reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 640 The Most Important

Chapter 640 The Most Important

In the hospital, in Shen Chenyuan's ward, Ye Jing stood aside, watching the doctor's examination. The doctor sighed deeply, his face was solemn, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became extremely tense. Why didn't this person wake up for several days? .

Although there was a gunshot wound, it did not hurt the vitals. The most important thing was the wound below. He has been unconscious for the past few days.

The doctor sighed deeply, then motioned to the nurse, turned around and left the ward. Thinking of the situation just now, he kept sighing, and Ye Jing, who came out, couldn't help feeling uneasy when he saw the doctor's appearance.

"Doctor, how is he now?"

"The situation is not optimistic, Mr. Ye, please come to my office and talk," and then walked into the office.

Hearing this, Ye Jing thought that the situation must be very bad, so the doctor showed such an expression, and hurriedly asked, "How is the situation? Could it be him?"

"Mr. Ye, although you are Mr. Shen's friend, you have to inform his family, especially his girlfriend, about this matter. This is not a trivial matter, and we can't keep it hidden for you."

"Doctor Chen, please don't tell anyone about it, especially the girl who stayed here yesterday. When will he wake up? It will take several days, and the injury is not very serious," asked suspiciously.

Dr. Chen pushed his glasses, "This may be the patient's psychology. He doesn't want to wake up. Besides, his inner thigh is seriously injured, and it also hurt his most important part as a man. Fortunately, measures were taken in time, otherwise There is no possibility of recovery in this life." I just can't figure out why he hasn't woken up yet, maybe it's true that the patient subconsciously knows his injury, and then he doesn't want to wake up and face it.

After hearing this, Ye Jing broke out in a cold sweat. What do you mean, it means that Shen Chenyuan will never have children in the future, how can such a proud and confident man bear it.

In an instant, he understood why he didn't want to wake up, maybe this was the reason.

After coming out of Dr. Chen's office, he came to Shen Chenyuan's ward, "Chenyuan, don't run away anymore, it's not hopeless at all. It's not an option for you to sleep like this. What about Qian Xiaoduo? Don't you care about her the most? You have the heart Is she being wronged here alone?"

But in the ward, the only answer to him was beeps, and nothing else. Looking at him, he continued: "If you continue to sleep like this, Qian Xiaoduo will really marry Jiang, and you will regret it later. You have worked so hard for so long, and now you have won back her heart, what do you mean by going to sleep now, get up quickly."

Standing aside and talking for a long time, the person on the bed didn't respond at all, so he raised his hand and looked at his watch, "Take a good rest, I'll go to the company first, I'm the one with the company, don't worry, I'll go first. "

With the sound of closing the door, the person who had closed his eyes slowly opened, glanced at the direction of the door, and looked at the ceiling above his head, even if he could win her heart back, it would not give her happiness.

If she was by her side, she would only suffer, and she couldn't be so selfish.

Whether it is when I was a child or now, all the vows and determinations are gone, and I can never go back to the past. Now I just need to watch her happy.

But the thought of her wanting to fall into someone else's arms made her heart ache. She should belong to her, but now she had to let go and push her into someone else's arms.

After Ye Jing came out of the hospital, he felt that someone had to tie the bell to untie the bell, so he took out his mobile phone and called Qian Xiaoduo, but no one answered after beeping for a long time, and said to himself angrily, "What are you doing again?" , didn’t answer the phone.”

(End of this chapter)

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