reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 436 Villa (1)

Chapter 436 Villa ([-])

Finally the car stopped, Qian Xiaoduo opened the door in a panic, just got out of the car, the cold wind blew over, he shivered suddenly, looked back at Shen Chenyuan, saw a garage that suddenly looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, and instantly thought An unbelievable idea flashed in, and he ran out quickly, ignoring the cold wind.

Shen Chenyuan saw that she was wearing so few clothes and ran out, and hurried to chase after her, but saw her kneeling on the ground crying with tears all over her face, she didn't understand why she was crying, it was just a villa, or because she was not sent back, she was So kneeling here and crying, walked over and hugged her.

"Why are you crying, stop crying, you can't get in even if you go back now, okay, stop crying," hugging her tightly, reaching out to wipe away her tears, "Xiao Duo, let's go in."

"I don't want to go in, why did you bring me here? Why? Ah..." While crying and beating Shen Chenyuan, as long as you see every plant and tree here, you will think of living here with Shen Chenyuan, from the door to the bedroom inside They all knew that, breaking free from Shen Chenyuan's embrace, he stumbled and ran towards the gate.

Shen Chenyuan threw the clothes on the ground, distressed and annoyed, why did she react so violently, she just brought her here, others may not know, but Qian Xiaoduo must know, this is the home he prepared for many years, when he went to college When he was young, he thought that he must prepare a very warm home. Now he has done it, but he has done all of this, but important people have left.

"Xiao Duo Xiao Duo, what's wrong with you?" He stepped forward to hug her, and hugged her by the waist, "Don't mess around, you'll get sick if you continue like this, what's wrong with you?"

Qian Xiaoduo struggled, waving his hands, seeing the house getting closer, "Shen Chenyuan, put me down, I don't want to go in, don't go in, please, please, let me go back," begged bitterly, here Carrying too many memories, and the memories here are all painful, especially when she returned to that time, it was really terrible, looking at the luxurious villa was like a flood of beasts.

"Xiao Duo, don't be afraid that I'm here, you'll freeze like this," he comforted her while hugging her and walked inside. Seeing her acting crazy, it turned out that she didn't like this place, so she felt very disappointed. Desperate, why did he spend so much time preparing, but she didn't like it at all.

Seeing him keep walking inside, Qian Xiaoduo grabbed his clothes tightly with both hands, "I said I don't want to go in, why do you have to let me in, put me down quickly, put me down quickly," the more The person who was struggling to hold her ignored her more. In anxiety, he wrapped his hands around his neck and bit his shoulder hard.

Shen Chenyuan lowered his eyelids for a glance, and let out a muffled snort. He never imagined that she would be quiet at ordinary times, but she would still bite at this time. Even if she didn't like to go inside, but she was wearing such little clothes now, so if she didn't go in quickly to warm up, I will definitely catch a cold tomorrow, so I held back the pain and walked inside with her in my arms.

Standing at the gate, Shen Chenyuan took out the key to open the door, but the person in his arms kept trembling, hugging him tightly, refusing to look inside, "It's so small, what's wrong?" He walked to the sofa and wanted to put it down. When she was with her, she saw that she was hugging him and refused to let go. Although she enjoyed her hugging him so tightly, but now that she was home, it was time to wash up and go to bed.

"Don't, don't..." He hugged his neck tightly and refused to let go, and closed his eyes, not daring to look at everything here, hugging Shen Chenyuan was like grabbing a life-saving straw, and refused to let go.

Seeing her like this, Shen Chen had no choice but to pick her up, then walked up to the huge bedroom with a big bed, put her on the bed, and whispered in her ear: " Xiao Duo, let go, it's all right, I'm here, go to the bathroom to wash and sleep, don't you still have to go to work tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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