reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 282 Our friendship will last forever

Chapter 282 Our friendship will last forever

Shen Chenyuan suppressed his anger and followed them all the time. Ever since they entered the restaurant, he had been waiting outside. Firstly, he didn't want Qian Xiaoduo to be hungry, and secondly, he wanted to see what they would do. What he didn't expect was that after they came out there, they went straight back to school.

Although nothing happened between them, the pleasant relationship between them made him feel very uncomfortable. Since that incident, Qian Xiaoduo has never smiled at him like this, but now he smiles at Jiang Yixuan, feeling jealous in his heart died.

In the car in front, Qian Xiaoduo kept paying attention to the car behind him, and he already knew that Shen Chenyuan was behind him, so he had to find a way to make him give up completely, otherwise it would be of no benefit to anyone if he kept entangled like this.At this time, Jiang Yixuan couldn't help but look at him beside him, is he going to take advantage of someone who has always been so good to her?In the past, he used Jiang Yixuan several times, but now he wants to do it again. This is really too much.

"Xiao Duo, what are you looking at?" I noticed that the people beside me were looking outside, so I glanced through the rearview mirror, and there was nothing curious about it, as all the cars behind me were cars.

Qian Xiaoduo put his hands on his thighs, clasped his fingers tightly, and said with a smile: "It's okay, monitor, I'm sorry to delay your rest time again today."

"Do you have to be so polite to me?"

"This is indeed true. When the results come out this time, I must thank you well."

Jiang Yixuan glanced at her from the corner of his eye, she will pass no matter what, and the next thing has already been arranged, the only thing left is to notify her of the procedure, just think about it now, you can live abroad with her for the next year, I couldn't restrain the excitement in my heart, now she has slowly given up on Shen Chenyuan, and he also believes in the word "long time makes love", so it is inevitable for Qian Xiaoduo.

"How do you want to thank me? If you really want to thank me, just be my girlfriend," she said in a slightly joking tone. In fact, now she also knows that she will not agree.

Hearing this sentence, Qian Xiaoduo turned his head and glanced at the back, should he take this opportunity to stop Shen Chenyuan from thinking about it, and then express his feelings to Jiang Yixuan, because he has been procrastinating like this, feeling very uneasy in his heart, as if There are things in my heart, and I can't calm down when I do anything.

After thinking twice, he secretly made up his mind, showed firm eyes, looked sideways at Jiang Yixuan, and when he stopped the car, leaned over and hugged him, and said: "Squad leader, thank you, our friendship will always exist, "When he said this, Yu Guang glanced at the back. Although he couldn't see the expression of the people behind him clearly, he could imagine the expressions of the people inside. How could a person as proud as Shen Chenyuan allow others to betray him.

But it was because of Shen Chenyuan's arrogance that Qian Xiaoduo hugged Jiang Yixuan to dampen his aura. Perhaps in such a situation, he would retreat in spite of the difficulties, and would not entangle him in the future.

Jiang Yixuan was stunned, looking at the arm in front of his chest, he couldn't react, it was the first time Qian Xiaoduo did such an intimate gesture, no matter what she said, just this gesture alone made him more certain in his heart that the two would get along with each other in the future Pleasantly, they will, and they can give her a happy life.

"Xiaoduo, you..."

Seeing that the effect had been achieved, Qian Xiaoduo let go of her hand. No matter what, this move made use of Jiang Yixuan to some extent. She was very clear in her heart that such an ambiguous move towards Jiang Yixuan would definitely cause his misunderstanding, but she didn't do it now. The way is to prevent Shen Chenyuan from knowing that she will not give up on "transferring love". Instead of the two being so entangled, it is better for her to break the relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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