Chapter 485

Shen Zhouxiong looked at the girl in front of him, with indescribable regret in his eyes, and sighed deeply. Originally, the two of them were about to become in-laws, but who would have thought that these things would happen later, and during the time they came back, they would also hear After some talking, it seems that Qian Xiaoduo already has a boyfriend.

"Yeah," replied, and then walked into the room.

After Qian Xiaoduo saw people go in, he sat down and teased the child. Because of the two regrets, he cherished the child in front of him very much. Even if he didn't give birth to him, he now regarded the child as his own. He would not insist on bringing him back, and then worked hard for the surgery fee.

Looking at the child in his arms waving his hands "Yiyi Yaya", his eyes are full of relief, the child's innocent eyes, joyful smile, and purposeless actions seem to be attracted by him.

"Xiaojie, are you hungry? Alright, mommy is going to give you something to eat," he said while picking up the child, and walked into the room. Seeing what the father and the others were talking about, he took a look, and then walked into the kitchen.

Wu Suping was preparing the new year's goods when she turned her head and saw her daughter coming in, "Duodu, what's the matter? Is the child hungry?" After asking, she turned around and picked up a bottle of mixed milk powder from the pot behind, "I know the little milk baby wants Food, so I prepared it for you early in the morning, give it to him quickly."

"Mom, thank you," Qian Xiaoduo said gratefully after taking the bottle.

"You child, why are you being polite to your mother? Besides, this is my grandson." After saying this, a strange look flashed in Wu Suping's eyes, and she couldn't help but said, "It would be great if it was really my grandson."

Qian Xiaoduo was breastfeeding the baby when he vaguely heard his mother muttering, and asked suspiciously, "Mom, what did you just say?"

"It's nothing, let's go out quickly, there is a lot of oily smoke here." After telling her to go out, she stood aside, thinking of the people she met that day. This was chosen by her daughter. As parents, they only have support.

When passing the living room, Qian Xiaoduo was about to go out, at this moment, Qian Zhenchang called her, "Duo Duo, come and sit down, your Uncle Shen asked you something."

"Oh, good," without thinking too much, so he sat down opposite them, "Uncle, what do you ask me?"

Shen Zhouxiong looked at Qian Xiaoduo, hesitant to speak, his eyes fell on the child, he shook hands, and said, "Xiaoduo, you have been working outside, have you seen Chen Yuan recently?" After asking, see Her hands paused, and her expression was a little stiff. It seemed that it was really impossible for them to even meet each other, and she guessed in her heart.

Qian Zhenchang saw his daughter's actions at this time, so he gave her a look, and seeing that she didn't respond, he asked anxiously: "Duoduo, the Chinese New Year will be soon, your Uncle Shen is at home alone, and Chen Yuan hasn't come back for a long time. And now I can't even make a phone call, so I'll ask if you know his situation."

"He hasn't come back yet?!" Recalling the last time she sat with him, Shen Chenyuan asked her why she was going home. At that time, he also said that he would come back. Why didn't he come back at this time? Could something really happen.

When she came back, she didn't know whether Shen Chenyuan had an operation. Since that day, she never saw him again, but she met him at Jin Yueyue's wedding afterwards, so it is possible that she hasn't had an operation yet.

Now that Uncle Shen is in such a hurry, he probably doesn't know that Shen Chenyuan is going to have an operation.

Seeing that Qian Xiaoduo was so excited, Shen Zhouxiong said, "Xiaoduo, what's wrong with Chen Yuan? Is he so busy at work? A few days ago, he would call home, but these days there is no news, nothing at all."

Qian Xiaoduo thought for a while, at this time, it might be due to surgery, and he might not be able to come back. Since he didn't tell his father, he just didn't want him to worry, so it's better not to tell his father about it.

(End of this chapter)

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