reborn wealthy daughter-in-law

Chapter 1136 - Extra Story - Jiang Yixuan

Chapter 1136 - Extra Story - Jiang Yixuan
The sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, and shattering came from downstairs... and then there was a loud noise... soon it became the sound of a hospital ambulance...

"Mom, mom, don't go, don't leave me..." Suddenly opened his eyes, looked up to the ceiling, stretched his hand into the air, gasped for breath, saw familiar furniture and a familiar room... and then When I came back to my senses, it turned out that I had a nightmare, but I hadn’t had that dream for a long time, so why did I have a nightmare again today.

Jiang Yixuan lifted the quilt, stretched out his hand and pinched his forehead, he seemed to be sleeping restlessly lately, always having some weird dreams, he patted the table angrily.

I sat on the sofa for a while, because the windows were not closed tightly. At this time, the curtains were raised with the wind outside, and the cool wind hit. The person sitting on the sofa shivered and looked down. His pajamas were soaked through when he had the nightmare just now.

She got up and walked to the bathroom, turned on the shower and let the water fall on her body. Today is the full moon wine for her son and daughter. At this time last year, they were still a couple, but a year later, she was already someone else's wife.

He knew exactly what day it was today, but he didn't have the courage to go there, for fear that the heart that had stopped beating for her would beat again, and then he would not be able to slowly erase her from his memory.

After standing in the bathroom for a long time, it was closed, and I came out from inside...

Standing in front of the window, smoking a cigarette, holding the cigarette in both hands, the smoke lingers, hovers in the room, tactfully, and finally merges into this room... The strong wind blows outside, just like his heart at the moment, is also uneasy.

When I think of Qian Xiaoduo, another face always pops up in my mind inadvertently. For this person, I regret it in my heart. I shouldn’t have said anything about asking her to act in a play. Now it’s better. Since that night, I haven't seen her again. I think it's been six or seven months. I don't know where she is now. How is she doing?

The more I thought about it, the more flustered I became, I took a sharp puff of the cigarette, turned around and walked to the table, put out the cigarette butt, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and checked the time. It was already past four in the morning, and I couldn't sleep now, why not Go to work early.

Walking to the closet, he took out the clothes he was about to wear, and after changing, he took his watch and mobile phone, opened the door and went downstairs. At this time, the servants at home seemed to be still sleeping. very quiet.

How many years ago, he used to get up so early, always standing on the stairs in a daze, as if he saw his mother come back, but every time after that, he always hid in the bed and cried... But since going to that high school, although I feel very lonely and boring, but it's okay, especially that person, like a ray of warm sunshine, shining into her heart.

It's only now that she realizes that she is the spring breeze and the warm sunshine, but she doesn't belong to him.

After putting aside these messy thoughts, he walked downstairs, came to the garage, drove his car and headed towards the company, but he didn't notice that the butler was standing at the door, watching the people leaving and sighing.

I have been working in the Jiang family for more than ten years, and I still know a little bit about it. The originally lively and lovely young master became silent a lot later because of his mother's death. Although there seems to be a smile on his face, it can be seen that his real smile will I know how fake the young master's smile is now.

"Hey, it would be great if the young master could return to his original smile. However, no such person has appeared yet, and one has left anyway," sighed deeply, remembering the time when Qian Xiaoduo was here. At that time, I could see the real smile of the young master, but it disappeared after a while.

Because of this, he became even more silent. The young master who used to be able to combine work and rest has now become a workaholic.

 Cough cough... The beautiful and happy life between how far away is over. The next thing is our squad leader, what kind of episode do you want the squad leader to have? You can join the qq group and tell me, remember to tell me Oh, thank you for your support, okay. .

(End of this chapter)

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