Chapter 78
Mo Yanxi was very tired at first, but when she heard her mother's voice, she felt a wave of warmth and care, and immediately lifted her spirits.

"Well, Mom, it's me. Our team has completed the task and returned to the base in City A, and we have harvested a lot of supplies!"

Mo's mother asked again: "Oh, are you all right? Are you not injured?"

Mo Yanxi looked at her wrist, and felt that it was just a minor injury, and it was almost healed, so there was no need to report it: "No... your daughter, I am very powerful now, I can beat monsters. Hooligan, how could you get are you, dad, and grandpa doing?"

"Our side is very safe. Your father has been very busy recently. He only comes home at midnight every day, and he has to go out after three or four hours of rest. I can't help, I can only look at my heartache..." Mother Mo sighed , and said, "Your grandfather had heat stroke the day before yesterday, and then he had a cold and fever, but it's nothing serious, don't worry, I will take good care of him."

In fact, Mo Yanxi is more like Dad Mo in some aspects. For example, she is used to reporting good news but not bad news.

Mo's mother is not like this. She knows how to hide her emotions in the business world, but she is quite the opposite when it comes to her family. She speaks and acts more straightforwardly and frankly.

Mo Yanxi was about to continue chatting with Mo's mother when someone knocked on the door.

The door was unlocked, so she said to the people outside: "Please come in!" As expected, it was Chu Tianyu who brought the hot milk, "Senior..."

"Did I bother you?" Chu Tianyu knew that she was talking to her family.

"No, I'm just talking to my mother." Mo Yanxi said with a smile.

Immediately, she heard Mo's mother on the other end of the phone asking: "By the way, Yan Yan, do you still remember your Uncle Lin?"

"Uncle Lin?" She was thinking about this character, "Is it that Uncle Lin who comes to our house every Chinese New Year and brings me gifts?"

Mo's mother said: "Yes, that's him. He used to be in the army with your father, and now he is also working with your father in City S. After a while, he will go to the base in City A, or you can Come back with him?"

Mo Yanxi looked at Chu Tianyu who was already sitting next to her, and felt that since she was dating him and belonged to the same team, she had to take his thoughts into account, so she said to Mo's mother, "Mom , I will discuss this matter with my seniors, my magic level is about to rise to level [-], and by then, I should go home."

During this period of time, I was still delayed in the base of City A, mainly because City A is not close to City S, and I don’t know the road conditions. If I rush to level up at the same time, it would be too much trouble for anyone, so I can only Stay here for now.

Chu Tianyu didn't know what Mo's mother said, but from Mo Yanxi's words, he felt that he was respected, so he slightly curled his lips to her and gave her a thumbs up to express his appreciation.

Mo's mother said "um", and didn't force her daughter to say "OK" immediately, but suddenly mentioned two other people: "By the way, you said before that you separated from Nangong and Xueqi, and they haven't heard from each other yet. , I've been worried..."

Thinking of what Nangong Fang and Bai Xueqi did, Mo Yanxi felt angry. Those two were heartless, one wanted to destroy her innocence, the other wanted to kill her, why would her mother do it for her? Those kind of people worry in vain, it's really not worth it at all!

"Mom, I've seen them...they..."

She wanted to tell the whole truth, even if her mother didn't believe it...

"That's good. When the time comes, you and Xueqi will come back together and bring Nangong back, you know?" Mother Mo said happily, and then she looked up at the time displayed on the wall clock, "Oh, Yan Yan, I have to wait on time for your grandpa to take medicine and rest, you know, your grandpa is like a child, every time you get an injection and take medicine, you have to be coaxed for a long time..."

Hearing this, the truth rushed up her throat before she had time to spit it out, Mo Yanxi was afraid of delaying the old man taking the medicine, and some things couldn't be explained clearly in a few words, so she broke the topic.

After hanging up the call, she couldn't help sighing slightly, and asked Chu Tianyu's opinion: "Senior, I want to tell my parents the true colors of Nangong Fang and Bai Xueqi, although they may be very sad if they find out, but Bai Xueqi now I want to kill me, but I can't guarantee that I won't hurt my parents and grandpa in the future, I will never allow her to step into my house again! Do you think I think so, right?"

"Whether it's right or not, you are here to protect your family, and if you tell the truth, you will feel better. I believe your parents are sensible people and love you enough. They will understand. " Chu Tianyu said, took her hand, and gently stroked her palm with his thumb, as if treating her hand as a toy.

With his support, Mo Yanxi had the courage to confess to her parents: "Well, I will call my mother tomorrow night and explain everything clearly!"

Chu Tianyu was afraid that her idea was not firm enough, so he thought for a moment and told a white lie: "Xixi, actually... when I sleep, I often have some weird dreams... all of them are about the end of the world. I often dream about you, and those dreams are very real, as if I have experienced them myself!"

In fact, the fragments in the dream are all memories of his previous life, most of which are nightmares, the death of his companions, which are constantly circulating and repeating, waking him up from his sleep...

Sometimes, he would feel very confused, not knowing whether he was reborn from the previous life to the end of this life, or he was living in this life, and the end of the past was really just a long and terrifying dream.

He occasionally wanted to tell Mo Yanxi everything, but what would happen if he did?Those memories were too bloody, dark and tragic. He could bear it alone. Why should he make her suffer in vain?
What's more, the rebirth is so incredible that even he himself can't believe it...

Mo Yanxi was curious. She was curious to know everything about the male god: "Dreams? What exactly did you dream about? Tell me about it!"

"Drink the milk while it's hot, drink it slowly, I said." Chu Tianyu stuffed the cup of hot milk into her hand, warming her heart directly, "I dreamed that you returned to Mo's house What happened after the base, in the dream, Nangong Fang and Bai Xueqi did something sorry for you, but you softened your heart and forgave them, and later married Nangong Fang, but I didn’t expect that they went too far, and in the end not only killed Killed you and your family, and took the entire Mo family base as your own..."

His understatement inexplicably pulled the string in Mo Yanxi's heart, she couldn't find words to describe the feeling at this moment, she just felt as if such a thing had really happened, and felt a dull pain in her heart.

"Then... how about you, senior? Where were you at that time?"

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(End of this chapter)

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