Chapter 345 Save Her
A few people stepped forward, cut open the sealed bag, and took a look inside. They were all shocked. The people inside were covered in blood, and their faces were cut several times. Turned on the outside, it looked so disgusting, several men hurried away, retching aside.

Qian Xiaoduo gave the child to someone else to hold him, held back his fear, stepped forward to look, and thought to himself, who is it, who is so insane, torturing a good person like this, and tearing open the white bag while saying, " Don't worry, we won't hurt you, don't worry," she tore open and found that she wasn't even wearing any clothes, so, regardless of whether it was cold or hot, she took off her coat and put it on that person.

Jasmine managed to open her eyes and smiled at her, but the smile seemed to pull the bones of her whole body, and she grabbed Qian Xiaoduo's arm with her own blood-stained hand, "Thank you for saving... me, don't... call the police, Don't...don't call the police," he said before fainting.

Qian Xiaoduo looked at the inhuman woman being tortured, and secretly cursed in his heart: What a beast, to treat a woman like this is simply inhuman.

"Brothers, please get her into the car. There is no hospital here. Wait for the hospital to send her for treatment, okay?" Seeing their hesitant eyes while talking.

One of them said: "I told you, don't meddle in your own business. This person has become like this, can he be saved? Let her stay here, even if she is taken to the hospital, who will pay for her medical bills?" out."

Qian Xiaoduo was helpless. What they were worried about was this. They were worried about a little money, and even neglected a life. "I will pay for this money. I hope you brothers will carry this lady to the car, okay?"

Hearing that Qian Xiaoduo would pay, several people carried him into the car, because he was a patient, and the owner of the car charged 20 yuan more like Qian Xiaoduo, saying that this person was unlucky, so he gave half of the car. fee.

Qian Xiaoduo took care of the fainted people and children along the way. When he was about to arrive, he took out his mobile phone and turned it on. There were many calls from Jiang Yixuan. Jiang Yixuan's father knew everything, so how could he still let him go? His excellent son was with her, there was no possibility between them.

Leaving aside these messes, I called home, "Mom, are you home now? Don't ask so many questions, come to the platform to pick me up, um, ok, that's it."

The people in the car didn't agree with Qian Xiaoduo's approach, and handed it over to the police to settle everything. It still needs such troubles, taking care of him and paying for medical expenses. matter.

When Wu Suping came to the platform, she saw that the bus had already arrived, and everyone got off, except her daughter, "A lot... a lot, are you in?"

"Yo, Suping, come here to pick up Duoduo." After speaking, she glanced inside, then patted Wu Suping on the shoulder, "Suping, congratulations on becoming a grandmother," she said and left with a smile on her face.

Wu Suping didn't understand what she meant, so she went up after everyone got down, "Duoduo..." Seeing the scene in front of her, she was stunned, "Duoduo, what's going on with you?"

"Mom, don't ask so many questions. You are holding the baby. This person needs to see a doctor. He is very dangerous now," he said while gritting his teeth and picking up the unconscious person. His breathing became weaker and weaker. He just wanted to send him to the hospital as soon as possible. , otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Wu Suping took the child she handed over, and was confused by the scene in front of her. However, seeing the seriously injured person in front of her, she suppressed her doubts and followed behind Qian Xiaoduo, holding the baby and carrying things , the daughter was originally thin and weak, but she had to carry a woman who was heavier than herself.

(End of this chapter)

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