Lottery System: Ancient Escape

Chapter 10 Parting ways (thanks to 1 meter sunshine for the vote)

Chapter 10 Parted Ways

Gao Da Niu led four or five stronger guys, leading the charge, with a kitchen knife in his hand, a stick in his waist, and a bow and arrow tied to his back. He carefully climbed up the rocky mountain to explore the terrain.

Gao Daniu's hunters are very experienced, the main thing is to observe first to see if there are large wild animals in the stone mountain.

If so, the villagers must be reminded to pay more attention.

Sure enough, Gao Daniu returned with a few people, saying that he saw a herd of wild boars and even the secretions of wild wolves.This news made everyone panic.

The village head appeases everyone's emotions and tries to persuade them.Folks, the difficulties ahead are only temporary. Let's work hard and climb over this mountain. The county town ahead has food and drink. Good days are waiting for you guys!blah blah blah blah...

Zhao Feiyu was chewing the sweet root in her mouth, one end of the sweet root was exposed outside her mouth, as she chewed, the outer end was up and down, looking like a little hooligan chewing gum.

The whole village hesitated at the foot of the mountain.At this moment, behind the team, bursts of yellow dust and the neighing of horses appeared!
Immediately, everyone panicked, but after a while, when the group of horses approached, everyone took a closer look and breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging by the attire of the horses and the attire of the groom on the carriage, they look like a small rich family or a small businessman fleeing for refuge.

When this group of people passed by them, they didn't stop too much, and they didn't even slow down the speed of the car.It was as if there was a ghost chasing after him.Go straight along the official road!
"Or, let's go the official way." Someone in the village said.Wouldn't it be courting death to take the dangerous mountain road instead of the wide avenue?
"What do you know? Meddling around every day, you can go the official way?" Someone shouted in a rough voice.

So, soon, the team was divided into two factions, one was Lai Zitou in the village, and a few more timid families. They believed that they should take the official path to be safe and there would be no wild animals.

On the other side are the patriarch and the village head leading the crowd, thinking that it is safe to walk on the mountain road and will not meet officers and soldiers.

The public said that the public was right, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right, and everyone was blushing. Seeing that time was waiting for no one, finally, the village chief and the patriarch discussed it together.

have to!Since everyone has different ways and does not conspire with each other, you walk your Yangguan way, and I cross my single-plank bridge.

Right here, at the foot of the Stone Forest Mountain, the big Zhao family split for the first time, and six families were separated, with nearly 40 people in the six families. The distressed grandfather of the patriarch silently wiped his tears.

Those six families, led by Lai Zitou, walked up the official road with their heads held high and their chests held high, and walked away without looking back.

The people behind them felt a little complicated, and some of them felt envious and murmured.

As soon as the village chief yelled like a loudspeaker, "Anyone who refuses to accept will leave! We won't stay!" Everyone fell silent like a quail.

Smart people know that the village head and patriarch's ability is great, only those short-sighted fools left, they are not stupid!

Because Zhao Feiyu is a newcomer, she doesn't know much about it, so she also finds it strange.Why take the dangerous mountain road if there is a wide road in front of you?

She didn't dare to ask others easily, so she held back her curiosity all the time, and finally waited for everyone to be armed and began to enter the stone forest. She finally approached the cheap mother Zhao Yuanshi and asked in a low voice.

Zhao Yuanshi didn't say much, so he told Zhao Feiyu three words, afraid of officers and soldiers!
Three words, all the sorrows of the poor!

As soon as Zhao Feiyu thought about it, she knew what Zhao Yuanshi meant by being afraid of officers and soldiers.

Afraid of encountering officers and soldiers, change tomorrow to arrest all the strong men in the family and serve in military service.

Then you asked why the carriage took the official route just now, it's because they have money, and anything that money can solve is not a problem!

 Author: I know, everyone is the owner of the right ticket, and any matter that can be solved by the ticket is not a problem!

(End of this chapter)

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