reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 291 Let's go to the supermarket together

Chapter 291 Let's Go to the Supermarket Together

Because of this incident, Qian Xiaoduo was very puzzled. Every time he saw Yu Junxian, his eyes would involuntarily show sympathy for him. It turned out that Yu Junxian's illness was so serious. I don't even know now that there is such a helpless predicament behind the foolishness.

Walking out of the classroom without energy, the mobile phone he was holding vibrated. When he saw that it belonged to Jiang Yixuan, his eyes lit up. Maybe he should listen to Jiang Yixuan's opinion and see what he said, maybe he would not be as confused as he is now.

"Squad leader, are you looking for me?"

"Xiao Duo, congratulations, you passed the test, now that you have no classes, come out and let's celebrate."

"Okay, monitor, wait for me, I'll come out right away." After hanging up the phone, he went straight to the dormitory, put the books away, took out a thin coat and put it on. cold.

As soon as she left, a person came out from behind, took a mobile phone, called some people, and then followed out, until Qian Xiaoduo got into Jiang Yixuan's car and left the school, then turned back to the dormitory.

Qian Xiaoduo sat in the passenger seat, his mind was full of Yu Junxian's affairs, so he was not in the mood to celebrate the matter, Jiang Yixuan caught a glimpse of her frowning, full of thoughts.

"Xiao Duo, what are you thinking? You're so depressed."

"Squad leader, hey, do you still remember the foolish person last time? It was Yu Junxian." After speaking, he looked at Jiang Yixuan's expression and saw that he seemed to have some memories, and then continued: "He is sick, and it is still very serious. .”

"He's sick, but what does it have to do with you? Seeing that you're worried, could it be that you treat him?" I like him, but I didn't say anything later. To be so worried about a man is nothing but liking.

Qian Xiaoduo suddenly realized, and thought to himself, Jiang Yixuan must have thought too much, "Squad leader, Yu Junxian is not bad, but I only have an ordinary friend relationship with him, and there is no other relationship. It's just that now I hear that he is sick. I think he is very pitiful, he is still so young, and he still suffers from that kind of disease. His sister came to me and asked me to persuade him. She also said that Yu Junxian would definitely listen to me. The situation seems to be serious. Yu Junxian can't delay any longer."

"Why does his sister Yu Junxian listen to you? Did she say that Yu Junxian likes you?"

"Squad leader, you are amazing. His sister did say that, but this situation is so special that I am at a loss now. Squad leader, what do you think I should do now? What are you talking about in the process, no matter what Yu Junxian said?" I want to promise everything, am I not cheating Yu Junxian? I don't like him, what can I promise him?"

Jiang Yixuan looked sideways at the hesitant person, but felt very happy in his heart, because Qian Xiaoduo would tell him about any troubles now, did this mean that the relationship between them was getting closer.

"Xiaoduo, I'm so happy, let's go to the supermarket, okay, can you cook for me again?"

Qian Xiaoduo looked at Jiang Yixuan in puzzlement, and it was the same as last time. He thought that Jiang Yixuan was being used, and the relationship was already bad. If he continued to do such ambiguous things now, he might misunderstand him even more.

"Squad leader, but I have class tomorrow, let's do it next time."

Hearing her rejection, Jiang Yixuan looked at her with eyes full of disappointment, is he still so resistant to him?Mingming and Shen Chenyuan are far apart, and her actions last time seemed to reveal some kind of information, could it be that he misunderstood, last time she was just using him, and she didn't really want to hug him.

"Xiao Duo, let's forget it, it's important for you to go to class."

Qian Xiaoduo could hear the endless disappointment in his tone. Originally, he was here to help her celebrate, and he helped her again and again, but now he pushes you back and forth when he asks you to cook a meal. He even used Jiang Yixuan a few days ago, which seems to be too much.

(End of this chapter)

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