Lottery System: Ancient Escape

Chapter 48 Zhao Yaomei and Sun Xiaoliu (Part 6 is more grateful to the tickets for the flowers bloom

Chapter 48 Zhao Yaomei and Sun Xiaoliu
Mrs. Zhao narrowed her eyes with a smile.

You asked why you closed your eyes with a smile, because his third son whispered to her just now, saying that out of the two bags of grain in the yard, his family had one.

why?You dare to ask her why, but Mrs. Zhao dares to spit on you?Do you believe it?You ask and try.

If this is true, some people don't believe it and dare to ask.

The second younger brother of Patriarch Zhao, Mrs. Zhao's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sun.He felt that his uncle was the patriarch of the village, and his old man was the only doctor in the village, so her status was naturally no worse than this child-born old lady.

But why do the people in the village always respect Mrs. Zhao more and ignore her Mrs. Sun? They always leave it to Mrs. Zhao for any important matters, and she refuses to accept it!

Mrs. Sun felt that she was much better than Mrs. Zhao in everything.Why does Mrs. Zhao have it, but she doesn't have it?

No, when she saw this Mrs. Zhao actually picked up one of the two bags of grain in the yard.

Regardless of her virtuous image in the past, she jumped and scolded.

"Mother! I'll kill you today! You're eating a cannibal. Zhao Yaomei, why are you so cruel?"

Who is Zhao Yaomeier?Everyone was a little puzzled, and looked at the old lady Zhao who came back to her senses.

Zhao Yaomeier was the maiden name of Mrs. Zhao at home when she was young!Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Zhao have been playing together, comparing each other, and fighting together since they were young!
"Sun Xiaoliu, your dog's eyes are shining brightly, and your dog's ears can hear clearly. The official just said that this grain is used to exchange for my baby bump. It is already benevolent of me to leave a big bag for the big guys." Bar."

Mrs. Zhao doesn't care what you say, she only knows that the food is the truth.

Sun Xiaoliu refused, sat on the ground and rolled over, crying, cursing and calling Zhao Yaomei, you are unrighteous!
Zhao Yaomei glanced at her mouth and touched the hair bun with pomade.Renyi, benevolence and righteousness are fed to the dog's belly.You want to be kind and righteous, you take out your family's food and share it with everyone!

Mrs. Zhao asked her eldest son and her second son to move the food directly to her own cart.Then tie it with hemp rope.Cover with cotton cloth on top.On top of the torn cotton cloth, sit on a straw mat.A layer of tarpaulin was placed on top of the grass mat.

look!What to look at!Let you not see it!If you can't see it, you will get flustered!

In order to establish her majesty, Mrs. Zhao put her hands on her hips like a charter woman, and the shiny black apron in front of her was wrapped around her shoulders.Come on to everyone in the yard!
Gods fight, mortals suffer

All the people in the courtyard were silent, and no one dared to step forward to make a fool of themselves.Dare to pick up the rest of the food in that bag!No one dared to step forward to help Mrs. Sun who was sitting on the spot rolling.

Go away, go away, just go away, just get used to it.

Doctor Zhao's daughter-in-law turned out to be like this.It's so simple, tsk tsk... I can't bear to look directly at it.

In fact, everyone is already somewhat used to such a domineering and unreasonable old lady Zhao, and they are quite critical of the always virtuous old lady Sun, who suddenly turned into such a shrew, so it is actually quite mysterious to say that she is used to this thing.

You have always been domineering, making trouble for no reason, and others will think of you when you do a bad thing, but he has always been like this, so he is not surprised, there is nothing worth talking about.

You might even think, Huh?Isn't what he did pretty bad?There is nothing to say about a little bad.

If suddenly one day, that person does an ordinary, insignificant, small good deed, everyone will appreciate it and talk about it.

This is like Mrs. Zhao's behavior today, and everyone takes it for granted.Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao should be like this!
Our old lady Sun is just the opposite. She is always dignified and generous, giving people a very good impression.

But today, he was acting like this, which shocked everyone.

Mrs. Zhao, who had won the battle, looked like a victorious rooster.Showing off in front of everyone, after returning to the house, I saw several grandchildren of my family.Looking at her with star eyes, the admiration in those eyes is beyond words.

Ouch, it's too rare for Mrs. Zhao.

Especially when she saw her own granddaughter, those two dark, round, watery eyes in mid-winter.

Granny Zhao grinned happily, she doesn't know such adjectives, she can only say hey!My girl is so handsome~~
For Mrs. Zhao, today is destined to be an extraordinary day.

 Author: Thank you for your support!

  I will make persistent efforts to bring you good works (▽)
  Sometimes it may be a little later when the inspiration is lacking, but it is guaranteed to be updated twice a day.Sometimes when inspiration comes, there will be a third shift in the afternoon. Generally, if there is no third shift after [-]:[-], then it is probably gone. You don’t have to wait any longer, just wash up and sleep!

(End of this chapter)

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