Lottery System: Ancient Escape

Chapter 25 This stingy system

Chapter 25 This stingy system

Zhao Feiyu lowered her head and picked up the garbage on the ground obediently, she looked like a virtuous and honest village girl.

But if you take a closer look, she took a rough, chipped medicine bottle into the space when no one was prepared.

Then, in the space, Xiaojin asked Xiao Jin to help put seven pills that were originally in a white porcelain bottle into a broken bottle.Then, Xiao Jin was asked to print the crude words "Golden Sore Medicine" on the body of the bottle. These three words also cost Zhao Feiyu one energy point.

Hmph, this stingy system!
oh!By the way, let’s also talk about this energy point. Every time you accumulate a full grid, you can get a lottery ticket. How to accumulate it?It is estimated that it is to fill in the user experience, which is the same as the user evaluation of a certain treasure in the previous life with a word count of 50+ words + three photos + five-star praise, and the immediate cash back of three yuan is the same!

According to Xiao Jin, for low-level users, it is relatively easy to accumulate [-] points and get a lottery ticket. At high-level users, they must complete some shopping mall tasks to get points!

Zhao Feiyu no longer struggled, took back the black bottle, and looked at the black bottle processed by Xiaojin in her hand with satisfaction.

The bottle was still black, dirty, broken and torn, and even the three words "golden sore medicine" printed on the bottle were vague and without any characteristics.

Tut tut!Okay, Xiaojin, this old-fashioned craftsmanship is really good!

Zhao Feiyu gave Xiaojin a thumbs up in her heart, and all her previous feelings of Xiaojin's stinginess were wiped away.

Zhao Feiyu decided not to do one thing, but to quietly conjure up the small shovel obtained by the lottery.And hid it in the fire hole at the top of the kang.

Zhao Feiyu was on the sidelines preparing everything secretly, and she was about to usher in her first live performance in her life.

Come on, Zhao Feiyu, you can do it!

Zhao Feiyu cheered herself up silently in her heart.

There is no need to say anything more, Zhao Feiyu, from now on, this is your stage, so now, prepare your emotions and please start your performance!
"Hey, what is this? What is this? What is this?" Zhao Feiyu yelled loudly on purpose, with a hint of surprise in her voice.

Tsk tsk tsk, this exaggerated performance, this slightly exaggerated acting skills, immediately changed the contempt and contempt of the system Xiaojin (_)
Exaggerated expressions, superficial acting skills, bad reviews!
For Zhao Feiyu's first live performance, it seemed like she might overturn.

In fact, this is not necessarily the case. The truthfulness, kindness and beauty of the ancient people made them sincerely like cute fools. They did not doubt Zhao Feiyu's actions at all. Instead, they came forward to watch with interest and praised Zhao Feiyu.

Oh my god, this child, this child is so blessed!
Whoops, what is this?I've never seen this before, it looks like a shovel.

I'll go, what a big shovel!Whose pot is that big?With such a big shovel, how much rice do you have to make per meal?

Ouch!Miss Yu'er from the Zhao family is really capable!In the kang hole where the fire is burning, an iron bump can be pulled out!This fate brings blessings, tsk tsk tsk, it is the fate of Wangfu!
The surrounding villagers commented on Zhao Feiyu and the black thing that could be seen as a shovel.

"Okay, okay, what should I do, look around the little girl, what do you want to see?! You can't get enough of what you look at, and what you eat is not enough! Let it go!" The mouth is sharp, at this time, come over to protect your own cub.Anyone who sees her has to be afraid of three points.

Seeing her chasing people away, all the people rushed away and didn't take this matter to heart. If they saw her, they turned around and forgot about it.

Mrs. Zhao looked at the daughter of her third son, and the more she looked at her, the happier she became.

"Short oil, Sister Yu'er, my good granddaughter. What do you say you grew up eating, why is it different from other families? The more you look at it, the rarer it becomes. Let grandma take a look, let grandma take a closer look Whoops, tut tut! Not bad, not bad!"

Mrs. Zhao looked closely at her own granddaughter, while stretching out her hand, she brushed over the dark iron bumps on the ground.

Hehe, Zhao Feiyu couldn't help sighing in her heart, and let out a classic smile.

What can I say?Grandma, don't you want to take a closer look at me?Why do I see a shovel going up the more I look at it? Am I a shovel? !
 Creation is not easy!How about a little encouragement?

(End of this chapter)

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