Lottery System: Ancient Escape

Chapter 69 Disaster Scene (thanks to the nickname Yuanfang Bingxin, Aoxue Hanmeidai Xiaohua's s

Chapter 69 Disaster Scene (thanks to the nickname Yuanfang Bingxin, Aoxue Hanmeidai Xiaohua's smile)
Accompanied by a stench, what appeared in front of everyone was a skeleton head, skeleton hand, skeleton arm, and skeleton leg that seemed to be born from the ground. There was no complete flesh on those heads, arms, arms, and legs.

The vultures flying in the sky fly down from time to time to grab a piece of flesh and blood!
Such a scene is simply a large-scale disaster movie.

Everyone looked at it, and they all froze on the spot.

Zhao Feiyu felt a chill from the soles of her feet to her scalp.

Even every hair was trembling because of the chill.

The tip of the nose is filled with the sour and rotten smell, which pours straight into everyone's heart and brain, and keeps churning their stomachs.

In front of everyone, the village chief was so frightened that he slumped down on the ground and vomited.

Well, this slap in the face is quite fast and direct!

Zhao Changsheng and the half-children hurriedly helped the village chief up, dragged them and quickly left this hellish place.

No one spoke along the way, and everyone held their breath for fear of smelling the sour and rotten smell again.

They didn't dare to pant until they got out of the reed field and came to the resting place.

Several half-grown children couldn't help vomiting.Although I vomited for a long time, because I didn't eat anything and my stomach was empty, I could only retch and couldn't vomit.

After Zhao Feiyu came to ancient times, it was the first time to see so many dead people. Although it was not complete, it did not affect her imagination. Therefore, the power of imagination is the most terrifying! (ó﹏ò)
Zhao Feiyu was not frightened by those arms, hands and legs, she was frightened by her own imagination, she always felt that the lower body buried in the depression would be even more terrifying d(д).

Evil... Nima, I can't think about it, I dare not think about it!No wonder those kids who are not afraid of anything are scared to death.

Even the well-informed village chief is no better.Every year, various disasters occur in the village, and people die in every household. Deaths are not uncommon for them.

But such a large and shocking disaster scene has never been seen before!

When the village chief calmed down, he discussed the matter with Zhao Changsheng and a few old people in the village.

The village chief wanted to keep this matter a secret, so as not to cause panic among the villagers.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and before he could catch his breath, those snarky women immediately learned about it from their grandsons, and then, without a doubt, in the blink of an eye, Everyone knows about this.

Nima, as well as the bold and curious Tall Niu people, personally led everyone to check it out.

There were also women and ladies who did not believe in evil, and they followed him.

Oh!I was frightened and turned over several times on the spot, and rolled my eyes in fright!
snort!Should! →_→

The village chief snorted coldly!
A bunch of bastards who don’t know how to live or die!Should!
The village chief felt that he was frightened and knelt down, which hurt his self-esteem a little.As soon as I heard that some people were fainted by fright, I felt that my self-esteem was regained.

Several old men gathered together and muttered.After muttering for a long time, I really couldn't find the reason.

What kind of custom do you think this is?Why don't people bury everything?Why was it only half buried?You said it was buried alive, but it doesn't look like it?Which buried alive can bury half of it?The burial is so shallow, can people be suffocated to death if buried alive?You said that so many people died inexplicably, what is going on?
The old men couldn't figure it out, and the more they thought about it, the more evil they became. I'm afraid they might have encountered some kind of monster.

Zhao Changsheng is indeed a scholar, he has a certain logic than those old people.

He thought the place was supposed to be a little pond or something.This group of people should have fallen into the pond and drowned...

Hmm... not right, not right!Now that there is a lack of water, judging from the degree of decay of these corpses, it is only a few months.

How could there be such a deep water for so many of them to drown in a few months, they should have died of thirst due to lack of water.

It has to be said that Zhao Changsheng's deduction is already a little close to the truth, but it is still not close enough.

This is not to blame for Zhao Changsheng, he is a scholar who does not go out of his way.For some geographical common sense, he still has a half-knowledge.

At this moment, Zhao Changsheng had the feeling that he would hate less books when he was done using them!
 Author: Some readers said that they think the heroine is not smart enough. I just think that in many novels, the heroine is too smart, or even extremely smart, and the sense of substitution is getting worse and worse, so I want to give it a try. This kind of heroine who is more ordinary, slightly clumsy but cute, occasionally has her own little wisdom, treats people sincerely, and knows right from wrong. Such girls can be seen everywhere in life, just like the ordinary girl next door, even It is possible that you will see your own shadow in Zhao Feiyu.

  I still hope that everyone can like my work, after all, it is not easy to create!

(End of this chapter)

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