Lottery System: Ancient Escape

Chapter 324 A New Plane (Thank you for your continued reading, it's almost over)

Chapter 324 A New Plane (Thank you for your continued reading, it's almost over)
At this time, Zhao Feiyu felt the pain in her lower body as if being torn, and the pain became more and more intense, and the frequency became faster and faster.

She gritted her teeth, clutched the quilt under her body, dripping with cold sweat, and finally, unable to bear it any longer, she let out a cry of pain!

"Be good, grandma! Work harder!" Mrs. Zhao was leaning on a cane, and her face was anxious outside the delivery room. Everyone didn't intend to let the little old lady come here, fearing that the little old lady would not be able to adapt for a while, and was shocked. her old man.

But today, no one's persuasion will work, Mrs. Zhao resolutely decided to stay with her grandson.

A large group of people were outside the delivery room, waiting anxiously. Ye Junhao clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were red. Hearing the screams in the delivery room, his heart was nervous and anxious, beating completely irregularly. .

Beads of sweat dripped down his temples, dripping to the ground, and his mood at this moment was three points more urgent than when he blew himself up to death in the face of tens of thousands of Zergs.

At this time, the sky was turning white, and with the first rays of the sun, the baby was crying, breaking the depressive and anxious atmosphere at this time.

"Congratulations, congratulations! Mother and child are safe, he is a fat boy!" The lady nurse pushed open the door of the delivery room, "Wait a moment, our doctor is dealing with it, and he will be fine soon!"

After hearing this, a group of people burst into smiles, and their nervousness was replaced by joy.

In 35 A.D. of the Blue Star Alliance, Blue Star officially left the M Star Domain and entered a brand new plane.

In the next few years, the major forces of the Star River Federation also sent countless spaceships to the M star field to investigate, but they found nothing. Of course, Ye Junhao and Zhao Feiyu couldn't find out about these, because At this moment, the two cosmic plane passages have been closed.

No one knows how all of this happened, and how everything ended. In short, the new universe plane, everything is waiting for them to explore and develop by themselves.

Blue Star's technology is now in the period of modern civilization. Before that, Zhao Feiyu had already felt the huge contradiction between the people's knowledge and culture and the development of technology. Therefore, in the past few years, the entire Blue Star has set off a wave of learning, and the school attendance rate is as high as 80%, of course, although some of them did not go to school, they still engaged in the study of technical jobs.

"Master, classmate Xiao Ai said that the construction plan of the system mall has been completed, why don't you go and have a look!" The system Xiaojin is no longer a simple system. Although it is still bound to the master's body, because of the With the help of classmate Xiao Ai and Xiao Heizi, he has evolved into a system mall management software, eh!To put it bluntly, it is still a system!
In short, Xiao Jin is really awesome right now, so be proud!

Zhao Feiyu doesn't really want to hit Xiaojin, because in Zhao Feiyu's view, the shopping mall that Xiaojin is opening now is like a certain treasure shopping mall in the world where she was in her previous life.

Due to technical limitations, Xiaojin's shopping mall system is different from the Galaxy Federation. It must rely on external objects to connect signal sources around the world, and then use the space transfer function of the signal source to achieve global shopping within an hour.

Zhao Feiyu is holding a shopping mall signal receiver in her hand. Well, it is actually a mobile phone model. Although it has not reached the level of lightness, compactness and exquisiteness, it can be seen at a glance that it is indeed a mobile phone!

"This is the purchase device in the mall. Open it here. You can see that there are many products in it. You can add them to the shopping cart and buy them directly. However, the types of these products are still too small..." Xiao Jin instructed Zhao Feiyu to operate. In fact, there is no need for guidance. This page is very simple, just look at it.

"This can be recharged, you can choose energy recharge, you can use an ordinary purple gold stone or jade to scan and try!" Xiao Jin suggested.

This function is really special. Zhao Feiyu took out a purple gold stone the size of a peanut from the space, and chose to recharge after scanning. A magical scene happened. The purple gold stone the size of a peanut slowly changed color at a speed visible to the naked eye. Keep rising until it stops at the number of 10000, and there will be a beep sound, which means the recharge is successful!

The purple gold stone in Zhao Feiyu's hand has become a colorless stone, basically useless.

"Hey, this little thing can save about [-] million points. When they buy it, the energy points will be sent directly to the signal source devices in various places, and then collected to our headquarters, and the energy points will be used by the headquarters for various businesses. Development." Xiao Jin said arrogantly.

Just at this time, a boy's cute voice came from outside the courtyard, "Mother! Mother, where are you?" The little boy looked six or seven years old, with a chubby white and tender face, very cute.

At this time, the little boy was frowning, looking aggrieved, his big black eyes were filled with tears, and the tears would not fall.

"What's the matter, Chenchen?" This little boy is Ye Xingchen, the eldest son of Zhao Feiyu and Ye Junhao.Yes!The stars of the sea of ​​stars!
Ye Xingchen is only seven years old now, but his IQ is beyond ordinary people's existence like a god of learning.Of course, in stark contrast to IQ is the EQ of some straight men.

"Mother, Yingzi next door always likes to pinch my face, I hate her!" Chenchen pouted very displeased.

Yingzi next door is none other than Zhao Shuanzhu's youngest daughter. Although Zhao Shuanzhu hasn't awakened any superpowers, he can't bear to have a good teacher, oh!His master is Captain Fang's brother, Master Hei Si.

Now Zhao Shuanzhu is the head of the bodyguard bureau in Zhaojia Town. If the shopping mall develops in the future, the traditional bodyguard bureau will definitely face reform. Zhao Feiyu thinks it is time to have a good talk with Zhao Shuanzhu.

"Mother, I hate Yingzi..." Chenchen pouted at this moment, complaining non-stop!
"Chenchen, sister Yingzi is rare for you to do this. Look, has she ever treated other boys like this?" Zhao Feiyu said.

"Uh...never..." Chenchen thought seriously, "but...but, daddy once said that she can't pinch my face like this if a man and a woman can't kiss each other!"

Chenchen clearly remembers that two days ago, his father slipped himself out of his mother's bed, and he solemnly warned himself, saying that he was already seven years old, he was a little man, and he could no longer act like an ignorant baby Also slept with mother, men and women can't accept it!
Zhao Feiyu helped her forehead, this Ye Junhao!

"Yeah! Your father is right. Then mother will go talk to Yingzi later. From now on, you should stay at home or in the college and don't play with those girls. After all, those girls will only Making snacks, drawing books, playing with small toys..." Zhao Feiyu listed them all.

"No no no! Mother, as long as they don't pinch my face anymore, I can still play with them reluctantly, really!" Chenchen changed his mind in a hurry.

He likes the little snacks made by the little sisters, and he likes to look at the little picture books in their hands, not to mention those little toys. In the academy, the teachers don't allow them to bring these things!
So, the little guy looked at the watch in his hand and said with a serious face: "Oh, the time I agreed with Yingzi is coming soon, mother, I'm going out first."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly jumped off the high stool and ran out the door in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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