Chapter 413
Shen Chenyuan raised his hand to wipe away her tears, and the crystal tears fell down his fingers to the palm of his hand, burning his heart. He obviously didn't want her to cry, but she always loves to cry since I don't know when.

"I'll take you to the hospital. No matter what happens, I'll be with you." He gently took her into his arms, feeling sorry for her strength, her persistence, and her kindness...

Maybe it was because she was too nervous, but now she was leaning against her solid chest, and the nervousness suddenly relaxed, and she grabbed his sleeve, "Thank you..." As for saying thank you, maybe it was just to give her a little support, because after so long Since then, you can relax a little.

After arriving at the hospital, Qian Xiaoduo found his parents and saw them sitting aside, "Mom and Dad, how is Xiaojie now?"

The couple's faces were very helpless, talking about the child who didn't know they liked before, but the daughter didn't tell them, if it wasn't for the high fever these days, the doctor at the clinic in the town said, I don't know yet, but at this time, I am really angry and annoyed with my daughter.

Wu Suping sighed deeply, took her daughter's hand, saw her red and swollen eyes, "Duo Duo, you already knew about this, why didn't you tell your parents, are you worried that your father and I disagree to adopt this child. "After finishing speaking, seeing her silent, she sighed helplessly, then glanced at Shen Chenyuan who was standing aside.

"The child is fine now, but the doctor said that the operation should be done as soon as possible, so that the child will not suffer in the future," Qian Zhenchang said aside.

Hearing this, Qian Xiaoduo swayed for a while, thinking of the operation fee, I am afraid that even a small change is not enough now, what should I do now?
Shen Chenyuan supported her and felt her trembling body. The Qian family used to have some money, but because of Qian Zhenchang's illness, it was estimated that the money was almost the same. Back then, Qian Xiaoduo had to go to school again. Although the situation has improved now, for Hundreds of thousands of surgical fees are still a drop in the bucket.

"Uncle, auntie, don't worry, Xiaoduo and I will take good care of our children. We will not deliberately hide this matter from you, just because we are afraid that you will worry." Standing behind Qian Xiaoduo, Shen Chenyuan said to the two of them.

Hearing this, Qian Xiaoduo looked back at Shen Chenyuan in shock, clenched his hands tightly, couldn't help but feel something cold, and withdrew from Shen Chenyuan's arms. It was impossible for them to be together. There should only be Jiang Yixuan in his heart, not the one in front of him. People, force yourself to think so in your heart.

Sensing her actions, Shen Chenyuan showed surprise in his eyes, he didn't believe that she would do this, he lowered his head and glanced at her tightly clasped hands, when he was about to raise his head, he caught a glimpse of something dazzling, wearing it on her ring finger.

Why is there a ring on her hand? !
"Mom and Dad, I will find a way to deal with the surgery fee. Don't worry, it's my fault for keeping this matter from you. I won't do it next time." After speaking, no matter what kind of puzzled look they had in their eyes, they left here. Go to the ward.

The couple felt an abnormal atmosphere. The relationship between their daughter and Shen Chenyuan was not right. They had noticed it at the beginning, and now they didn't even speak in unison, and they had a conflict.

But after all, there are two things about feelings, which cannot be interfered by outsiders. The two looked at each other. After Wu Suping left, Qian Zhenchang sighed deeply and looked at the young and promising Shen Chenyuan. The two agreed.

"Chenyuan, I didn't want to say more about you and Duoduo, but you are not young, so you should choose carefully. Marriage is not a trifling matter."

"Uncle, I know," he said, looking at the direction Qian Xiaoduo was leaving, holding his hands tightly, thinking that it wasn't because of that incident, they wouldn't be like this now.

(End of this chapter)

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