Chapter 229 Use
Qian Xiaoduo looked at them at the door, each with the idea of ​​watching a show, as if they were as happy as others were in pain. What is the difference between such a person and Yu Junxian? At least, Yu Junxian is because of Illness, mental shock, so afraid, and they?Everyone is healthy, but they like to see other people's pain so much, and it becomes a topic of discussion after tea and dinner, which is really ridiculous and pitiful.

Put the broken steps that fell out into the bag, carried the bag, looked at the people present, and walked out indignantly, now I just want to find a place to be quiet.

When I squeezed out of the crowd, suddenly, a voice rang in my ears: If you want not to be laughed at, use everything you have now to climb higher.Qian Xiaoduo turned back, looked around at the people, and only wanted to find the person who was talking to her, why did he say such things to her, but the people here slowly dispersed, and they didn't even know who it was?
After going out silently with the bag, I looked at the bag, and the skirt inside was already some rags, so there was no use for it.Sitting on the stone bench, thinking back to what he said just now, he said to himself: "Use everything..." A lot of things have happened recently, Shen Chenyuan can treat her like this, his mother looks down on her because the family has no money and power, now classmates can cut it into pieces Her skirts are all because she is too quiet. Simply put, it is because she has no money or power, and others can bully them as they want.

Now that you are so young, maybe you really can't try not to provoke others as before, but even if you don't provoke others, others will take advantage of you.Suddenly an idea came to mind, she must change the current situation now, she can't stay so calm all the time, otherwise the real tragedy will happen again in the future.

Qian Xiaoduo was carrying the bag, and when he passed a trash can, he threw the bag into the trash can, went to the school gate to buy a bottle of water, walked towards Jiang Yixuan, opened the car door, and said with a smile: "Squad leader, thank you for your hard work." Yes, this is what I asked you to do."

Jiang Yixuan thought she had something to return to him, but it turned out to be a bottle of water, "Xiao Duo, this is what you want to return to me, but this, it seems a bit, how can I say..."

"Squad leader, do you want to drink it or not?" He took the bottle of water and asked angrily, seeing him still puzzled, "You don't want to drink it, I'll go back to class."

"Wait a minute," grabbed her hand, then got up slightly, and took the water in her hand, "I drink," twisted off the lid, took a sip, and saw her smiling slightly when she turned around, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment. It's been a long time since I saw such a sweet smile. She is a bit unusual today.

Seeing him drinking, Qian Xiaoduo smiled and said, "Squad leader, I'm off to class, goodbye."

"Xiao Duo, do you really have no time at night?"

Qian Xiaoduo thought for a while, the place Jiang Yixuan was going to was either rich or expensive, if she really went with him, it must not be sincere, but just to get in touch with more people, because now she has to change the current situation, she must Take advantage of some favorable opportunities.Looking at Jiang Yixuan's eyes, Qian Xiaoduo hesitated, this is his best friend, do he really want to do this, use Jiang Yixuan to change everything in front of him?

"Xiao Duo, come with me, okay?"

"Okay, but, I've never been to a party of your high society people, I might make a fool of myself then, don't blame me for embarrassing you." Said first.

Jiang Yixuan listened to the words in a coquettish tone, and when he spoke, there was a little cuteness. He felt that Qian Xiaoduo, who had disappeared for a long time, had returned and was now appearing in front of him. I don't know if she concealed it well, or she really wanted to pass?

"Xiaoduo, I'll come here to pick you up after you finish class in the afternoon."

(End of this chapter)

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