Lottery System: Ancient Escape

Chapter 62 Everyone Knows This Stalk! (Thanks to new friends Xi Changan, Xiaomi Line, GAME for their

Chapter 62 Everyone Knows This Stalk! (Thanks to new friends Xi Changan, Xiaomi Line, GAME for their votes)
Gao Daniu held the bucket and started tinkering again. The surrounding villagers clenched their fists and encouraged Gao Daniu (_)

Zhao Feiyu was speechless for a while.

Nima, this is a bucket for drinking water. How can the lid be opened by hand?

"Hey, let... let me do it! I'll do it!" Zhao Feiyu hurriedly said while pushing away the crowd.

The village chief was about to teach him a lesson, and he was another bastard who didn't have eyesight, and was beyond his control.The strong man Gao Daniu in our village can't open it, who can open it!

But when he saw that it was Zhao Feiyu, he thought about the scene where he and Zhao Changsheng appeared together.Immediately with a smile all over his face, he said kindly, "Yu girl, do you have a solution?"

"Hehe, hehe, don't hide it from the village chief grandpa. That... Jin Daxian, told me. I... I forgot just now, sorry, village chief grandpa."

oops!This is amazing, this is amazing, the girl actually got advice from Jin Daxian, this is amazing!

The village head and patriarch hurriedly stepped aside, and Gao Daniu who was beside him quickly handed the bucket to Zhao Feiyu. He was a little bit reluctant to give up the bucket, but he also knew that the whole village was eager to drink water now!There can be no further delay!
Hehe, Zhao Feiyu took the bucket, pretended to take it out of his pocket, and took the anti-wolf electric baton out of the space.

The electric baton is the size of a palm, with a thin end, just like the teaching pole her teacher used before, and it can be retracted freely.

Doesn't this anti-wolf electric baton mean that it integrates various functions in life and home? Well, it does have many functions, very good and powerful!

Zhao Feiyu took the handle of the electric baton, and gently poked the small end at the lid of the bucket.

(Author: Everyone knows this stalk, so I won't repeat it!)
Miraculously, a small hole was opened in the bucket.

"Oh, it's so wonderful!" Zhao's father on the side was very surprised.

"Wow, amazing!" The village head kept praising.

"Sister Yu'er, sister Yu'er, you're so good! You're so good!" The children beside me, middle-aged and young, clapped their hands.

"Hey! This girl Yu is so good!" The men gave a thumbs up at the side.

"Young girl Yu is so smart, just like her father, she is very smart and virtuous!" The mothers-in-law and aunts said with smiles on their faces.

Hehe, hehe, hehehe......


What else could Zhao Feiyu do?She can only hehehe again!
This time under the light of the setting sun.The village head poured two large bowls of water for each household.Every household ate some pancakes with water.

While eating here, Village Chief Zhao announced the following decision, which actually meant two things.

The first point is the bucket of water just now.

Village head Zhao fed back the information he learned from Zhao Changsheng to the villagers.

The general idea is that when Zhao Changsheng and Yu girl went out just now, they happened to meet a passing expert who claimed to be Jin Daxian.

"Jin Daxian has some tricks. He saw that the life of the Zhao family was difficult, so he offered to help. He didn't ask us for anything in return. He only asked the Zhao family to set up a tablet for Jin Daxian and provide incense..."

That's the general idea. However, what Village Chief Zhao said was simple, but the whole village was very excited when he heard it.

It's not easy for the village chief to explain too much, because Zhao Changsheng explained to him, and there is one more important thing that needs to be explained to the villagers.

"The second thing is, I hope that the villagers will not panic after hearing this."

The village chief thought about it and decided to speak.

"Master Xiao Dezi told us before leaving that we must leave this village as soon as possible. We are afraid that if we continue to stay here, we will be retaliated by Hu Manzi."

Speaking of this barbarian, the whole village, young and old, turned pale.

"So, originally we planned to leave this morning, but because of the lack of water, our schedule was delayed, and now that we have this water, I think we should leave as soon as possible."

Village head Zhao issued an order. Although many people complained about being wronged, they trembled when they thought of the cruelty of Hu Manzi!

 Author: Thank you old and new friends for your rewards and support!Thanks to my stupid and cute friends for the rewards, thanks to Xiangli Moyou for the rewards, thanks to Yimi Sunshine, vivo13563827825, Tang Yun Zixin, No. 5, Ziyeyoulan, Wang Qun, happy feeling tickets!Thank you(*°°)=3
  In order to thank you for your support, there will be an update in the afternoon (-ω-`)
(End of this chapter)

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