Chapter 266

Qian Xiaoduo was lying on the small bed in his room, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, his eyebrows and eyes curved, as if he had dreamed of something good. The person who came in slowly walked to the edge of the bed, sat down on the edge of the bed, raised his hand and gently stroked him, and fell asleep. The face of a person, tracing her outline, the former little girl has now grown into an adult, and there are many suitors around her, if she didn't see it by accident that day, she would not know that his little things are so popular now.

"Um..." The person who fell asleep, probably because he moved her, turned over and continued to sleep.

The person sitting on the edge of the bed showed a doting smile to the sleeping person, bent down and slowly approached her face, at this time, the person who was sleeping with his eyes closed was groping the table with one hand, as if he was looking for something , looking at her fidgeting hands until she touched the mobile phone on the table, a faint smile appeared on her face.

With Qian Xiaoduo holding the phone, his eyes slowly opened, "Ah..." The moment he opened his eyes, he was taken aback, because suddenly there was another person above his head, staring at her from such a close distance, and hurriedly opened his eyes. He moved into the bed, looked at the person in front of him warily, and swallowed, "Why are you here?"

Shen Chenyuan liked to see her frightened look very much, and said with a smile: "Why do you think I am here?"

Maybe it was because of sleepiness, but the memory swept over him all of a sudden, remembering why Shen Chenyuan is here?However, he couldn't appear in her room without making a sound, and was so close that he was really taken aback.

"Are you feeling unwell?" she asked concerned.

Qian Xiaoduo couldn't get used to Shen Chenyuan, who was full of gentle eyes at this moment, and said embarrassingly: "It may be because I sat in the car for too long and didn't have a good rest last night, so I was a little tired. I have rested now, and I want to go out." She pointed to the direction of the door and said, but, her other meaning was: you can go out now.

"Xiaoduo, I'm sorry last night. I was too impulsive. I shouldn't lose my temper with you. You will forgive me, won't you?" Seeing her bowing her head and not wanting to speak, she continued, "You don't want Dad Mom was worried about us, um."

"I, I, how could I make them worry?" He stared at Shen Chenyuan bitterly. He was like a fox. He knew that she couldn't make her parents worry. Don't give in, Shen Chenyuan knows her too well, and has always eaten her to death.

Seeing Qian Xiaoduo like a frightened hedgehog, exposing the spikes all over his body, staring at him with resentment and hatred, and seeing her helpless look, his mood immediately changed a lot.

"Xiao Duo, I knew you wouldn't be angry with me, so get up and go down to eat."

"I, you go out first, I want to change clothes," looking down at the clothes on her body, she was sleeping in pajamas, it was impossible to go down to eat in pajamas.

Shen Chenyuan saw how she looked in pajamas, she was still the cute little bear before, not sexy at all, it was unimaginable that she would wear such pajamas after growing up so big, but, thinking about it, it really fits her personality.

"Xiaoduo, we are already husband and wife, what else do you have that I haven't read," slowly climbed onto the bed, and whispered in her ear.

Qian Xiaoduo pushed him away, and looked at some sloppy people in front of him, this is Shen Chenyuan who is usually serious and indifferent, this is simply a slapstick.However, what made me even more angry was why he felt a strange feeling deep in his heart when he was talking in his ear, and he had gradually forgotten the time when he was with him, but it was particularly clear at this time.It seemed that they could feel the heat when he touched her.

"Shen Chenyuan, you are shameless."

"Xiao Duo, I'm only shameless to you," he said, slowly approaching her and rubbing against her neck. At this time, a faint fragrance emanated from her body, sometimes stimulating his senses.

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(End of this chapter)

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