Chapter 66 fainted

Shen Chenyuan looked at the person in front of him curiously, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, which seemed to be a good feeling, but suddenly, he felt dizzy, and when he looked at the front, there was actually a double image, and the feeling became more and more intense.

Qian Xiaoduo, who was walking in front, noticed Shen Chenyuan's strangeness, and was extremely anxious, "Chen Yuan, what's wrong?"

"I feel dizzy."

"Chen Yuan, hold on, let's go to the nearby medical office and see what you drank just now." Thinking of how vicious Bai Wenjing would do such a thing, if the water just now was her What would happen if Qian Xiaoduo drank it?The water is probably the original water, but it conflicts with what happened before, because Bai Wenjing gave her a bottle of water before, and then tricked Shen Chenyuan to a hotel outside, and gave him the water with something in it. She put Shen Chenyuan to sleep, because of this matter, Shen Chenyuan hated her very much, and even didn't want to get married at that time. From then on, his attitude towards her became even colder, and even ignored her. For this matter, Qian Xiao Duo didn't figure it out at first, but later he gradually understood that such a move severely damaged Shen Chenyuan's dignity. How could such an arrogant person endure such treatment? Therefore, it is said that Shen Chenyuan will be indifferent to her later, and he can't It's all his fault, and Qian Xiaoduo himself has part of the reason.

Now because of her, Shen Chenyuan is actually implicated. If something happens to him, I'm afraid she will never forgive herself in this life.

Seeing that Shen Chenyuan's body could not stand still, Qian Xiaoduo fell to the ground, "Chenyuan, don't sleep, you will go to a nearby medical office soon, please don't do this, don't scare me, okay?"

However, before they reached the nearby medical office, Shen Chenyuan fell down, and even Qian Xiaoduo fell to the ground, because he fell to the ground suddenly, and his arm was bruised, but he didn't feel any pain, so he got up from the ground, She reached out and patted Shen Chenyuan's face, and said in tears, "Chenyuan Chenyuan, wake up, don't scare me, okay?"

The security guard at the school gate came over and asked, "Student, what's wrong with him? Is it heatstroke?"

"By the way, Uncle, can you help me take him to the opposite hospital? He was fine just now, but suddenly he fell to the ground. I, please help me."

"Okay, don't cry, help him up quickly."

Qian Xiaoduo wiped away his tears, and together with the security guards helped Shen Chenyuan to the hospital, "Doctor, doctor, save him quickly, please, please save him."

The doctor signaled them to help him to the hospital bed, checked Shen Chenyuan's body, and said to her: "Little girl, don't worry, he's fine, he's just asleep. By the way, why are you taking sleeping pills during the day?"

Qian Xiaoduo was stunned, it was sleeping pills?What exactly does Bai Wenjing want to do?Why did she have to take sleeping pills? Bai Wenjing gave Shen Chenyuan the excitement pills before, because of that, they had a relationship.Today, Bai Wenjing's old tricks are repeated, but the medicines he takes are different, and the victims are also the same. Because of these things, some people don't understand what Bai Wenjing wants to do?
The security guard heard that nothing was wrong, so he stood for a while and then left. Qian Xiaoduo stayed by Shen Chenyuan's side all the time.

Qian Xiaoduo raised his hand and looked at his watch, thinking that he would go back early today, got up and asked the doctor, "Doctor, what should we do now? We won't let him sleep all the time, will it be dangerous?"

"I can only let him sleep, but it's okay, he doesn't eat much, but the medicine is very good, and it is estimated that he will sleep for four or five hours."

Hearing that people are fine, but it will take so long, I feel a little worried. My family will definitely be worried if I go back late, "Doctor, is there a public phone nearby?"

"There is one next door."

"Doctor, take a look at it for me. I'll make a phone call and I'll be right back."

"Go ahead, just fall asleep, nothing serious."

Qian Xiaoduo clutched her satchel tightly, and trotted to make a phone call, but she didn't realize that when she walked out of the hospital, someone came in behind, and went straight to the bed where Shen Chenyuan was sleeping.

"It's better that you look good when you are asleep, quiet and obedient. I didn't want to hurt you. If she drank it, I would make her faceless in front of your eyes again. It's good now. Anyway, I have more opportunities. We See you at school," he said before leaving the hospital, kissing the sleeping man.

(End of this chapter)

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