reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 428 Reception (1)

Chapter 428 Reception ([-])

City H Hotel, there are some high-end brand-name cars in the parking lot. At a glance, it looks like a famous car exhibition. Qian Xiaoduo sat in the car and took a deep breath. He had never been to such an occasion before. There are prominent figures in City H, and I can't help but feel panicked.

"Don't be nervous, everything is up to me," Shen Chenyuan said.

However, when she saw Qian Xiaoduo's shoulders, her fair and smooth skin, she suddenly regretted bringing her here. The white dress set off her pure temperament, and with bright embellishments, it made it shine in the starlight at night. Lace lace, two white arms exposed outside, hair draped behind, her flustered and harmless eyes at this time made her look like an intruding deer, and she couldn't help but hug her into her arms and protect her well. Don't be watched.

Now I regret bringing her here, such a beautiful Qian Xiaoduo should only belong to him, and she should be hidden. Just thinking about it like this makes Shen Chenyuan jealous.

Qian Xiaoduo turned his head and saw him staring at him, leaned back, "Why are you looking at me?"

Shen Yaoyuan leaned close to her neck, took a deep breath, just approached her like this, his body reacted, and said hoarsely in her ear: "I wish I could eat you."

Hearing this, Qian Xiaoduo pushed him away, then opened the door and went in, but when he came out, the cold wind blew in and shook his rope, he bit his lip and stared at Shen Chenyuan, she had good clothes, but she wanted to wear them What kind of dress, it's such a cold weather for her to wear like this, it's okay to stay indoors in the car, but it will freeze to death outside, and immediately goose bumps all over her body.

Standing on the spot and stomping his feet, but he was wearing high-heeled shoes, his calves were still exposed, and the cold wind kept blowing in. After a while, a warm dress was draped over his shoulders, and he turned his head to meet Shen Chenyuan's gentle eyes, because he As he got closer, he didn't feel so cold, and he let go of his hand in embarrassment, surrounded by his breath.

"are not you cold?"

"Cold, but I'm more afraid of your cold, go in."

Qian Xiaoduo let him lead him in, but he kept thinking about his words in his heart, and when he said these words just now, his eyes were so tender and doting, as if she was Shen Chenyuan's baby at the moment, when he thought of this word, Immediately deny it, no, he has always been like this, first slap you and then give you a candy, don't be confused by his appearance.

As soon as the two walked in, a person came to meet him. Ye Jing was holding a wine glass. Seeing their ambiguous behavior, he walked over with a smile and said in a low voice, "Look, now you are the focus of this reception."

Shen Chenyuan didn't care about other people's eyes, as long as the people around him were nice, and Qian Xiaoduo, who was standing very close, also heard Ye Jing's words, pushed Shen Chenyuan's hand, and wanted to leave his embrace, and entered here, It was warm and he didn't need his coat.

"Thank you," taking off the clothes and handing them to Shen Chenyuan.

"Go find something to eat, I'll be back soon," and instead of picking up the clothes she handed over, he said a few words to Ye Jing and walked towards a group of people, leaving her where he was.

Ye Jing turned around and said a few words to Qian Xiaoduo, then followed Shen Chenyuan to leave, looked back at the person standing there worriedly, and touched Shen Chenyuan's hand, "I said you can rest assured that Xiaodou Sprout is there alone, you Are you not afraid that those people will mistreat her?"

Shen Chenyuan glanced at Qian Xiaoduo from the corner of his eye, why didn't he think so in his heart, but for the sake of what she had to experience in the future, he deliberately left her there just now, let's see how she copes with it?
"I have my own measure."

"Well, Mr. Shen has his own measure, but I want to remind you that it's a good thing for you to take her with you, but don't let her misunderstand you, and then you will torture yourself again."

(End of this chapter)

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