reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 119 The First Official Date

Chapter 119 First Official Date
Qian Xiaoduo lowered his head, not daring to look into Jin Yueyue's eyes, but a voice in his heart retorted: This is the truth.However, he did not understand the current situation in front of him.

"I said Qian Xiaoduo, it's fine if you don't say it, it doesn't matter to me whether you did it or not, but I want to remind you, if you are not sure whether he really loves you, don't give yourself up easily. For a man, you know?"

Qian Xiaoduo thought about what Jin Yueyue said just now. She gave it too easily before, and used that method to plot against Shen Chenyuan. Therefore, he didn't understand how to cherish it, and it hurt his self-esteem. He is such a proud person. , the most annoying thing is other people's calculations, but she did that, which will definitely make him very angry.

Now that I am doing it again, I seem to see through things that I didn't see through before.


H City Airport, a group of people followed behind, the person walking in the front, a well-tailored suit fully displayed his figure, with a face like a knife, sharp eyes, and elegant temperament, he could not be seen at all. A young man in his early twenties.

"Master, the car is here."

"Well," answered, sat in the car, looked up at the familiar environment, and sighed secretly: After so many years, she finally came back, I don't know how she is now? "Don't go back yet, it's the Teachers College in H City."

"Master, master hopes you will go back soon, now?" the driver said in a difficult way.

Jiang Yixuan glanced at him, "Go to the teacher's college," he closed his eyes slightly after saying that, in order to come back here, he has been working hard, doing everything he should do last night, and he got on the plane overnight, and now he feels a little tired.

However, thinking that he would see that person soon, even though his body was very tired, he didn't feel sleepy at all. He opened his eyes and looked ahead, feeling that the speed of the car was still a little too slow, so he kept urging the driver.

It was past eleven o'clock when he felt the gate of the teacher's college, Jiang Yixuan was full of anticipation, standing beside the car with a smile on his face, just as he was about to walk towards the gate, he saw two people coming out arm in arm.

Looking at the girl who has faded from immaturity, she becomes more and more attractive, her frown and smile are so touching, even though he worked so hard and studied so hard, he still came back a step late, and they were still together.

It wasn't until they were gone that he got into the car, glanced at the direction they were leaving, and said, "Go home." The driver heard that he hurriedly started the car and left, and he had never seen such a cold expression on his face.

Before Qian Xiaoduo got into the car, he felt a strong gaze looking at her from behind. He couldn't help but look back, but no one was looking at her. It was just a black car leaving. He shook his head curiously, thinking it was so strange , This feeling is obviously so strong, but the nerves are too tense recently.

"Xiao Duo, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, let's go." Sitting in the car, he smiled at Shen Chenyuan who was beside him. It seemed that this was the first time they went out on a date, and they suddenly felt a little nervous.

"Xiaoduo, is there any place you really want to go?"

Qian Xiaoduo thought for a while, pouted, and rested his chin with one hand, "Well, let's go ride the roller coaster, okay, I really wanted to go before, but every time I talked to you, I always ignored me, Now I'd love to go for a ride."

Shen Chenyuan frowned, in the impression that the roller coaster was a toy for children, and now she actually wanted to play, but she couldn't refuse her after asking all the questions.

"Don't be afraid at that time," said the corner of her mouth with a smile, because she knew that she was afraid of standing on high places since she was a child, and now she wants to go on a roller coaster, and now it seems that she can imagine how scared she is.

(End of this chapter)

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