reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 263 Hesitation

Chapter 263 Hesitation
Looking at the address book on the mobile phone, I suddenly remembered an unfamiliar call I saw this morning that I missed. I thought it might be from Shen Chenyuan, so I called it with an attitude of giving it a try. Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, it was like a drum beating in my heart, up and down, very nervous.

Finally, a calm and deep voice came from the opposite side. After listening carefully, there was a hint of excitement in his tone, but Xiaoduo didn't have the heart to care about the money. He just wanted to make his father no doubt as soon as possible.

"Xiao Duo, is that you? You are finally sure to answer my call. Where are you now? I'll finish my work soon. I'll pick you up at school. Wait for me there, don't go away."

Qian Xiaoduo glanced sideways at his father who was staring at her, so he showed a happy smile and said softly and slightly coquettishly: "Chen Yuan, you are so busy, you should do your work first, I am now Already at home, by the way, be careful on the road when you come."

"Xiaoduo, you, you forgive me, don't you? Okay, I'll be there as soon as I finish my work, bye."

"Well, goodbye." After hanging up the phone, he said to his father: "Dad, I said Chen Yuan is very busy now, and he said he will come over later. You, don't worry, he will be careful."

Qian Zhenchang can finally let go of his hanging heart. Everything is fine if they are happy. What worries him the most is this daughter. He is afraid that she will be wronged in the slightest. This is his only apple of the eye.

"Duo Duo, as long as you and Chen Yuan are on good terms, your mother and I can rest assured."

"Dad, I have a good time with him, nothing happened."

Qian Xiaoduo came out of the house, stood in the yard, and looked up at the big tree branches protruding from the yard. She and Shen Chenyuan could not go back to the past, so it was necessary to do so now, but lies will always be exposed one day, is it necessary to do this Keep it a secret?Or tell the truth?

Tell them the truth, can father bear it?And I saw their attitude just now, and they have long believed that Shen Chenyuan is their son-in-law. If they tell the truth, they will be hit hard. Now the best way is to continue to hide it. As time goes by, it will be impossible to hide it on that day. Let's talk about it later.

After standing in the yard for a while, I felt a little dizzy. After talking to my parents, I went upstairs to sleep. Anyway, Shen Chenyuan didn't arrive so soon, so I just took this opportunity to take a good rest.


Shen Chenyuan held the contract and waited at the appointed place for an hour or two, but the owner still didn't come to sign the contract. Now he wished he could fly over to Qian Xiaoduo's place, but the contract is very important now, so he could only continue to wait here.

I kept flipping through the phone in my hand, looked up and glanced outside, saw that no one had come yet, so I called Ye Jing directly and asked him what was going on?

"What did you say to the landlord? He hasn't come to sign the contract yet?"

"How is it possible? I agreed with him that day. I signed the contract at the coffee shop next to the house in the morning. From your tone, it seems that something is urgent. Don't be in a hurry. I'll call and ask."

At this time, a fat man came over with a bag in his hand, with a sorry face on his face, "Hello, is this Mr. Shen? I am the owner of the house."

"Hello, I'm Shen Chenyuan."

"I'm really sorry, I was delayed because of some things, that's why I came so late, Mr. Shen, have you read the contract? Mine has been signed, please take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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