Chapter 66
"I didn't ask you to be nice to me. I think I'm not blessed to bear it, so you'd better stay away from me!" Mo Yanxi said coldly.

At this time, Chu Tianyu opened the insulated lunch box, and the aroma of the food inside immediately released, which is undoubtedly a good temptation for those who eat biscuits and steamed buns.

He said: "It looks delicious, Captain Nangong really has a heart, thank you!"

Old Seven saw it, and came over to grab it, but couldn't hold it firmly...

It is conceivable that the noodles were scattered all over the floor, and the soup splashed onto Nangong Fang's trousers and Bai Xueqi's skirt, but the people from the No. [-] team were quick and did not suffer any harm.

"Oh, oh... sorry, I wanted to try it, but I didn't expect my hand to slip. Hey! It's a waste!" He said innocently.

Chu Tianyu also put on a regretful expression: "Old Qi, you are so careless, but fortunately, you met Captain Nangong. Captain Nangong has a lot of people, so I think he won't care about you!"

"Of course I don't care about it. It's just a box of noodles. It's no big deal!" Nangong Fang put on a dark face.

Bai Xueqi looked at her soiled skirt, her nose was almost crooked, and she was about to say something, but Mo Yanxi preempted her and said: "It's almost time to rest, it's time to continue on the road? Otherwise, how can there be time in the evening?" Arrived in xx city?"

"Yes, everyone pack up and get in the car! It's time to go!" After Nangong Fang finished speaking, he took the insulated lunch box and Bai Xueqi back to his car.

Immediately, everyone continued to move towards xx city, and settled in a village on the outskirts of xx city in the evening.

It seemed that no one lived in the village for a long time, and all the houses were left empty. The people separated according to the team, each looking for a house for the night.

Team Buer chose a private house near the cornfield, with two and a half floors and four rooms in total, enough to live in.

Looking to the right from the balcony on the second floor, Mo Yanxi could see a large corn stalk, the leaves on the stalk were still faintly green, and there were a lot of corn, and in the distance, everything was shrouded in night.

"If it weren't for the end of the world, farmers should be busy harvesting." Behind her, Chu Tianyu's voice came.

She turned around: "Senior!"

"Go downstairs for dinner."

"Yeah!" She nodded and went down with him.

He said: "I boiled noodles, not only put eggs and vegetables, but also meat!"

Even cooking noodles should be compared to Nangong...

In the evening, after eating and drinking, the problem of the vigil came up again.

The third child was very proactive this time: "I don't think I can fall asleep that easily, so just let me do it!"

"Liang Yu's vigil, we feel relieved, but Yongsheng team and Nangong team will each send a person, can we really trust their people?" Mo Yanxi questioned.

Chu Tianyu also seriously considered this question: "Why don't we arrange one more person to watch over here."

In the end, it was Li Xinran who took over the job, and planned to keep watch secretly when the other two were keeping watch, lest those two be unreliable, and if they didn't get vigilant in time when the monsters attacked, they would be fooled to death.

In the first half of the night, everyone was safe and sound.

Before going to bed, Mo Yanxi drank too much water, so she had to get up at night to go to the bathroom.

She slept in the same room as Li Xinran, and Li Xinran would be directly on the balcony if she wanted to keep watch at night. This is a little higher, with a wider view, and it is more convenient to observe the surrounding situation.

However, Li Xinran was not there...

Mo Yanxi was a little worried, so she hurried downstairs to find someone, but there was no sign of Li Xinran downstairs, outside the door, in the kitchen, or even in the bathroom.

She also used the friend system on the control panel to send a message to Li Xinran, but the other party did not reply, and she sent a message to the third child, but also did not reply.

Then, Mo Yanxi knocked on the door of the room where the third child and the fourth child slept, and the fourth child opened the door quickly.

"Yan Xi? Is something wrong?"

"Is Liang Yu in there?" she asked.

He replied: "No, it seems that he hasn't returned from vigil yet!"

Mo Yanxi's worry added a little more: "That's too bad! It's two o'clock now, and Liang Yu's vigil is over. It stands to reason that Xin Ran should replace him, but...they both disappeared !"

"You call the boss, I'll go to the seventh and eighth, we have to find someone!" The fourth brother made a prompt decision.

"Okay." Mo Yanxi nodded in response, and then went to pat on Chu Tianyu's door, "Senior? Senior!"

Soon, Lao Qi and Lao Ba were also woken up, and Chu Tianyu also came out.

After understanding the current situation, Chu Tianyu couldn't help frowning: "Don't worry! Let's ask the Nangong team who is in charge of taking over the night watch if they have seen the two of them."

The night watchman sent by the Nangong team was Fang Gang. Mo Yanxi and other five people found him. When they asked him, he shook his head and said, "Liang Yu has gone back a long time ago. As for the other woman in your team, I haven't seen her."

"This is strange, Liang Yu and Xinran are not disrespectful people, how could they disappear for no reason?" Mo Yanxi looked at Chu Tianyu, "Senior, I'm really afraid that something will happen to the two of them!"

Fang Gang chuckled and said, "Have you thought too much? I have been guarding here. If the two of them are really in danger, won't they call for help? Can I not hear you? According to me, this lonely man and widow, If there is a fire, even if there is something wrong, it’s just that kind of thing, don’t worry at all!"

"Shut up! Don't talk nonsense if you don't know anything!" Lao Qi raised his fist and wanted to hit him, but Lao Ba stopped him.

Chu Tianyu glanced at Fang Gang coldly, causing the other party to shudder and dare not talk nonsense anymore.

"Old Qi, now is not the time to fight, let's divide into two teams, let's find the person first!"

Mo Yanxi agreed with Chu Tianyu's thoughts: "That's right, Ou Qi, it's important to find someone!"

"How about this, Xixi and me, go to the right to look for it, the fourth child, you and the seventh and eighth child, go to the left to look for it together!"

Chu Tianyu didn't intend to alarm everyone. Judging from Fang Gang's attitude, he knew how unreliable the other team members were. Instead of asking others to make trouble, it's better to work harder on his own.

Going to the right, you will enter the corn field within a few steps. Although the corn stalks are bent by the corn, they are still taller than people. If people walk in, they will seem to be buried in them.

Mo Yanxi murmured: "Will they... be inside?"

"Maybe..." Chu Tianyu took a step forward, and suddenly seemed to have stepped on something, he took a step back, picked up the thing and looked at it, "Xixi, take a look, is this Xinran's thing?"

He usually only pays attention to Mo Yanxi, even Li Xinran, who grew up with him, would not pay too much attention to his clothing and jewelry, but at this time, he was holding a black pearl earring.

Mo Yanxi took the earrings and looked at them, affirming: "Indeed, she is happy, she said that she likes this pair of earrings very much! Because it is a gift from a very special person!"

(End of this chapter)

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