reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 36 Go to her house

Chapter 36 Go to her house

After Shen Chenyuan came out of the hotel, the picture he saw just now was always in his mind. He clenched his hands and left here quickly. At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the day when she said 'I will never like you again' in the infirmary. I thought she was just talking angry, but I didn't expect that she actually did it.

Bai Wenjing followed him all the way, "To tell you the truth, Qian Xiaoduo doesn't really like you." Seeing his suspicious eyes, he smiled triumphantly, "You were so eye-catching in the first year of high school, There are so many people chasing you, you can be said to be a prince charming in school with a halo on his head, Qian Xiaoduo said at the time, if he could catch you as a boyfriend, it would be a glorious thing, so, in order to satisfy her Vanity, I have been stalking you. At first I thought you wouldn't care, but who knew you did, it really surprised me, why, have you seen the facts clearly?" said emphatically.

"Aren't you her good friend? Tell me this now, do you think you are worthy of her trust?" Originally, she was upset, but now Bai Wenjing looked like a good person, and she felt disgusted when she saw it. affectation.

"Me," Bai Wenjing was speechless, as he said, Qian Xiaoduo trusts her very much and treats her very well. If there is any good thing, she will be the first thing he thinks of, even if there is any delicious food.However, love is selfish, and she doesn't want to suppress her feelings anymore. Since Qian Xiaoduo doesn't like her anymore, then why is she still hiding.

Shen Chenyuan glanced at her, and left without looking back. He was much younger than Qian, and Bai Wenjing's behavior annoyed him even more.

After the exam, everyone went home to wait for the results to come out, and some went to do summer jobs. Qian Xiaoduo did not go out to work, but helped at home, thinking that she must have failed the exam, and when the results came out, they would Go back to school and repeat.

"Xiao Duo Xiao Duo..."

"Hey, what's the matter?" Putting down the broom, ran to the lobby of the hotel, "Mom, what's the matter?"

Wu Suping smiled and handed her the phone, "Your classmate called you."

Qian Xiaoduo was puzzled, she had only been back for a few days, who called her, and answered the phone in confusion, "Hello, hello."

"A lot of money. I have time tomorrow. I will come to your house to play. By the way, where do you live? Where can I take a ride to your house tomorrow, and you must come to pick me up when the time comes."

"Hey, Wen Jing..." Qian Xiaoduo was shocked, thinking that after the last time, Bai Wenjing would not play with her. The pastry she gave her that time was given laxatives for diarrhea. She decided at the moment of taking the medicine that she didn't want to play with her Bai Wenjing is a friend, but I didn't expect that she would still come. It seems that Bai Wenjing likes Shen Chenyuan, and now she chases her home without hesitation, and smiled disdainfully.Then he remembered that Jiang Yixuan was called back then, so he dug out his notebook and found Jiang Yixuan's phone number, beeped a few times, and a very cold voice came from the opposite side.

"Hi, hello, is this Jiang Yixuan's home? I'm his classmate, can I let him answer the phone?" After speaking, I suppressed my anxiety and waited. At the same time, I was wondering, who is in the monitor's family? How come he speaks so coldly, it doesn't resemble the warm and sunny image of the class monitor at all.

"Xiao Duo, you are looking for me."

"Squad leader, it's me. By the way, didn't I invite you to come to my house to play when there was no holiday last time? Just now Wen Jing called and said, come to my house to play tomorrow, and then you will come with Wen Jing tomorrow, okay?" good?"

There was no response from the other side for a long time after speaking, Qian Xiaoduo pinched the phone line, in fact, he really wanted Jiang Yixuan to come to play at home, after getting along with him for a long time, he would feel that he was a very nice person, he had no other thoughts, just a simple friendship.

"Xiaoduo, well, how can I get to your house tomorrow?"

Qian Xiaoduo made it clear where he will take the bus and where he will get off, and then he will go back to clean up. When they come back tomorrow, he wants to remind his mother to buy more vegetables.

 Four today.

(End of this chapter)

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