reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 302 This is my son!

Chapter 302 This is my son!
Qian Xiaoduo was silent, with a concentrated smile, turned his head in embarrassment, looked at the scenery outside, his heart was full of Jiang Yixuan's words, how could he not understand the meaning contained in it, and it was not the first time Jiang Yixuan said such words, some things seemed to be Unavoidable, especially for emotional matters.

However, Jiang Yixuan is getting better and better towards her now, and his attitude is becoming more and more obvious. Is it really okay to keep avoiding her like this?If he can't respond to direct rejection, which will not affect his search for happiness, what should he do now?I am also very confused, it seems that I am always confused about such things.

Maybe just get along like this all the time, this is the best result.


One year later.

H City Airport, pedestrians coming and going, can see the reluctance to part and the joy of reunion everywhere. The airport is a wonderful place of sadness and joy. Some people are sad and some are happy.

Qian Xiaoduo dragged his suitcase and came out of the airport, still holding something in his arms, he hurriedly looked around, and then found the airport staff.He was about to walk over, but when he thought of being at the airport, he stopped in his tracks, his hands tightened, and finally he dragged his suitcase and walked out.

Standing at the door, I looked back and saw that no one had chased me out so far, so I walked to the side of the road and raised my hand to call a taxi. A car stopped in front until the people inside came out. Smile more.

"Squad leader, how do you know I'm here?"

Jiang Yixuan looked at her. In the past year, she has changed a lot. She has lost her childishness. She has cut off her waist-length hair and only left the hair on her shoulders. Combining freshness and charm, Qian Xiaoduo is becoming more and more feminine, and I can't help but be crazy when I look at it.

Seeing that he was looking at her, Qian Xiaoduo raised his hand and waved in front of his eyes, "Squad leader, what's wrong with you?"

"Xiao Duo is more beautiful. You were more mature and charming when I saw you last time. You are tired. Let me have dinner at home first, then have a good rest, and reverse the jet lag."

"Well, let's go." When reaching for the suitcase, Jiang Yixuan took the lead. Looking at him, he was very grateful. During the year he went abroad, Jiang Yixuan always took time to see her, every time he came to see her Sometimes, he would always talk about business trips, and the more times he went, he would know that Jiang Yixuan was worried about her, so he came to see her.

After going back and forth, I no longer have the previous vigilance towards Jiang Yixuan, so the relationship between the two of them is like a couple and like a friend, and sometimes they will do some intimate actions, but I don't know if it is because I still have the relationship with Shen Chenyuan in my heart, so I am a little resistant Jiang Yixuan's approach has now turned into an unclear relationship, which is as confusing as when he left.

After putting her things away, Jiang Yixuan walked up to her, and when he was about to kiss her, he noticed that she was holding something in her hand, and looked curiously, "Xiao Duo, what is that in your hand?"

Qian Xiaoduo first gave him a helpless look, then gave him a look, smiled, "Look, it must be beyond your expectations."

Seeing her so mysterious, Jiang Yixuan stretched out his hand to lift the cover of his clothes, and was stunned, shocked and surprised, "Xiaoduo, what is this? What's going on?"

"You are surprised, this is my son." Seeing Jiang Yixuan's shocked eyes, he smiled immediately, "This is not a place to talk, we will tell you as we walk, uncle is still waiting for us, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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