reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 449 What the hell do you know

Chapter 449 What the hell do you know

The sound of "da da" of shoes sounded on the quiet floor. Qian Xiaoduo didn't think too much, but as he walked slowly outside, his heart suddenly became a little hairy. After all, there was no one here, especially watching Duo When I read movies and books about ghosts, I would think about it, and I couldn't help but quicken my pace, hoping to get out of here quickly.

But I was aggrieved in my heart. If it wasn't for Shen Chenyuan asking for some information, and saying that he would need it for tomorrow's meeting, he wouldn't work overtime today, and he wouldn't go back so late now. But after thinking about it, he is the boss, and he is an employee. The boss told the employees When doing things, it is only natural for employees to work overtime if they did not complete the tasks assigned by the boss.

Qian Xiaoduo came out of the building all the way, and just walked out the door, suddenly a gust of cold wind blew, his body shivered involuntarily, he tightened his clothes, and walked towards the platform.

It is so cold in winter, and the bus goes back early. It is already past ten o'clock. Qian Xiaoduo raised his hand and looked in the direction of the car. He thought to himself that there might be no cars at this late hour. walking in her direction.

In my mind, I couldn't help but think of what Shen Chenyuan told her, so I raised my legs and walked towards home. I looked sideways while walking, and saw that they were really walking towards her. I was worried that it was so late at this moment, and it was winter again. , there are so few people now, even if they are caught, no one will know.

There was a sound of '嗤', the sound of the car stopping, Qian Xiaoduo looked at the car in front of him, until the people in the car rolled down the window and saw that it was Shen Chenyuan, the hanging heart suddenly let go, now there is someone here It's just right to be with her.

"Where do you remember what I told you not long ago? Get in the car," Shen Chenyuan was annoyed and annoyed. He still wanted to come here to have a look. What if something happened to her?
Qian Xiaoduo wasn't reserved either, those people got closer and closer, I don't know what they were talking about, Qian Xiaoduo opened the door and sat in, "You asked me to do this, otherwise, would I be so late?" Unconvinced, he protested in a low voice.

"What did you say?" In fact, it was to hear her complaint clearly.

"Nothing? Thank you today."

"I asked you to sort out the materials, won't you come to sort them out tomorrow? If you have to finish it today, why can't this stupid head turn around? I'm really going to be pissed off by you."

When Qian Xiaoduo heard this, he felt aggrieved, "It's not that you said that you will use it tomorrow, otherwise I would have been tidying up so late, and you are still talking about me now."

Said it was he who confessed, Shen Chenyuan frowned and thought for a while, as if he couldn't remember that it was what he confessed, ever since he was hit on the head with a wine bottle by a hooligan, sometimes he couldn't remember some things, obviously he did it just now, Maybe I will forget it in the next second, and now it seems to be getting more and more serious.

"Okay, it's my fault today, don't you know what to say? It's not allowed next time."

Qian Xiaoduo didn't speak, just pouted and looked down at his fingers, "I've already sorted out the materials and they will be available tomorrow. By the way, what do you mean by asking me to go home and pay attention today?"

"Don't go back to the school. I will arrange another place for you. It's not safe there, especially now that it's on vacation. You'd better live with someone else now." Jiang Yixuan?This is absolutely impossible, but it is even more impossible to let her live with him. Now the only way is to find a way to ensure her safety.

He didn't answer the question at all, Qian Xiaoduo couldn't help being stunned, and secretly glanced at Shen Chenyuan, as if he was thinking about something important, and he couldn't understand what he meant more and more.

"Shen Chenyuan, tell me the truth if you know anything, it will make me feel more at ease."

(End of this chapter)

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