reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 339 See Through Lies

Chapter 339 See Through Lies
Ye Jing hurriedly caught up and grabbed the stubborn person, "I said when you can change your temper, it's no wonder that the little bean sprouts don't choose you, don't you think it's strange? Think about it carefully, Qian How long has it been since Xiaoduo left you at that time? How could she have slept with someone else in such a short period of time," observed his expression for a few moments, and then continued to analyze: "I just observed carefully After a few glances, that child doesn't look like Qian Xiaoduo, nor does he look like Jiang Yixuan, don't you find it strange?"

After Ye Jing's analysis, Shen Chenyuan felt a little different, but she didn't say anything, and just thought that this was the son of Qian Xiaoduo and Jiang Yixuan.

"Go to my dad's ward first and push him out. I have something to deal with."

Ye Jing was about to say 'you finally understand', but he walked inside instead of chasing Qian Xiaoduo. I really don't know why he was so anxious, could it be to check the medical records?Thinking of this possibility, he showed a happy smile and said to himself: "A child can be taught, and I will live up to my enlightenment."

Shen Chenyuan came to the director's office and asked directly and clearly: "Show me the medical records of Jiang's grandson." Seeing his hesitation, he continued: "The director is running for the vice president of your hospital this year. You have a helping hand."

The director heard about the vice president's position, the position that he had been thinking about for a long time. This person in front of him is a very powerful vote in City H. With his support at that time, the vice president's position will definitely be obtained.Besides, the woman just now cheated the Jiang family's money, so it doesn't matter if you let him know, so why not do it if you can get the position of vice president in exchange.

"Mr. Shen, these are the Jiang family's housework. It's hard for me as an outsider to say, but since Mr. Shen said it, I believe you are not the kind of person who can talk big. Let me tell you the truth, that child is a little bit different from the Jiang family. It has nothing to do with it, and the child has a congenital heart disease, that's why the woman deceived the Jiang family..."

As for the rest, Shen Chenyuan had no intention of listening to it anymore, it turned out that Qian Xiaoduo was not with Jiang Yixuan, the child was not born by her, if it wasn't born by her, whose is it?And also said to have congenital heart disease.

"...I was going to have an operation just now, but the Jiang family knew about it and immediately notified the operation to stop. Then I told the woman to leave here with the child, or else I would sue her for child trafficking."

Shen Chenyuan ran out, no wonder her eyes were red just now, it turned out to be like this, but she was unwilling to ask for his help when she was in such a situation, now that the Jiang family knew about it, how would they treat Qian Xiaoduo?The more I think about it, the more worried I become. I just want to find her quickly and don't want her to suffer any harm.

Jiang Yixuan was called back by his father, thinking that something happened to Qian Xiaoduo and the child, but he didn't expect that when he came back, he saw his father sitting in the living room sternly, but only Qian Xiaoduo and the child were missing.

"Don't look for it, it's impossible for them to come back here."

Hearing his father's tone, he seemed to know about it, so he asked tentatively, "Dad, do you know everything?"

"You rebellious son, are you trying to piss me off? Qian Xiaoduo can't help but lie to the Jiang family. She is still a woman who is easygoing. You know that she didn't have a child at all. The abortion was someone else's seed. Why did you admit it? It's the same now, you came back with a wild species outside, but pretended to be a descendant of my Jiang family, you are really going to piss me off." After taking a few breaths, he continued: "From now on, you are not allowed to have anything to do with that woman Get in touch, or don't blame me."

Jiang Yixuan didn't expect to know it so soon, it was all his own idea, and Qian Xiaoduo couldn't be responsible for it, and it was hard for them to get to where they are today, and they were almost able to be together forever.

"The child is my idea. I like Xiaoduo very much. I will not marry anyone but her."

(End of this chapter)

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