen clearly what is going on.

The Shen family and the Bai family are enmity, and the reason why the Bai family collapsed this time is mostly because the Shen family and the Jiang family were run off by the two most powerful companies, how could the Bai family be safe and sound, now If they go out, I don't know if Shen's anger will be blamed on Xingyu, so, for the benefit of the company, they can't go to Bai Wenjing.

When Yu Junxian heard it, it was Shen Chenyuan again, with blue veins bursting out of anger. He couldn't even protect the daughter he liked, so what kind of man was he, "Sister, one person does things and one person is responsible. This matter has nothing to do with Xingyu. I am quiet and quiet." I must pick her up, I won’t be at home for the time being.”

(End of this chapter)

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