reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 57 1 Going to School

Chapter 57 Going to School Together
The days passed and it was time to fill out the application form. Qian Xiaoduo got up very early that day. After making breakfast, he sat at the dining table and drank milk while reading the newspaper. When he heard the sound of the door opening, he looked up and smiled.

"Mom and Dad, you are up, I have already made breakfast, now I should go to school."

Qian Zhenchang and his wife looked at each other, thinking that their daughter was abnormal, she got up earlier today than a few days ago, and had finished her breakfast, which was not at all like their daughter, so they were full of doubts.

Qian Xiaoduo packed up his things, wore a cotton dress, his hair was tied up, and he wore cloth shoes. He walked briskly and coolly. Today, he specially pinned a clip on his bangs, and stood at the entrance with his bag on his shoulders. "Parents, I go out."

"Wait a minute, Duoduo," Wu Suping walked over, looking at her daughter worriedly, "Duoduo, are you in a bad mood? In fact, whether you do well or not in the exam, your father and I will not blame you .”

"Mom, don't worry, I'm fine, and I know very well what I did in the exam. Well, hurry up and have breakfast, I'm going out first."

"Duo Duo, you will go with Chen Yuan later, mother is worried about you alone." Thinking of her daughter's recent strangeness, she is worried whether it is because she is going to be separated from Chen Chen Yuan, and she is afraid that she will be overwhelmed.

Qian Xiaoduo sighed deeply, "Mom, I have grown up, I am not a child, I should learn to be independent, don't worry."

At this time, Qian Zhenchang came over and felt that his daughter was very unusual recently, especially after returning from the exam, she helped the family with laundry, cooking, cleaning...all the housework would be done for her, and sometimes, they almost didn't have to go into the kitchen when they came back. Because the daughter has already prepared the meal, just sit down and eat.

"Duo Duo, go with Chen Yuan later."

Qian Xiaoduo knew that there was no way to refute the matter, because even her father, who had always been doting on her, spoke up, and only acted on the platform, not wanting to make them worry.

"Then I'll go to the platform and wait for the bus, he should be coming soon," pointing to the outside, asking for their opinions.

Wu Suping and Qian Zhenchang nodded, and when their daughter was about to go out, Qian Zhenchang suddenly stopped her, "Duo Duo, come here, Dad has something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" He came back puzzled, and looked at his mother curiously.

Qian Zhenchang took out 800 yuan from his pocket, "Duoduo, you are not young anymore, when you were arguing to buy a mobile phone, your mother and I were worried about your studies, so we never agreed, now you have grown up , so sensible, we have a mobile phone when we go out, so we can know exactly where you are, here, ask Chen Yuan to accompany you."

Qian Xiaoduo took the money from her father, her voice choked with sobs, "Dad," her nose suddenly became sore, and she looked at her with the doting eyes of the two elders. No matter where she went, her parents loved her most.

"Go quickly, remember to come back with Chen Yuan at night, your uncle has a party, be careful on the way."

Qian Xiaoduo went out, tears streaming down uncontrollably, leaning against the tree and weeping, and finally wiped away the tears, her parents were so worried about her, they were always thinking of her, remembering that they used to fight against them, They even made trouble out of no reason, but the parents were the first to compromise in the end, and there was always no chance to apologize.

Raising his hand to wipe away his tears, he walked towards the platform, only to see that Shen Chenyuan was already standing there, exactly as he remembered before, still wearing a plaid shirt, slacks, and carrying a black bag.

Just standing there, he is a landscape, a landscape that she chases and longs for.

Now I know that this scenery does not belong to her.

(End of this chapter)

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