Lottery System: Ancient Escape

Chapter 84 What's wrong with a whole bowl! (Thanks to Hua, 眰恦, Blooming Wealth, Magic Tickets)

Chapter 84 What's wrong with the whole bowl! (Thank you for the flowers, the blooming flowers, the wealth, and the magical votes)

At this moment, Zhao Feiyu was surrounding Mrs. Zhao's stove.

She stared intently at the water in the pot. When she saw the water bubbling and bubbling, Zhao Feiyu scooped out half a bowl of water with her own large porcelain sea bowl.

Tear~!With a crisp sound, Zhao Feiyu tore open a bag of Master Jin's instant noodles.

Then, she proudly threw the dough into the sea bowl, and added the seasonings one by one.

Finally, don’t forget about Chef Kim’s Friend Ham Sausage! "Zhiliu~" All of them were squeezed in.

Stir with a small fork, and a charming aroma comes out, which is spicy.

Zhao Feiyu hurriedly closed the lid, searched left and right, found a small stone at the foot, let him go, took it up and pressed it on the lid.

Zhao Feiyu was surrounded by a circle of children, looking dazed for a while.

Sister Yu'er, what are you doing?

Do you have something delicious to eat?

Why cover it with stones?

Don't you need to burn it?

Zhao Feiyu ignored the group of radish heads, she made a bowl for herself alone.

how?No way!What if she just made a whole bowl!It was originally her own stuff, but now it's all confiscated, and the material manager is still her stingy milk. If she doesn't take advantage of this stall and make a whole bowl for herself, she will be sorry for her thousand-character comment!you say!What's up with the whole bowl? !

Zhao Feiyu feels that she is miserable. Now she almost no longer has the right to eat a bowl of instant noodles alone!

In order to finish a pack of instant noodles completely, Zhao Feiyu turned her head and said to Mrs. Zhao.

"Grandma, do you understand what I did just now? Just do it like this! Give each pot 20 packs, it's almost enough!"

Mrs. Zhao was stunned to see her little granddaughter's operation, but when she heard Zhao Feiyu said that each pot should be filled with 20 bags, she immediately jumped up in a hurry.

Mrs. Zhao is not just a cook now, her status has been improved, and she is now the general manager of supplies for the whole village.

She doesn't allow anyone to meddle in her career, um, even her own granddaughter!

Finally, under the words of Mrs. Zhao, the material manager.This time, only 30 packs of Jinshifu noodles were cooked, and it was only made for the little ones to try.

In these years, who can eat enough?How much is enough to eat, such a small amount of food can't stand the whole thing!

So, this group of little dolls and half-sized girls, they are all lucky.

For tonight's meal, they each ate half a bowl of Master Jin's spicy instant noodles and half a pancake.

This spicy and fragrant smell has spread throughout the whole family, and can be smelled ten miles away.

This tastes amazing!The news spread all over the village, including old ladies, old men, young men and their daughters-in-law.

The halazi that slipped back to the mouth, they...they want to eat it too, but they are too embarrassed to ask, this thing is reserved for the children to eat.

They just ate some noodles and sipped hot noodle soup, and they were already very satisfied.

The little girls are especially grateful to Zhao Feiyu, originally these girls did not have such a blessing.

That's all because of Zhao Feiyu's persistence.

What's the matter with the girl?Girls can't eat it?A girl is also a baby!That can also hold up half the sky!Say it again!Then I am also a girl, can I not eat it?
Even Mrs. Zhao couldn't stand up to Zhao Feiyu's arguments, who would dare to fight back!

Hey, this terrible little ancestor!We can't afford to offer it up!

When Father Zhao found Zhao Feiyu, she was holding a sea bowl bigger than her face, sucking the noodles in it silently.

It's been a long time since I ate spicy food, that spicy one!Zhao Feiyu's tears and snot flowed out.

Father Zhao looked at the delicious food his daughter was eating and couldn't help but drool.

Zhao Feiyu narrowed her eyes and glanced at Father Zhao who had always been indifferent. The embarrassment made Zhao Feiyu smile.

Don't tell me if you see through!
 I had a little accident while driving today. This is the first time I have experienced such a thing. Hey,,^,, I have no experience!
  So, really, drive carefully!
  This is the only way to go today, I am still in the hospital, waiting to pay the money!
(End of this chapter)

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