Lottery System: Ancient Escape

Chapter 91 Hometown Taste! (Thank you Shanshan for being late, Zi1962, I am the cute ticket!)

Chapter 91 Hometown Taste! (Thank you Shanshan for being late, Zi1962, I am the cute ticket!)

Whoops!Sure enough, it is really a yellow and white thing, but this thing is not that thing.

Zhao Feiyu picked up a yellow-orange corn kernel in the grid with her fingers.

I haven't seen this kind of thing for a long time, Zhao Feiyu really misses it!Grilled corn cobs, boiled corn cobs, fried corn kernels with red pepper, tender corn buns with soy milk!

ah!Such a nostalgic taste of hometown!

Thinking about it, involuntarily, Zhao Feiyu threw that golden corn kernel into her mouth!
Xiaojin: ⊙ω⊙# (shocked), master, that is not for eating!Crying (;︵;`!)
Zhao Feiyu chewed the corn grains in her mouth, and the sweet and glutinous smell irritated her mouth and let out a huff!
It took her a lot of effort to hold back the hand that was eager to twist the second one!

Then Zhao Feiyu opened the second one with a trembling heart.

There was another click, and as expected, Zhao Feiyu twisted another small golden grain from the grid...

Emma!Zhao Feiyu burst into tears, this is... this is my dear rice!

Zhao Feiyu has eaten rice for more than 20 years, and today she can be counted!When fellow villagers see fellow villagers, two tears wow!

Rice, rice!White, warm, soft and fragrant rice, Zhao Feiyu hasn't tasted rice for a long time.

At this moment, she felt the urge to make a bowl of white rice regardless of everything else. She stared at the golden grains in the grid with her red and greedy eyes.

How much she thought, how she wanted to take off their clothes right now, their white and tender skin was so seductive to look at, not to mention the delicious smell, even if they ate for a lifetime, they would never get tired of it!
Xiao Jin: Master!Owner!Don't go crazy!These are seeds!seed!

Zhao Feiyu was interrupted by Xiao Jin's words, and she pursed her mouth in displeasure, thinking about it! (ó﹏ò)
Zhao Feiyu opened the other two grids one by one, and the things in the other two grids were also easy to identify. One was Zhao Feiyu's favorite watermelon seeds, and the other was chili peppers!

Seeing these two kinds symbolizes eating extremely cold and extremely hot!Zhao Feiyu felt that her gratitude to the Galaxy Federation Mall had reached its peak!
Because in her mind, she was imagining that she was in the summer, holding half a watermelon, and was digging and eating it spoon by spoon.

In front of her was a pot of brightly red hot pot, which was steaming.

There are all kinds of fish and shrimps, sausages, chicken feet, pork belly, lamb scorpions and rabbit kidneys cooked in the hot pot. There is a big pot full, and she sent a few of them!

On the hot pot table, there is a large pot of white and warm white rice on the right hand side!On the left hand side was a pot of bright yellow corn cobs, each of which had a bamboo chopstick stuck in its ass, she just picked one up, a mouthful of corn cobs, a mouthful of watermelon, wow!This is life!
All right!The above is just thinking, to realize it, you need to be realistic first!

The reality is that Zhao Feiyu only thinks of one ending for these seeds. Is she going to start farming mode? !
She consulted Xiao Jin with some uncertainty,
"Xiao Jin, you said these are seeds, and they are rewards for me to eat?" Zhao Feiyu didn't want to farm, she just wanted to lie down and win!

Xiao Jin seemed to have rolled his eyes in contempt. "Master, seeds, seeds! As the name suggests, they are for planting, not for eating!"

I go!Also as the name suggests miles!It's so annoying, do you think I don't understand these things!

"Xiao Jin, do you mean that I really want to farm?"

Xiao Jin replied with certainty, "Yes, master! There is still a piece of audio left for you by the judging committee, just wait a moment, and it will be played for you right away."

Five seconds later, the crisp female voice from before sounded again.

 Thank you for your votes and support!
  There is also a ticket from Qidian book friend 20180925152037394, thank you for your long-term support (°з°)-

(End of this chapter)

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